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Writer's pictureAurora

All the Answers Are Within. Claim YOUR MULTIDIMENSIONAL BODY

We came to this planet with our free will and choice freedom. We knew perfectly well that our memory of our multidimensional past would be completely disconnected, and we would have to survive, understand and make decisions on our own.

We knew that our Monads (Higher Selves), and all the Higher Guardians, WON’T directly help, prompt, and save us. They will assist only if we pass through all events and trials correctly, withstand, and do not break down; if we don’t destroy, but keep in our Soul the Spark, given to us as a compass in this extreme environment.

Now we make a tough claim to OUR MULTIDIMENSIONAL BODY for our, and only our, choice and decision to incarnate here. THE CELL PRESENTS A BILL TO THE WHOLE ORGANISM, which itself is a microscopic Source’s cell. On 3D Earth, only a cancer cell behaves like this.

Won’t Directly Help

Now we demand explanations, hints, and support from our Monads and Keepers. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN if in our questions we seek patronage or confirmation of the already known and understandable TRUTH.

The narrative about the arrival of ETs-saviors, the Event, and the Flash is part of ONE BIG LIE, the purpose of which is to immure us in the endless EXPECTATION OF A MIRACLE, SALVATION, DOING NOTHING.

If we prefer to stay in the lowest frequencies from 0.3 Hz to 7.8 Hz with our emotions, thoughts, and aspirations, then Earth, which ALREADY radiates 80-100 Hz and higher, and has entered the fifth dimension, WILL KILL US.

This is exactly how the Flash (Event) worked, when with its help, during the previous harvestings, the planet was COMPLETELY CLEANED FROM PEOPLE, and sown anew for the incarnation of the next Souls in 3D retort and test site.

The search for an excuse that 90% of the world is sleeping and did not wake up, so all the talk about it is meaningless, is a LIE TO OURSELVES, an attempt not to hurt our loved ones, by hard, exhausting and painful inner work for rising our frequencies to the Earth’s level.

Another BIG LIE is our interpretation of the statements that “you must carry your cross”, “turn the other cheek”, “Jesus suffered on the cross, you can too”, or “suffering sanctions”. These are the postulates of the Grays and the Darks, facilitating the energy milking of sheeple as they label us.

Our Via Dolorosa

The true meaning of Christ’s utterances on these topics was not to submissively turn the other cheek for a blow, but that IN ANY TRIALS WE SHOULD NOT RESPOND WITH OUR INNER EVIL TO EVIL, HATRED TO HATRED, MEANNESS TO MEANNESS, BETRAYAL TO BETRAYAL… It is these reactions that Greys and Darks are waiting for from us, for whom this is the culinary delight and source of their life.

Our absolute misunderstanding of Christ’s accepting Judas’ betrayal, the Flagellation, His Via Dolorosa, and Crucifixion is that at this time He put in Self and annihilated all humans’ karma to save them from extermination during the approaching harvest Flash.

This is what Indigo, Crystalline and Radiant kids, starseeds, Lightwarriors, and Lightworkers are doing now, not expecting a miracle, an Event, or a Flash, not whining, not begging for explanations and help, and not making claims to everyone and everything except themselves.

From the very beginning and ALWAYS all the answers are inside us, and we have to find them ourselves…

All Answers are Inside Us

A man came to God and said: until I see, I will not believe! And God answered: until you believe, you will not see. Each consciousness has its own threshold of readiness to perceive the TRUTH, and faith/trust plays a key role in this.

We came here to learn to distinguish our own from someone else’s, to be able to generate information independently, embedding puzzle pieces (with the help of ideas, insights, intuitive thinking, and logic) into our picture of the world, regardless of opinions and authorities, in order to build that future, the memory of which is hidden in the depths of our multidimensional memory and intuition.

Being led in this case means our submission to someone else’s illusion, loss of the true self, and immersion even deeper into SELF-DECEPTION AND LIES.

There are those who believe and wait for their automatic upgrade, there are those who completely deny or simply do not know about this possibility, and there are a lot of gradations of acceptance between them. Absolutely all these scenarios are possible if we believe in them and work towards their fulfillment. The difference is only in the time of implementation and the resources spent.

What do we choose, hate or love, chaos or order, instability or balance? – Get it.

Do we want to play war, suffering, and Armageddon? – Please!

Do we want economic crises? – Welcome!

Do we want to sell our Souls for money, power, prestige and comfort? – Our right!

Do we want to learn how to forgive, be generous and accept different truths or a single one? – Go ahead!

Don’t want to? – We’ll always find classes to our liking.

And we continue to wait and believe that some site or prophet will correctly predict the future, and then we can definitely believe them – because they guide us on the right path!

To sell our Soul means to believe in the System and its doctrine, accept the rules of its game, immerse ourselves in its scenario of endless waiting for a miracle and liberation, and buy into any generous promises. We might as well sell our Souls to the Academy of Sciences, the army, social networks, and even Mickey Mouse. There is always a choice.

