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Lost, Yet to Remember: The Soul’s Strategic Blueprint of Incarnation and Embodiment

Writer: AuroraAurora

Who decides where we will incarnate next? Where will our embodiments take place? What will be their duration? What are the goals and objectives of these experiences?

For thousands of years, the suppression of our Star memory has dulled our perception of the 3D Earth's anomalies. Today, powerful quantum waves and continuous solar storms are breaking through the 3D Veil, fully exposing the deception, the lies, and the pain of what is happening around us. The intensity of these revelations is overwhelming, leaving us desperate to escape what feels like an endless and unbearable torment. We plead with the Co-Creators and the Higher Light Hierarchy to evacuate us urgently.

However, we often forget that it is not up to Them. It is our Monads, through the exercise of Free Will and choice, that materialized us here, and our Higher Selves guide us as extensions of our multidimensional forms. Through remembering and accessing the vast Knowingness and Wisdom accumulated over countless incarnations, we find our way. Just as we did in our cosmic homes across other worlds and dimensions, we were sent to 3D Earth with a specific mission. Until that mission is completed, no one can "save" us.

On September 25, 26, and 29, 2024, through an accessible portal for us, the Co-Creators unveiled new rules of embodiment on Earth that are now in effect.

Recall that our Souls are akin to the Absolutes. They are born perfect, yet at the onset of evolution, they possess no experience. For billions of years, they learn through trial and error—trying, failing, doing, and studying both their own experiences and those of others. To facilitate this journey, the Source exhaled us as Sparks of itself, so acknowledge its own creations and, in turn, to know the Self through us.

Our Soul (a plasmic cocoon of the Spark), acting through the Monad (the repository of the Soul’s experiences) and the Higher Self (the Monad’s manifestation body and part of its Intelligence), guides us to different dimensions and spaces for further refinement. The Higher Self, following the Soul’s strategic plans, designs a specific tactical action plan for the avatar (us) in each incarnation. These plans are imprinted in the core of our causal body, with the possibility of adjustments. This is how each embodiment's program is created and fulfilled.

Additionally, there are causal DNA programs that shape our physical form, determining its features, health, diseases, injuries, and more. For an individual life scenario to unfold, external factors are required—such as the right environment, events, and people who must interact with us in specific ways. This coordination is managed by the Guardians, Karma Lords, and specialists from the Local Universe’s Evolutionary Committee.

Ideally, we are surrounded by individuals with similar incarnational goals and objectives, typically our relatives and close friends. However, we also require the assistance of "extras" - completely random outsiders - to create specific personal and external situations. This coordination is managed by the Programmers of the Matrix. As avatars, we not only fulfill our personal scenarios but also contribute to the global events scripted by the Co-Creators, all in alignment with the plans of the Absolute and the Source.

While we commonly refer to all earthlings as human beings based on shared characteristics such as appearance, physical parameters, and DNA, it is no secret that our planet is home to many extraterrestrials from other planets, galaxies, and universes. Additionally, a significant portion of the terrestrial population consists of phantoms, biorobots, hybrids, clones, and other service entities inhabiting human bodies, executing various programs without the freedom of choice or free will.

What is the main difference between these entities and humans?

Christ, the Supreme Hierarch of the Pleroma, created humanity in His own image and likeness. Through Him, we possess the Spirit (the abode of the Absolutes’ Aspects), the Soul (the carrier of the Source’s Spark), the Monad (the Soul’s manifestation body), and the Higher Self (a similar structure to the Monad). These represent different levels of our multidimensionality—from the Spirit in the 14th dimension to the physical body (avatar) in the 3rd dimension, with each level possessing its own consciousness.

To incarnate us on Earth, our Monad gradually unfolds its manifestation bodies, first in the Causal Plane (as a causal body), then in the Subtle Plane (in the form of mental and astral bodies), and finally entering the human body during or after birth.

An experienced Soul often prefers to enter the body after birth, typically during the teenage years or adulthood, using a powerful and piercing impulse, much like a projectile. To accommodate the potential and energy of the Spark, the body must already be stronger and more energy-intensive. As the Soul approaches the planet, it perceives a global schematic map that unfolds, displaying available bodies, slots, and their detailed characteristics. It can assess all indicators and parameters of each body to determine suitability for new experiences. By simultaneously scanning all options, the Soul selects the best candidate based on the accumulated potential for the tasks at hand.

