"The Time Has come...to be One...one with yourself...One with all...the time has come...
for the New Earth"
Great Quantum Transition
I am Temple Library
Please join I am temple family
Everyone is facing the need for urgent change NOW
Bright And Powerful Earth
Dissolving Timelines. It is no longer possible to continue living in the old way.
It’s Hard for many. Dark Forces declared war. Time to face our fears and have an inner sight.
The Veil began to be removed and what are our Choices
Operation Helios
Unity Posters
Trilogy - Part 3 - ALWAYS NOW - Into Multidimensionality, Alive, Infinite, And Immortal
Trilogy - Part 2 - NOW - Earth was updated with the most ideal form of the Causal Matrix core
Trilogy - Part 1 - PAST- Nibiru, Abozis, Annunaks, Dracos and Reptiloids
Galactic Logos together with Higher Light Hierarchs will not leave the Earthlings in dire straits
What will we see when the Veil separating us from the 5D is removed? How do we respond to it?
The explained Poles Shift
External Management’s efforts to accelerate earthlings’ adaptation to the changes taking place
The Miracle Began
State of Emergency on Earth
You are the Human Beacon
Are you Starseed or/ and incarnated aspect of Co-Creators?
Ascension to 5D Gore (Part 2)