We are convinced that we don’t have the time, energy, or ability to independently wake up or improve the quality of our consciousness. We believe that if we find the right religion, organization, book, website, blogger, teacher, guru, or adviser, we could minimize our efforts, and inner work, necessary to get our own experience of awakening.

Who is the Guider?

We are sure, the helpers will explain to us what is TRUE, and we will just believe it, and get what we want. We naively think that this strategy will work. No. The problem is that we need to choose the right person to believe. But how can we do it without having sufficient wisdom ourselves?

Although knowledge can be transmitted from person to person, we gain wisdom and TRUTH ONLY through our own efforts and experiences, and they cannot be transmitted by others. If we refuse to take off our blinders, we must remember that the kit ALWAYS includes also a bit and a whip.

Our higher aspects usually give us what we resonate more with – what we think about and what we believe in. Thus, it is not they who change our reality, but we ourselves, and they only coordinate the overall situation so that we can learn to listen to our hearts and continue to search for the TRUTH on our own.

The more we discover the connection with our higher aspects, the more our overall influence on our life scenarios and multidimensional reality increases. Every moment we build what will actually happen next, whether tomorrow or in a hundred incarnations, and there is no foregone conclusion and even a clear goal, except for development as such.

Our Higher Aspects

The more we realize the connection with our parallels and verticals, the more we can adjust our timeline by our intention to the future and to the past, because both are only synchronizers.

Modern science equates the inner voice with schizophrenia. Together with the System, it inspires us: if we talk to God, it’s a religion, but if God talks to us, it’s our schizophrenia.

We can’t listen to ourselves.

We have to listen to a teacher, who listened to a professor who read posts and books that were written by readers of other posts and books, copied from posts and books of philosophers and other schizophrenics, who listened to their inner voice. So this is allowed…

To feed on our energy, the rulers of the 3D System kill our self-belief and self-confidence in every possible way.

They do their best to focus our attention on the external instead of the internal.

So we transmit what we see instead of dreaming and creating the future we want.

This is an endless repetition of the story about what wolf we feed in us.

And a self-fulfilling prophecy, thanks to our fear, instead of faith in self and in people.

Many of us are stubborn and have always struggled with life and those processes that we do not understand. We wanted an explanation for everything, why don't we have the right to know?

And while they didn’t explain it to us, we behave like a child.

Now, we are being taught hard, drop by drop to find out the TRUTH and assemble its parts.

We learn our destiny by ourselves, and it’s like they’re saying from above, “Well, do you understand at last?”

Sent And Perceived

The situation is that each of the nearly 8 billion people inhabiting Earth has everything individually, including the number of incarnation tasks. In all dimensions, it repeats: LEARN TO TRUST LIFE AND SELF.

That is, THERE IS ONLY ONE GOAL. Ignore and persist or not, it is our free choice. But in the development of our Soul, the plan that we are going through here and now, WE OURSELVES have drawn up before our incarnation on Earth.

The more tasks our Soul has taken on before embodiment and the better we perform them, the more significant events occur in our lives. These events allow us not only to upgrade ourselves, but also to help others evolve.

Often we have the feeling that we live 3-4 lives during one incarnation, or even more, because friends, interests, work, places of residence, and even appearance and look are constantly and radically changing. This is how our new aspects are activated.

Before activation, the old ballast is reset to zero, otherwise, we are too energetically heavy, and cannot fit new knowledge and high-frequency energies into a filled vessel for survival in 4D and 5D.

Zeroing out, like losing the old and finding a new self, is a test of our true motivation – do we want to develop and grow further or will we stay in the old and cozy zone? Of course, the 3D control System also takes part in this and often goes to extremes. But we are never given more lessons than we can bear.

Thanks to this, growing up, we all move along our life path, as if by touch in the dark, not hearing clues, not believing in the answers. Our brain gladly took on the role of the Messiah, telling us how it should be and how it should not be, what is right, and what is wrong.

The endless ferment of thoughts, the whipping up of anxieties, doubts, and fears, all kinds of “suddenly” and “if”, accusations, condemnations, cherishing our ego – all this is also its unconditional merit. A lot of negative emotions endlessly shake our nervous system, which manifests itself through various diseases of the body, when all life we are wandering in a maze of unbelief and boggle.

In Maze

We must look at all these facts from the standpoint of experience, without condemnation. It’s just that the conditions of experience have become tougher, the impact of 5D energies is more obvious and tangible, and finding the spiritual beginning in ourselves is a very difficult task for us. However, the more valuable is the victory with which we return home to the Source, having learned to recognize, overcome, spiritually see and become stronger.

It is not the task of the Keepers to carefully cover our path with comfort and peace. Their direct intervention in the events of our life occurs only in the most urgent cases, when something completely unplanned threatens the higher plans of our Soul. They, who have been taking care of us since our creation, accompany us in thousands of incarnations, infinitely love and sympathize with us, and can only gently hint at something, unobtrusively give a sign or a hint, invisibly embrace, thereby sending consolation.