Young Souls often prefer to enter an embryo at an early stage to adapt to the body and establish a connection. They experience the mother's pregnancy, including the final decision to keep the child or not, absorbing the parents' energy of love and anticipation for the desired child. However, there are also instances where the Soul may require indifference, antipathy, or even an abortion, which becomes part of its track record for future reference.

Life in the womb is a sacred time. All actions are scheduled down to the day and hour when translated into our understanding of time. In essence, there is no time in the conventional sense—only cycles and periods in which one event occurs before another. Previous incarnations are reviewed, analyzed, and the brightest moments are recalled alongside what needs to be addressed and achieved during this new life on Earth.

Every stage of embryo formation is governed by numbers and signs. The date of conception is carefully chosen to create a specific code, ensuring the development period aligns with necessary cycles. Departures to the Dark Worlds or Higher Realms also occur at specific moments, often linked to the phases of the Moon according to personal parameters and settings.

At the very moment of conception, the Soul gains access to the Akashic Records, where it undergoes initiation, receives an individual code, and deposits part of its energies for safekeeping throughout the incarnation. Upon completion, these energies are reclaimed. We only take on the energies (qualities, experiences) that will be needed in this life. Even gender is not immediately determined; the Soul experiments with different options to discern which is best suited for fulfilling its intended plan.

To gain a unique experience, our common consciousness with the higher aspects is temporarily fragmented and blocked. For this purpose, implants are often placed in the 3D parts of our being, making them denser but allowing them to exist independently, separate from the multidimensional whole, along with its memory and information. The interaction with other manifestation bodies of the Monad is limited or severed. We have no choice but to listen to ourselves, stand on our own two feet, and develop our singularity. This process enables us to acquire, utilize, and share valuable experiences in the future. While the removal of these blocks is possible, we must actively pursue it, proving our ability to consciously continue our growth.

It’s essential to remember that, despite all limitations and potential distortions, our connection with the Higher Self, the Monad, the Soul, and the Spark is always preserved. Through the Spark, we remain connected to the Source, along with its energy and life force. Every request sent to the Almighty reaches it, and the feedback from the One arrives in the form of a packet that can be unpacked using a key (access code) for decryption, resonating at specific frequencies. If we are in sync with these frequencies, we can unscramble it immediately. If not, the parcel remains in our field until we, through inner work, emit the necessary vibrations to activate the key and open the package, either layer by layer or in its entirety.

Is it possible to distort our Soul or infect it with a virus? While the core of the Soul (more precisely, the Source’s Spark) cannot be damaged, the Soul itself can become infected. As it develops and accumulates new experiences, it becomes denser and increases in size, expanding its field, which may allow part of it to become infected. It can also lead to the shutdown of the Soul’s properties, blocking the vibrations responsible for memory, or suppressing its will, thereby covering the Spark with an impenetrable shell that shields it from the Source’s impulses. In such cases, the Soul begins to behave like a large cancer cell within our body. Conversely, the more sophisticated and stronger the Soul, the harder it is to distort, but all avatars possess different capacities.

Our cosmic memory, its activation, and merging with the aspects of the Soul are all interconnected. Many of us believe we can effortlessly bring knowledge, abilities, and talents from previous lives into this one without significant cost or damage to our psyche. However, for the vast majority of incarnates, restoring multidimensional memory is not as straightforward as we might hope. There are considerations of measure, expediency, and energy consumption that must be factored into such attempts, along with countless other nuances. For example, if our primary lesson in this incarnation is to learn humility, it may be wiser to delay the activation of X-ray vision or acquire designs for a transgalactic perpetuum mobile.

If the program of the current embodiment does not include the activation of memory or an aspect, such as that of a nuclear physicist on another planet, initiating this process for any reason will require immense energy. This may result in the body needing to lie in bed for several months to rebuild and recover, not to mention the years it would take to unpack and translate this knowledge into a language understood here. If we haven't mastered the first-grade curriculum in Earth's school, we cannot access the tools of the fifth grade. Attempting to do so will force us to learn at such an accelerated pace that the incarnation may need to be abruptly interrupted.

