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Astro-events and their energies in December 2022

Writer's picture: AuroraAurora

On 1 December 2022, at 05:52 PM CET, via Single Hierarchical Channel, the following info came:

Changing the original plans, Co-Creators ahead of schedule cleared the Earth’s Subtle Plane from the power of parasitic forces that have to leave the planet. The Darks’ era is ended. Their clan loses strength. Reformatting the collective consciousness of earthlings is widening.

They Have To Leave

We did not wait for the deadlines that Dark Forces were aimed for, leading planet into the abyss. Anticipating them, we put an insurmountable barrier on their way.

But peace on Earth has not yet come. It will be stormy for a while. The parasitic trifle does not fully understand that it is finally doomed and continues to resist and provoke.

Our breaking-news we’re rushing to report is that the blockade, to which the Darks have subjugated the collective consciousness and subconscious, has finally terminated. At all levels of the physical and Subtle Plane, the transformation of people will continue even more actively, being cleansed of the Archons’ legacy.

Physical flesh is inert due to the density and viscosity of 3D energy. Consciousness is more mobile, and now it is the main reformer on Earth.

Spirituality and consciousness come into closer contact, tuning into each other, and influencing the three-four-dimensional consciousness of earthlings. The long-awaited Satya Yuga is fully coming into its own.

The radiation of the Pleroma is in very close contact with the planet and earthlings through Primary Energies. Our presence on Earth is increasing. Our penetration into its crystal grid has become even deeper.

So far, our energies are depersonalized and integrated into the infrastructure through a Hierarchical Forces’ community. But it doesn’t matter. Our radiations enter the New World of living man on the lower edge of the Local Universe. And you are contributing to this. Thanks to you!

Overcoming the suffering, pain, and violence experienced by your minds and bodies, you bring Light to Earth, and restore its connections with Higher Energies through individual and collective work, through assistance in the Co-Creators’ operations on the planet.

The Earth’s core is enhanced by Light crystal energies. They are also introduced by men who still live in the old world, but rise with consciousness and Intelligence into the future, bringing it closer and attuning it with the present.

We also impact on dense atmosphere of the planet. It is changing, dispelling the chaos that affects people’s minds. The crystal lattice is being adjusted and receives new vibrations of earthlings’ consciousness and subconsciousness.

At a certain stage of the new development, Artificial Intelligence will also be in demand, but in qualities that are necessary for the Transition to 4th and 5th dimensions. Now, AI is subject only to Programmers of the Higher Light Hierarchy, which set completely different tasks.

AI under the Higher Light Hierarchy's run

This is good news for EVERYONE who lives on Earth. We will embody it in those who will continue to develop and be born in Satya Yuga. Kali Yuga also changes its format; it becomes easier and more constructive.

The Co-Creators’ message hints how they will use the key astro-events and their energies in December 2022.

There will be several such events: the quadrature of Saturn and Uranus; The Black Moon (Lilith) in opposition to Pluto; the return of Jupiter to Aries; – The Winter Solstice on December 21, 2022; the confrontation of Mars and the Sun; the reversal of Mercury in a retro loop.

Quadrature Of Saturn And Uranus

In December, the intense quadrature of Saturn and Uranus will remain the main energy background, but will gradually disintegrate, reducing the resistance of the Old World Order.

The large-scale revolutionary fundamental reforms, that Light Forces launched in 2021-2022 at the global and individual level, will continue to be cemented. This is the basis of a new future, which will burst into our lives in an avalanche in March 2023 with the ingression of Pluto into Aquarius.

By the end of the month, the influence of the quadrature vibrations of the two antagonist planets will gradually come to naught. It will be even more difficult for Dark Forces to use the Saturn’s energy to impose their pressure-regulating power.

On the contrary, Light Forces will be able to more actively apply the reformatory vibes of Uranus, which is still in connection with the Ascending Lunar Node in Taurus and will remain only 2-3 degrees Orbis for the whole month. This will allow to more actively waking up humanity by an acute and severe crisis, prompting to make an evolutionary leap into a new future. Will abruptly and unexpectedly blow up habitual comfortable stability, reset and clean up our materiality if we resist changes and stubbornly cling to outdated perception and attitude, that slow down our upgrading.

This stellium, like a powerful battering ram, will destroy the old to create an incredibly cool new one. Therefore, the world will still be in high tension throughout December.

Black Moon (Lilith) In The Confrontation With Pluto

The Black Moon is an aspect in the apogee point of the Moon, which remained on the Subtle Plane. It’s preserved there after Lilith, following her ex-husband, the former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe, switched to the Light Side. Dark Forces are still trying to use the remnants of her aspect for their destructive purposes.