At night, they carefully and painstakingly take care of our Thin Bodies, and help them recover after any traumatic events. But life in the incarnation is our and only our experience. This is our personal daily work. Only we are responsible for the number of bumps stuffed throughout life. The choice of the path, its level of difficulty, and the success of its passage is only our choice. We can be very selfish, making claims to the whole world, forgetting, at the same time, that the cause of all the troubles is in us.

We are used to constantly making claims, and condemning someone or something. Our internal aggression spills out on others every now and then. We are suffocated by resentment because of the unfair structure of this world. But all attempts to find some miraculous methods to achieve grace, without making any internal efforts to personal transformation, without conducting through oneself the energy of unconditional love for all things, without feeling gratitude for all difficult experiences, as for necessary lessons, are doomed to one hundred percent failure.

This is the structure of this world. Only through thorns can we rush to the stars. It is for gaining this understanding that we dive into the physical 3D bodies. And only when we gain understanding and fully accept this, we begin to rapidly evolve spiritually, thereby fully justifying the mission with which we came into this incarnation.

On December 11, 2022, at 09:13 AM CET, the details of info, received earlier via a Single Hierarchical Channel, were divulged.

It concerns the Karmic Council’s decision to make additions to the work with the flows of high-frequency energies, directed to Earth and earthlings for the Transition to 4D/5D. The adjustments are entrusted to the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs and a group of their assistants.

The additions are as follows.

Quantum flux combines with the energies of the elementals (Ether, Air, Water, Fire and Earth), which will speed up the transformation at the level of elementary particles and lower.

The group, headed by the former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe, and now one of the Pleroma’s Hierarchs, will focus on working with the four lower bodies of people – physical, etheric, astral, and mental.

Our Subtle Bodies And Chakras

The physical body allows us to incarnate and act in 3D. But all our motivations and reasons for actions come from other bodies, and the physical one is only a tool for their manifestation.

The etheric body consists of the energy of the same name, which is a transitional state between the material and Subtle Plane, and forms a shell at a distance of 1-2 cm around the physical corpus. The cosmic Life Energy (prana, qi) and information on the rhythm of the organs, blood composition, and so on circulates through this “coat”.

The astral body consists of the energy of our emotions, desires, and Soul state. It looks like an aura at a distance of 10 cm to one meter from the physical corpus and serves as a channel of our energy exchange with other people and the surrounding world.

Our emotions are constantly changing the color of the aura, which is our most exact self-portrait, no matter how we try to appear different. The aura glows white when we are positive and harmonious, and black when we radiate negativity.

If our willpower and determination are great, the astral body is dense and bright. Depressed, toxic people have a weak and dull aura, which is even more killed by nicotine, alcohol, drugs, and other “stimulants”. Such men can infect others with their negative thoughts and emotions through the interaction of astral bodies. But the reverse process also happens: if such a person is under the influence of the astral bodies of more developed people for a long time, it will benefit him.

The mental body is formed and consists of the energy of our thoughts, and creates a cocoon within a radius of two meters and more from the physical corpus. In the Tachyon Chamber, we can amplify the "cocoon" to 15 meters and more. With this energy, we build the events and reality of our life, and through it, our thoughts and actions are influenced.

The impact happens in different ways. We may suddenly have thoughts and desires that are not peculiar to us. It may be caused by the contact of our mental body with the same one of another person, and his thoughts have visited us. And only our choice is to accept them, give them a go, or let them pass by.

Most often we don’t realize that our thoughts aren’t always ours. As a rule, we are imbued with someone else’s perception and worldview.

Our Thoughts Aren't Always Ours

This is how the System loads our mentality with aggressive and destructive viruses and programs – political, religious, social, and ethical. We easily become puppets of Greys and Darks if don’t monitor the purity of our thoughts, and do not get rid of those thought forms that cause us harm.

It is also important to observe the sleep regime. It is during a full sleep that our mental and all other bodies are cleansed and harmonized.

According to the Co-Creators’ decision, the transformation of our bodies will be accelerated through the impact on our subconscious. They entrusted the work in another direction to World Mother Sophia.

Her task is to launch the mechanism of earthlings’ collective and individual self-healing. In the first stage, for this purpose, Sophia and her team will inject small portions of healing energy into the focus group on Earth to determine how they will act.

Injections will be repeated after a certain break. A single set of energies is planned for collective transformations. For healing, – an individual, is based on the receptivity of our bodies, thoughts, and emotions. In the work, the group will use an Energy Ordering Crystal.

The key condition for the implementation of these corrections is only one: Co-Creators will continue to assist EXCLUSIVELY THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES FOR TRANSITION IN 4D/5D.


Multidimensionality allows for a multi-layered manifestation of individual or self-determining group choices, therefore we will witness diverse realities.

From what I feel, the fusion 3D-4D-5D reality is not solid. The old notion that we sow as a solid final collective manifestation is no longer valid. So let’s not waste any more time expecting and waiting for the “new result” to be “seen”, but rather to ride the wave of Change and experience every moment to the fullest … our self-discovering creative imagination and our always very deep desire for peace, joy and kindness are the best tools for the open opportunity for the quantum journey.

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