"The Time Has come...to be One...one with yourself...One with all...the time has come...
for the New Earth"
Great Quantum Transition
I am Temple Library
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A Reborn Experience - "I Am Multidimensional" session, by Leslie
Replacement of the Causal Matrix of Earth. What does this event mean for 3D Earth and us, earthlings
A reboot of our world - Part 3
A reboot of our world - Part 2
A reboot of our world - Part 1
On 20 Feb 2023, Co-Creators opened a 5D Portal for new high-frequency quantum energies coming to us
Darks again tried to create a new Nazi egregore based on a cloned Black Sun
Our intention has a crystalline form. Our Earth’s Crystal should be treated as an intelligent entity
Dr. Joe Dispenza: Cosmic, Mother Earth Valentines - Loving Heart Meditation
Catching up with the Updates. You have to master new knowledge that previously wasn’t on the planet
The death toll of the strongest earthquake in Turkey. Time is shrinking, events are accelerating.
Solar storms are so frequent. The entire Local Universe is changing. Roadmap to our evolution
Noosphere & Isosphere
Love is Spiritual Freedom! Judgment stems from our mental body, the Negative Ego
What we can learn today from the history of Lemuria and Atlantis? Who is Sanat Kumara?-Part 2
What we can learn today from the history of Lemuria and Atlantis? Who is Sanat Kumara?
The karmic duel between Light and Dark World Poles on Earth. Declassified-AI control on Earth-part 4
The karmic duel between Light and Dark World Poles on Earth. Declassified-AI control on Earth-part 3
The karmic duel between Light and Dark World Poles on Earth. Declassified-AI control on Earth-part 2
The karmic duel between Light and Dark World Poles on Earth. Declassified-AI control on Earth-part 1