Black Moon (Lilith)

In December, they expect to take advantage of the opposition of the Black Moon in Cancer and the transformer destroyer Pluto in Capricorn. The energies of the latter support the Laws of the Universe, and purify it from non-viable structures and regenerate potentially valuable and promising ones.

The confrontation between them will become exact on December 13, but will have an impact throughout December and the first decade of January 2023, until Lilith leaves Cancer. This stellium, which is formed on the cardinal axis of Cancer- Capricorn, will be the time of the toughest tests and scenarios in accordance with the energies of these planets and signs due to accumulated karma.

On a personal level, the vibrations of Cancer, through which the Black Moon is moving now (from April 15, 2022 to January 10, 2023), affect our emotional sphere, subconscious habits, relationships with loved ones, as well as national feelings and self-awareness, belonging to the nation, the country where we were born, to which we are emotionally attached or related roots.

Lilith’s freqs distorts these spheres, gives an incorrect assessment of what is happening, awakens negative states, provokes strong negative emotions, such as denial (parents, children, family, clan, country, nation), anger, hatred, thirst for revenge, but also a feeling of deep destructive guilt or resentment (in front of relatives, kids, authorities, State). By succumbing to this, we aggravate our karma by attracting negativity into our lives, which returns to us like a boomerang.

On a global level, the vibrations of Pluto’s destroyer-cleaner-transformer can trigger the most destructive scenarios in all of these spheres, which are sensitive to Cancer’s energies. In politics, this will manifest in the form of crimes against humanity, genocide, both of own and foreign people.

As before, the Darks will use Lilith’s energies in Cancer to provoke false patriotism in the collective consciousness and subconscious, the superiority of one nation over another, which is rapidly turning into Nazism and fascism. It was during Lilith’s time in Cancer that Nazi Germany flourished. Today, before our eyes, this is being repeated in another European country.

Nazi Triumph

Pluto, at the moment of confrontation with Lilith, is in the 28th degree of Capricorn. This degree is controlled by Saturn, which, by its vibrations, enhances the dominant, controlling, and limiting effects of Pluto’s energies. The Darks use them to strengthen their power and the power of capital, the 3D System and its structure with entire authoritarian vertical.

At the same time, this Pluto’s position also tightens the responsibility for violating Cosmic Laws, for which the punishment will be inevitable, as noted above in the message of Co-Creators. They will use the energies of Pluto in December to stimulate and strengthen our self-discipline and resilience to crises through hardening in tests to a reinforced concrete state.

A reliable shield against Lilith’s radiation in Cancer will be the determination and courage to take responsibility for the fate of the nation, country, planet, to act rationally (and not emotionally), not succumb to manipulation and provocation of the Darks, concentrate on the main things, have great patience, perseverance, proceed with caution and purposefully, have a strong will and vigor. Any success, even a small one, will depend on personal efforts, since the support of the Higher Light Forces depends on them.

The Return Of Jupiter To Aries

On December 20, the vibrations of Jupiter will reconnect with the fiery and warlike energies of Aries. In May-October, the planet was already in this sign, starting its new 12-year zodiac cycle. The vibrations of this stellium helped Light Forces to solve more effectively the important tasks of the Earth’s Transition to 5D.

They have been using Jupiter’s retrograde in Pisces since October 28 as temporary respite, to comprehend and adjust the strategy. And now, after the giant returned to direct movement on November 24, Light Forces will continue, by its energies, the onslaught and assault of parasitic power on Earth.

In Pisces, Jupiter will remain until December 20. It has a very strong position in this constellation, being at home there. This last, 12th sign is the place of its abode and maximum power.

Co-Creators will direct it to encourage us to creativity and Spirituality, peacefulness, selflessness and compassion, generosity and helping others. But at the same time, Jupiter’s energies are an ideal means to expose all the 3D System’s fallacies, deception, betrayal, meanness, addiction, crime, racial, national and religious enmity, so that we can even better see the ugliness and dirt of this world and cure it.

The System's Vices

Jupiter will stay in Pisces in the last two degrees of the sign – the 29th and 30th, where the whole essence of the contradictory energies of the constellation is maximally concentrated. This is a unique opportunity to solve the most complex and controversial problems before embarking on a new 12-year cycle that this friendly planet is forming.

At this time, Jupiter will again be in the same field with Neptune, and the energies of both will conflict sequentially with the vibrations of Mercury, Venus and the Sun, forming final squares with them. They will complete the annual cycles in the listed issues and show how well we have coped with our tasks. Here are the exact dates of the aspects:

Quadrature with Neptune: Mercury – December 2, Venus – December 4, the Sun – December 14;

Quadrature with Jupiter: Mercury – December 6, Venus – December 9, the Sun – December 22.