To safeguard against this, mechanisms are in place. Typically, when we incarnate, we are aware of only 1% of our true "I Am." Ten percent of our consciousness exists within the consciousness of the planet, and our individuality does not extend beyond this 10%. We live and interact solely within this limited scope. The purpose of embodiment is to restore our dormant stellar memory through inner spiritual work, to remember our original consciousness, and to engage in the effortless process of change and creation. By seeing ourselves in everyone around us, we can transform them by altering our own perceptions. Even a small consciousness can awaken and transform the entire world. When our awareness exceeds 1%, we can ask for help and will always be heard, receiving the assistance we seek.

Attempts to exceed this 1% are often met with fear from our brains, which may scream that we will go crazy. This fear acts as a blocker. As we approach the threshold of greater awareness, the brain makes us feel blind and deaf, obstructing our expansion and generating phobias and paralyzing programs. These fears are interconnected, broadcasting limiting thought forms wherever we go. However, they can dissipate if we learn to trust ourselves more than others, believe in our innate abilities, and rely on the power of the Spark within us.

Our cosmic memory awakens when we are ready, and the universe continuously presents scenarios that facilitate this awakening. By stepping outside our comfort zones and expanding our consciousness, we allow our recollection to evolve alongside us. If we miss these opportunities, we may experience frustration, and repeated missed chances can lead to deep depression.

Human phantoms and hybrids do not encounter similar challenges, as they lack Monads, Souls, and Spirits, with their maximum development reaching the Causal Plane—a relatively high degree of development. There are also many entities on Earth that possess only mental, astral, etheric, and physical bodies, making them semi-biorobots. Their complete, 100% copies comprise only etheric and physical forms. How did this unsettling mixture of beings come to inhabit Earth? Every creator, while designing and developing a life form, imparts what they are capable of giving. If NAA, technogeeks, or demonic and parasitic space races lack a Soul and Monad, their creations will reflect these limitations.

In the hive consciousness of the modern neo-feudal elite, programs have been implanted that compel individuals to undertake the dirtiest and most arduous tasks for meager compensation. They have established mutually exclusive rules, the violations of which are built-in and inevitable, while maintaining a readiness for enforcement through intimidation, courts, and prisons. A collective sense of victimhood, guilt, and responsibility has been imposed upon the populace, convincing them that their lives are entirely dictated by external forces. Consequently, they have become blind to their agency, yet remain poised to cross the last moral line at any moment. The entire System and Power Pyramid are predicated on this manipulation.

How many manifestation bodies can Monads possess?

Some individuals have only one, while others may have dozens, hundreds, or even thousands, existing simultaneously in different spaces and dimensions across the past, present, and future. Each avatar gathers essential evolutionary experiences for their Maternal Being. In light of Earth’s transformation, significant adjustments are now made for incarnations on this planet.

Currently, in accordance with the Soul’s plan, each Higher Self independently develops and sets the tasks for one or multiple avatars, selecting the dimension, planet, location, and time of incarnation. This process involves meticulous analysis of specific databases that detail the various densities and worlds of the Universe, along with their evolutionary and planetary conditions, including those of our 3D Earth. Every individual who incarnates here is aware of what awaits them and their intended purpose.

Once the Higher Self completes this preparatory work, it submits an application to the Evolutionary Committee of the Local Universe. This hierarchical structure is solely responsible for determining admission to incarnation in a specific location, conducting a thorough examination of the request. The application outlines the experiences the Higher Self seeks from the avatar on Earth and in its current circumstances. The Committee diligently assesses the avatar’s level of spiritual development, past experiences, and the results of previous incarnations. If approved, this decision is binding; the planetary Logos facilitates the process, granting access for incarnation within its domain. This is a strictly sanctioned and legal procedure.

