"The Time Has come...to be One...one with yourself...One with all...the time has come...
for the New Earth"
Great Quantum Transition
I am Temple Library
Please join I am temple family
The I Am University - 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D Chakras and The Ark of Covenant
True autobiography of our origins and blueprint
Removing The Dark Legacy
Reality Of The Fifth Dimension
Siriusians And Galacom Updates
Restructuring of the Solar System and New Galaxy for 5D Earth
Meet The Light
Light Forces Victory April 2021
The evolutionary path of our spiritual growth, expressed by the stages we go through. Universal Laws
Out of the Samsara Wheel
Melchizedek - Karmic Duel and Returning of Mother Sophia
The parasitic Kali Yuga was replaced by Satya Yuga, an era of righteousness and prosperity
Light Cities built thousands of years ago from earlier 3rd and 4th Human Races
Bye, bye Reptiloids....
Innovative Infrastructure on Earth
Re-activation of the entire Pyramid system on our planet
Gore, the twin planet of Earth
Earth Transformation into the new 5D world
Updated Galaxy Matrix
Who play the Role of Catalyst in the Old Universal Paradigm