On September 5/6th, a grand trine involving Mercury and Athena in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus will activate as Mercury and Athena enter Virgo. This grand trine will be further activated as Saturn who has been retrograde, stations and turns direct again, on the same day.
This is a powerful energy which will be active and will build up for several days and will culminate at the powerful new moon on 9/9. It is a grounding stabilizing energy (Earth trine), to assist us to bring Light in our lives and in our minds, to separate the wheat from the chaff, to get new downloads and insights in order to move forward and ground, stabilize and manifest our new projects.This new moon is in the sign of Virgo, which is one of the archetype of ancient temple priestess, the energy of creating order and birthing Soul energies through the physical body. Neptune in Pisces in opposition to the new moon brings energies of Oneness into the picture. The sextiles between the new moon, Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune, all in feminine signs, bring an energy of ease to surrender into the unconditional Goddess presence. This will also last for a few days after the new moon. There are other powerful aspects at this new moon but covering it all would be too long.
The energies until this new moon are stabilizing and softer, and the energies that will come after this new moon are more about going forward and making things real.
On september 11, Mars enters Aquarius. He is covering the same territory that he did during his retrograde phase and so this is bringing conclusion, putting the lessons into practice, for this process.
As Mars enters Aquarius this activates a double square between Venus Uranus and Mars.
This very much amplifies the energies and connects together Mars and Venus and the retrograde process of inner review they are both going through this year, so this aspect is very much about conciling masculine feminine and male female and opposite polarities. Uranus brings an energy of unexpected events and actions, release of pent up energies, and downloads and insights. This will start on september 11 and last over the next few days and it will be a time to be careful about tensions, to stay calm and use situations constructively, to avoid polarizing situations too much, to concile polarities involved in the situation within us and to look at the higher purpose behind the situations.
The full article is HERE