Should the Committee determine that the avatar’s level of awareness and spiritual maturity does not align with the chosen dimension or society, it will deny the request. For instance, if the individual has not yet learned love and positivity, they will be prohibited from incarnating in civilizations governed by these principles. Instead, they may be directed to environments rife with conflict and violence to gain knowledge, experience, wisdom, and ultimately, a deeper spirituality—if they are able to do so.

The new seeding and redistribution of humanity among the 3D, 4D, 5D, and higher dimensions, which is currently underway, is conducted exclusively based on decisions made by the Evolutionary Committee. While the wishes of the Higher Selves are taken into account, they must be specific and justified rather than merely aspirational. So, who remains, and who ascends? It is important to remember that a single eon encompasses the 3D, 4D, and 5D dimensions. The fourth density serves as a transitional preparatory stage, which lasts depending on our readiness to enter the fifth dimension.

Who has been banned by the Committee? According to the new rules, this includes:

  • Avatar-phantoms, as they do not exist in 4D and higher and are not needed there.

  • Avatars unauthorized to remain on 3D Earth.

  • Avatars unprepared for mental, spiritual, and physical transformation.

  • Those who have not acquired the necessary 3D experience, even to a minimal extent, and will continue to evolve on the renewed 3D Earth after death and rebirth in a new body or will be relocated to another three-dimensional world.

  • Avatars whose Higher Selves have chosen to continue incarnations in other parts of the Greater Cosmos.

  • Avatars that must be evacuated from Earth to their home worlds due to the completion of their program or mission.

  • Avatars that have not resolved their karma.

The remainder will enter 4D in their existing transformed bodies or through death and rebirth in 4D or 5D in new forms. Ultimately, everything depends on individual readiness.

A significant feature of these new rules is that they apply not only to individuals but also to entire races, nations, and ethnic groups, which may either overwhelmingly depart or remain on the planet as dominant civilizations. The Draconians and Reptilians have been informed, “Bag and baggage". This is how the Co-Creators separate the grain from the chaff,” after which they plan for a Great New Re-Seeding on Earth. The current evolutionary mega-cycle is concluding, and after a brief transitional period, the next cycle will commence, succeeding the active phase of terrestrial reformatting.

Furthermore, we have often perceived Earth as a mine and colony of the NAA, a concentration camp serving the Dark and Gray forces, regarded as one of the worst places in the universe. Disclosure News has addressed this issue numerous times while reminding us that although created by Yaldabaoth, Earth was spiritualized by Gaia, who dedicated half of herself to this endeavour, along with the World Mother Sophia. Notably, amid the 10,000,000 inhabited worlds in our Local Universe, Christ incarnated primarily on Earth, the center of the third dimension, to guide its evolution from a demonic state toward a divine trajectory.

It is almost unimaginable for us to comprehend that Earth is the most desired place for incarnation. To attain the opportunity to incarnate here, we had to stand in an extensive queue, in terms of both time and the number of applicants, and undergo a rigorous selection process. Those who have graduated from this terrestrial school hold a special honorary status throughout the Greater Cosmos. This fact prompts us to reflect on why we are here at this moment and to appreciate the significance of every day, hour, and minute we are granted on this planet.

The capacity of the incarnation field within Earth’s Causal Matrix is limited and designed to accommodate only a specific number of avatars. While we may not perceive it, the planetary Logos facilitates our embodiment around the clock. Everything that occurs to us is instantly recorded in our personal incarnation cell, which resides within the Causal Matrix of the terrestrial Logos. This allows for continuous communication, energy exchange, and information flow between us and our Higher Selves through the core of our causal body.

Previously, the incarnation capacity of Earth’s Logos—representing the maximum number of avatars it can adequately support—was initially planned for 7,777,777,777 individuals. However, due to karma, both ours and that of the Dark forces, this number was reduced to 6,666,666,666. Recently, the Co-Creators have increased this capacity to 9,999,999,999 for the upcoming evolutionary cycle. They have also indicated that in the new 14D Logos, Al-The Terra Gaia, the number will be significantly larger, although specific details have not been disclosed.

14D Logos

Thus, the new version of ourselves has ample room for expansion. This opportunity, however, does not apply to phantoms, as they are not considered part of humanity and lack personal incarnation matrices. Additionally, the Dark and Gray races, who have settled on Earth as a result of space wars and invasions, will not be integrated into the new civilization. Currently, these entities are being deported en masse, as their evolutionary experience here is not officially recognized, given that they have occupied this space illegally, without registration in the Earth’s Causal Matrix.

