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Isolation is ended Forever! There is a visible and active highly developed 5D

Writer's picture: AuroraAurora

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

by Lev

Numerous Portals are constantly opening and closing in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Some let the energy in, others throw it out. The planet pulsates and breathes, drawing energy into the South Pole, and “exhales” it through the channel of the North Pole.

Polar disks-energy separators work synchronously. The Quasitron also pulsates, “inhaling” power and “exhaling” plasma clots.

The central control system of the Earth’s core, through the entire pyramid complex of the planet, began preparations for the reverse polarity. It won’t cause a somersault of the planet, only the polarity of the force and magnetic fields will change.

The Veil gradually disappear, opening a 4D/5D world.

Why does it seems to many of us that the 5D scenario is only for a selected few, and not for the rest of us?

Because we can't see that there was a separation into two equivalent processes, which go simultaneously and do not depend on each other. Moreover, they do not affect each other’s results, because they are coming in parallel from different forces and independent spaces.

One process is the withering away of the old dense-material 3D Matrix, the winding down and active termination of all its programs and scenarios that are still active.

Active Termination

This is causing intense tensions that have risen sharply in 2022. Growing exponentially, tensions are destroying everything that can no longer be lived in: politics, economics, education, culture, the social order, the ownership of natural resources and energy sources, the choice of our values and paths to further development.

In the near future it will only intensify, and all of us will have to live through it.

Another process, going on in parallel, is the work of the new, 5D Matrix, its more tangible manifestation on the world stage and in the lives of each of us.

Before, on this planet, we were alone, and only in three-dimensional density. We were boiling in our own juice, in heavy low frequencies, with our programs of control, suppression, and lawlessness. All other multidimensionality was behind the curtain, somewhere far away, in an invisible Cosmos. And we ignored the Laws of the Universe.

Now the situation has radically changed at the highest level. On Earth, right at this very moment, there is a visible and active manifestation of the “neighbor” – the highly developed 5D.


The neighbor didn’t come alone. Ahead is the compromised buffer service of the fourth density. Behind, are the sixth and seventh dimension spaces. All go with their worlds and laws.

They have already put Earth into a multi-dimensional and multi-level mode. With different inhabitants, nature, weather, friendly mutual cooperation. Our millennia-long ISOLATION IS ENDED FOREVER.

And we will have to adjust to this process synchronously. The entire program of life on Earth is completely changing. Energies, tectonics, climate, mineral, plant and animal world, our Subtle Bodies and physical corpus – DNA and RNA, cells, composition of blood, lymph, bones are being transformed.

Rebuilding of all living is going in a natural way, fed by new, high-frequency quantum inflows to the planet. Earth intensively absorbs them, accumulates and radiates outwards.

All of us are between a hammer and anvil. From above, Cosmos (hammer), comes liquid Crystalline Light. From below, Earth (anvil) doesn’t lag behind. It radiates counter energies, vibrating at the unprecedented before super vibrations of the fourth and fifth dimensions.

We are sandwiched between two counter forces interacting with each other, but with an important difference.

It’s as if we were in a steam cooker. From below, we were heated, brought to a boil, split into constituent elements, but the lid was not removed. We were not allowed to change our density, from liquid to gaseous or plasma. We were not permitted to leave the pot, forcing us to return to the concentration camp 3D over and over again.

Now the situation is different. The Law of Free Will and Choice Freedom has started working completely. Simultaneously with the increase of vibrations (temperature of water in the pot), the lid began to be lifted. Or rather we raise it ourselves, now, we can do it.

Timelines are being separated on 16 vectors. New Portals for perception are being opened. Each of us, by our frequencies, prepares our events, the environment of our survival and the possibility to develop further.

When our vibrations reach the tipping point and begin to radiate higher frequencies, at that same moment the 5D Matrix will activate our Body of Light.

Body of Light

This is the key to the instantaneous destruction of all remaining three dimensional programs, and the Transition into the higher freqs space of the fourth and fifth dimensions. In an instant, it will change our future path.

This is why many have started to form the structures of Light so actively in recent months: a Crystalline Body is forming around the body. Light is preparing for manifestation.

Co-Creators and Higher Light Hierarchs are speedily preparing us for the Transition into the fourth dimension.

Each reality selects the candidates according to the consonance with its frequencies. The Transition, that began in 2021, continues in 2022 not in masses, but in groups and individually, according to the readiness of each of us.

Now the situation on Earth is moved to the emergency state, requiring close attention and intervention. In September, 2022 events will accelerate to the Light Side. The situation is historical, watershed.

And what happens to those who don’t want or not ready to raise their vibration?

Unfortunately, no one will be able to remain in the old 3D world. Even if we hold dense energy (thoughts and emotions) of the third dimension for some time, it will not be possible to exist on the old frequencies now.

To survive, we will have to adjust to higher vibes and evolutionary challenges. Life will be completely changed. There is no turning back. What has to go will be a total fiasco on every level.

Higher Vibes

So how do we change? To begin with, it is important to observe our conversation with ourselves. Every time we talk about an unhealed wound or trauma, we re-activate it in our emotional, Spiritual and physical bodies.