Winter Solstice December 21, 2022

Immediately after Jupiter returns to Aries at 14:33 UTC on December 20, the Sun will move to the lowest point of its ecliptic by December 21, and the Winter Solstice will occur, coinciding with the New Moon on December 23.

The Sun from the 1st degree of Capricorn forms a square on Jupiter in the 1st degree of Aries. This is a radical turning point, when whatever is done in the dark eventually comes to the light. It’s the time to receive important results of the year, and most importantly – the bifurcation point, a new breakthrough in 5D, which was prepared by the events of September 21-23 during the great confrontation of Jupiter and the Sun at the fall equinox.

At the time of Winter Solstice on December 21, 2022 at 21:48 UTC, the energies of the Sun and Jupiter quadrature will launch a new annual Solar cycle, and an important stage of the Transition to 4D/5D in March 2023.

Jupiter will stay in Aries until May 16, 2023, which will allow Co-Creators to effectively use the energies of the planet and constellation for decisive actions and quick results. This is the first sign of the zodiac, which gives impetus to ideas, goals and important undertakings, leadership, determination, the will to win.


But equally, the Darks can try to use the vibrations of Jupiter to amplify the low frequencies of Aries, scaling anger, aggression, cruelty, violence, provoking and intensifying wars and bloody conflicts.

Jupiter’s return to Aries will be during the peak activity of retrograde Mars. Therefore, for taking by storm the peaks that turned out to be beyond the control of the first approach, Light Forces will have to carry out deep and large-scale reviewing of their goals and ways to achieve them.

The Confrontation Between Mars And The Sun

The confrontation of Mars and the Sun will be the key aspect of December, which will form the main plots against the background of the described energies, powerful dynamics of the events of the month and create high tension, maximizing belligerence and conflicts.

The Red Planet moves retrograde from October 30, 2022, to January 12, 2023. This is a time of intense changes and ways to achieve them, as well as activity of Light Forces.

December is the middle period of Mars retrograde, when LFs will either make significant leap in solving key tasks, working in super-load mode, or find themselves in the epicenter of an even tougher conflict and confrontation with Dark Forces and the parasitic 3D System.

The peak will be December 8, 2022, when Mars, the Sun and Earth will line up, and the Red Planet will be at the minimum distance from Earth.

An important feature of the Mars’ opposition will be its coverage by the Moon (a kind of eclipse), which will coincide with alignment of Mars, the Sun and Earth during the Full Moon on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis.

All three events will occur on December 8: the Full Moon – at 04:08 UTC; the eclipse of Mars by the Moon – at 04:18 UTC; the opposition of Mars and the Sun – at 05:42 UTC.

Thus, it’s a peak of hyperactive and militant Martian energy of the year, which will come to a maximum of intensity and escalate struggle between Light and Dark Forces.

Hyperactive Mars

Also, Co-Creators take into account that during the retro-Mars period, its energy is directed not only to promote external goals, but also inward, especially when Moon covers Mars. Therefore, all dormant, but long overdue problems are opening at this time, come out, become the focus of attention to deal with them, correct, revise and redo.

The eclipse of Mars at the moment of confrontation, when it’s a “hair’s breadth” away from Earth, can create great tension, excessive and uncontrolled release of aggression, provoke extremely destructive states, peculiar ferocity, cruelty and violence. Moreover, the Black Moon in Cancer is hyperactive at this time and is in opposition with Pluto.

The harmonious aspects of Mercury, Venus and the Sun to Saturn during December will stabilize the explosive energy and help Co-Creators to direct it into a constructive channel.

Mercury’s Reversal Into A Retro Loop

Immediately after the peak of the confrontation between Mars and the Sun, Mercury will enter its new retro loop, which will begin on December 12 and last until February 5, 2023, covering the area from 8 to 25 degrees of Capricorn. In that loop, Mercury will move backwards from December 29, 2022 to January 18, 2023.

Mars Retrograde Motion

The conjunction of Mercury with the Sun will occur on January 7, 2023. Therefore, from December 12, 2022 to January 7, 2023 is a good time to complete or redo previously started cases, and then move on to new ones.It will be the most difficult loop of Mercury, as it overlaps with the retrograde of Mars, several times amplifying the vibrations of this stellium.

The most dangerous period will be from December 29, 2022, to January 12, 2023, especially at the moment of Mercury stopping and turning on December 28-30 and January 11-13.

Dark Forces can take this opportunity to arrange major man-made disasters, terrorist attacks at train stations and transport hubs, in shopping malls, educational institutions, and crowded places. So security issues will be an overarching challenge in that make-or-break month.



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