The world surrounding each of us is created by our thoughts, emotions, fears, and all the feelings we have invested during our various incarnations. It is we who have chosen to exist within this world, whether consciously or unconsciously. It is solely our responsibility to determine the world in which we wish to live today and tomorrow. However, many of us struggle to understand and accept this reality. Those living in war-torn countries, suffering from poverty, hunger, violence, and unrest often ask: “Why don’t the Co-Creators, the Light Hierarchs, and the friendly extraterrestrial races intervene and save us? Why are we not protected from the forces that have perpetrated evil for thousands of years, keeping humanity in a state of total slavery?” Yet, they often respond with hostility to any reminder that it is we ourselves who chose to incarnate under these conditions to gain experiences unavailable elsewhere.

We can choose to feed the hungry and help the impoverished. We can stand up for the exploited and the disenfranchised. Many are indeed acting as reformers and heroes. However, if Light Beings, extraterrestrials, or their groups were to arrive and say, “Calm down and relax; we will handle everything for you and create a better world where you can live happily ever after,” we would essentially forfeit our purpose for being on Earth.

Regardless of how vehemently we demand mass arrests and numerous trials to unveil the truth and hold accountable those who have committed atrocities on our planet, the Co-Creators will never serve as judges, jurors, or executors of sentences. This responsibility is exclusively ours, whether we are aware of it or not. Their assistance manifests in different ways: they help to transform the planet and ourselves in harmony with the Local Universe, sending high-frequency energies and uploading codes and new knowledge into us, allowing us to live and evolve within these new vibrations and succeed in our aspirations and daily endeavors.

They do not intend to act in our stead or to balance the scales for us. Instead, they expect us to rise to the occasion, without clinging to resentment or blaming the Co-Creators for the challenges we face in our world. Once we cleanse ourselves of this heaviness and darkness within, we will no longer need to passively await help or indulge in complaining, suffering, and demanding. On the contrary, as we awaken, embrace honesty, and expand our consciousness, our responsibility for the energies we generate and radiate will increase. The experiences we gain as avatars in the present will become far richer and more profound.

Through the vast sentient ocean of the transfinite, with its endless densities, spaces, rivers, and waves of time and energy, many of us, together with Co-Creators, elevate words, civilizations, and evolution scenarios. Earth and its inhabitants are integral to these processes, now progressing to a higher level of evolution alongside the entire Local Universe.

In the Universe, everything is interconnected as One, yet each being manifests uniquely through their own consciousness. It is essential for us to evolve and, as representatives of planet Earth, contribute to the greater cosmic experience with our knowledge and achievements. Through our earthly journey, we learn and integrate by translating cosmic language into Earth's for communication, while directing our thoughts and feelings from the heart to co-create realities within our local environment. In doing so, we embody and anchor both the infinite connections of Divine Love and the grounded experience of life on Earth.

This holds deep significance for anyone on a 'mission trip' to Earth. We should not assume that by incarnating here, we leave our experiences solely within the Akashic Records. The truth is that our experiences travel with our Soul/Spirit Crystal, while only a copy remains on Earth's "hard disk." This ensures that our knowledge is preserved, so if we choose to return, we can access it when needed. However, we must now adjust our frequencies to align with the 4D/5D energies anchored on Earth—a challenge that not everyone may be able to endure.

Our True Existence is not defined by the salary we earn, but by the Highest Will we came to Earth to learn, experience, and embody through the passion and energy we pour into what truly spiritualizes us. As we pursue the new, the old fades, making room for a brighter future. For millennia, we were deliberately blinded, deafened, and separated from our true selves and the awareness of our multidimensional embodiment, leaving us unable to recover from immense shocks. Now, we have the opportunity to rebuild—not from scratch, but with a wealth of knowledge and attainments. This is how we reconnect with our True Cosmic Essence. Throughout this process, we are never alone; we are guided, and more opportunities will continue to unfold before us.


One on One Personal Session


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