"The Time Has come...to be One...one with yourself...One with all...the time has come...
for the New Earth"
Great Quantum Transition
I am Temple Library
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All the Answers Are Within. Claim YOUR MULTIDIMENSIONAL BODY
AWAKENING GAIA - A New Earth MOVIE. Enjoy!!!
Increase in general tensions - December 6-8 - Be very careful
Everything that is happening now is an integral part of the awakening of humanity
Astro-events and their energies in December 2022
Implants, Sensors Chips
We Create Our Reality
How to understand at what stage of awakening each of us is at the moment? How many such stages are?
Life doesn’t end after death, and our loved ones are always with us
How our Body is changing? Crystalline Body is Forming
How the Co-Creators are restoring human monads for the future 4th local universe
How is the Universe’s Matrix programmed? What is a complete exit from the Matrix at all?
How the Absolute create new, 4th, Local Universe vs Old-with Constructive and Destructive fields
Isolation is ended Forever! There is a visible and active highly developed 5D
Point of no return
What is the source of Carcinoma in our bodies and our Local Universe? How Earth became a threat?
Cosmic Thunderstorm - Fire and Splash
Disclosure - The 3D Control Structure of Earth and our current Soul Maturity
What a wild world ... literally and figuratively
WWIII - Any Conscious Distortion of the Truth will be Considered KARMA- New Algorithm of Wartime