When we talk or think about an old problem, we perceive it as if it is happening right now. Since our subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between a current experience and a past memory, for all intents and purposes the trauma or negative experience happens NOW.

When we reactivate old painful memories, our thoughts, words and emotions create negative karmic energy that we unknowingly project into our future.

This karmic energy manifests in more painful experiences similar to the original situation. In other words, when problems arise without resolution, a karmic cage or pattern is formed.

Karmic Cage

Each time this karmic pattern materializes in real life situations, we re-experience the original wound and the current pain at the same time. When this happens, it is a great opportunity to heal the past wound by healing the current wound.

Unfortunately, when the problem is reactivated, instead of using it as an opportunity to heal, we react by suppressing of feelings, pressing the wounds with alcohol, food, medication, the Internet, television and a long list of other distractions.

Unhealed problems are stored in our bodies until we let them go. The body acts as a repository for emotional wounds. But it takes its toll, especially when problems have accumulated over a long period of time.

The accumulation of wounds in our body weakens it and causes illness, depression, fatigue, stress and weight gain. But our body is ready to release the problems the moment we are ready.

When an untreated problem is reactivated, there is no need to suppress it.

It is better to take the time to finally heal it. This means feeling our emotions and allowing the problem to move on to healing.

Once we first become aware and allow ourselves to fully experience these emotions without resistance, we will know from Nature which path to healing is right for us.

Wounds need to be healed. We are not meant to waste our lives fiddling with past problems and hurts. Unhealed problems weigh us down, lock us in stress and prevent us from consciously creating. Only our personal problems keep us from realizing our greatest potential. Holding onto problems limits us and limits our ability to reach the top.

Reach The Top

Because of the shifts occurring due to the high frequency energies coming into the planet, it has never been easier to let go of old problems, but they are emerging to the surface to solve them.

That’s why many of us face familiar problems. Wounds want to heal and problems want to get rid of, but we have the last word. None of this can happen unless we are ready and willing. The Universe listens to us carefully and waits patiently.

And as part of the journey, here is a parable suitable for the topic:

– Master, – one day the disciple asked, – why there are difficulties that prevent us from reaching the goal, deviate us from our chosen path, and try to make us admit our weakness?

– What you call hardship, – the Master answered, – is in fact part of your goal. Stop struggling with it. Just think about it and take it into account when you choose your path.

Imagine you are shooting an arrow. The target is far away, and you cannot see it as the thick morning fog has descended on the ground. Do you fight the fog? No, you are waiting for the wind to blow and the fog to clear.

Now the target is visible, but the wind deflects the flight of your arrow. Are you fighting the wind? No, you just determine its direction and make adjustments by shooting at a slightly different angle.

Your bow is heavy and hard, you don’t have the strength to draw the string. Do you wrestle with your bow? No, you are training your muscles, pulling harder and harder each time.

– But there are people who shoot with a light, flexible bow in a clear, windless day, – the disciple said angrily. – Why it is that only my shot meets so many obstacles in its path? Is the Universe resisting my forward moving?

– Never look at others, – smiled the Master. – Everyone chooses his bow, his target and his time for the shot. For some, the goal is to hit accurately, for others, the opportunity to learn how to shoot.

The Master lowered his voice and leaned towards his disciple:

– And I also want to tell you a terrible secret, my boy. The Universe doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t resist anything and it doesn’t help anyone. The fog does not descend on the ground to hinder your shot, the wind does not begin to blow to steer your arrow away, and the hard bow is not made by the archer to make you realize your weakness.

All of this exists on its own, regardless of your desire. It is you who has decided that you can hit the target accurately in these conditions. So, either stop complaining about the difficulty and start shooting, or tame your pride and pick an easier target. A target, which you can shoot at point-blank range.


I would like to share the following video focusing on the vital life force level and higher consciousness above the physical. We can manipulate these frequencies and bring more healing to ourselves.

Here is the link:


One of the Major stone in the Tachyon chamber is Cintamani stone.

Chintamani is part of the physical core of Sirius, which was our Spiritual Sun. It also contains aspects of Higher Light Hierarchs, particularly the Mahatmas of Shambhala.

Originally, right after it was transported to Earth about 18 million years ago, It was a 144000 polyhedron. Each facet was linked with one of the Stars that took part in the Earth’s birth. They broadcast the energies necessary for its life. By them, Co-Creators control the planet’s core.

Later, Chintamani was segmented into 144 parts. The main and largest segment (over 90%) is located under Mount Kailas. It’s connected to the operations of all 144,000 Earthly pyramids, and together they function as a Time Portal and receiver of Source’s energies.

Another part of Chintamani is at the bottom of Lake Titicaca. A third is integrated into the Kaaba Stone in Mecca. Smaller fragments are scattered over different parts of the planet.

The main purpose of Chintamani is to be a filter and amplifier. It cleanses, stabilizes, and increases the energy of the particular space where it is placed, after removing everything negative and destructive from it.

Space is deformed by wars, all kinds of conflicts, and personally by people who radiate negative thoughts and emotions. Chintamani absorbs everything that is aggressive.

However, the Chintamani Stone is a type of resonance and vibrational stabilization instrument.

You can call this technology a Zero Point Energy.

All Chintamani stones are tachyonized because they come from outer space!

More details HERE



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