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Point of no return

Writer's picture: AuroraAurora

Updated: Sep 10, 2022


  1. Blind Spot - is the time to clarify who will run the Earthly house. It’s the setting up of the EVOLUTIONARY FORCE that will be dominant in the New World, on the renewed Earth, in accordance with the Absolute’s Will.

  2. Bifurcation - is a catastrophic leap, a conflict breakdown, a node of interaction between fluctuations and irreversibility. This is the moment when a person can easily choose one or the other, to act or not act, to do one thing or another, after which there is no return to the past.

  3. On July 25th, 2022, at 5:50 AM CET, the Siriusians’ tracking station on the Moon transmitted - Earth is In Gravitational Cyclone - Today, the last cleansing stage is open to everyone to go through the fiery scrubbing, sobering and awakening consciousness. Energies can cause symptoms of detoxification, as they destroy everything too dense for the new vibrations of the planet and the frequencies it generates in our cells. It may manifest as flu symptoms: headache, muscle tension, pain in the skeleton and joints.

  4. Breaking News Of 04:00 PM CET, 25 July 2022 - On July 25, 2022, the Karmic Council adopted an official resolution on the end of the 3D Earth’s evolutionary cycles of Kali Yuga and Cosmic Night.

  5. Global Predictor - has always very easily coned this or that country, an entire region, simply changing their leadership or shuffling the elite. And then he gave commands to the new rulers what to do. This is what is behind the wave of resignations around the world.

  6. The Crystal of Primary Energies - On 27 July 2022, at 06:49 AM CET, Co-Creators and Galacom conveyed the new important info. The Crystal is multifunctional. It emits a perfect dipole combination of Feminine and Masculine Foundations. Thanks to this, the Absolute (which was not a dipole before), now, can build a completely new Local Universe, all its Galaxies and planets, including Earth.

Why did this very strange decision take place? After all, the de facto Kali Yuga and the Cosmic Night have already ended, and their programs were deactivated earlier. The answer is precisely that it is only de facto, but it is also necessary de jure.

Of course, this decision only fixes a previously accomplished fact by Cosmic Law. But it’s not all that simple. Such an official decision was required for the following reasons.

Blind Spot

Psychologically and energetically, this is a very difficult and tough time FOR ALL OF US. And the reason is not only how quickly we learn and begin to CONSTANTLY emit high vibrations to match the continuously raising vibrations of Earth and the Sun.

Another important reason is systemic: BLIND SPOT, or the transition period from the 3D Matrix to the new, 5D, one.

There are a number of stages at this distance. The initial, consists of preparation, which many of us will soon terminate. We are approaching the equator on the path of changing Matrices and the start of a New World.

  1. First Stage - Purification

  2. Second Stage - Global Zeroing

  3. Third Stage - Bifurcation Points

At the FIRST STAGE, global processes of purification, displacement of energies, information and evolutionary programs of the old 3D World and its Matrix begin, and their gradual replacement with new, 5D, substances and energies.

The most important stage is ahead – Third STAGE - the point of systemic bifurcation, which will determine what the New World will be like, and how the 5D Matrix will materialize in it. And, first of all, on what evolutionary basis: of Dark Forces or Light Forces? (more explanations are follow)

The bifurcation point is preceded by a phase of global zeroing. We all feel this process well and see it in the world around us.

Bifurcation Points

This is followed by the Blind Spot period, which in 3D has its duration. It began on June 22, 2022, and depends on many factors, external and internal. Any forecasts are conditional.

What does the Blind Spot phase mean and how is it characterized? This term (synonyms – deadlock, stand-off; standstill; stalemate; dead center; dead-spot) is taken from Earthly science, and it is used here intentionally. So, what is it? No matter how distant the analogies may look, they can explain a lot.

In mechanics, it’s one of the extreme positions of the piston in the cylinder of a steam engine or internal combustion engine at the time of its reciprocating motion. When the piston stops in the dead center, an external impact is required to start the movement.

That is, this is the position of the parts of the machine when it seems to freeze for a moment in immobility: the forces acting from opposite sides are balanced. To prevent the mechanism from stopping, special flywheels are used, which, continuing to spin by inertia, shift it from the dead center.

In sports, this is the state of the body during intensive exercise. It occurs a few minutes after the start of hard muscle work that causes an unpleasant shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, dizziness, increased pulsation of blood vessels in the head, the desire to stop working.

On The Blind Spot

With insufficient warm-up and excessive intensity of the training start, there is a discrepancy between the oxygen needs of the muscles and the ability of the cardiovascular system to adequately provide it to the body.

As a result, from the very beginning, decomposition products and, above all, lactic acid accumulate in the muscles.

To avoid the Blind Spot condition, it is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of the training session.

When the Blind Spot has come, it can be overcome by great willpower. If physical work continues, this state will be replaced by a feeling of sudden relief, which is most often manifested in second breath. It means that the body has adapted and can satisfy the working muscles with the necessary energy.

In psychology, Blind Spot is a period in a person’s life when he is bogged down, does not move forward, and not move back either. It’s like he’s stuck at a crossroads. Some believe that this has its advantages, at least in a person’s life there is stability, calmness, a certain confidence in the future. For others, it means stagnation in career, personal growth, achievements, etc.

Many people are experiencing complete apathy now when they don’t want to do anything, or even live. There’s nothing fatal with that. It is caused by being in the Blind Spot, global zeroing, including man’s individual transformation.

Other examples can be given. What is important for us to understand in this regard?

The processes in our life, the laws of Nature and the change of the Matrix are largely identical.

When the piston stops in the Blind Spot, an external action is required to start the movement. It means that when the Matrices (World Order) change, complete equilibrium and zeroing will be achieved, from which the System (World) will not be able to get out on its own, at the expense of its internal resources and energy.

To exit the Blind Spot and move to the next point, 5D Matrix (New World), external impact will be required. Let’s just remember this for now.

To Future 5D World

In the scenario of current world events, Blind Spot is the time to clarify who will run the Earthly house. It’s the setting up of the EVOLUTIONARY FORCE that will be dominant in the New World, on the renewed Earth, in accordance with the Absolute’s Will.

This is exactly what is happening right now before our eyes, during the hybrid Third World War of Dark Forces against Light Forces. And we all have to read from the same page.



Indeed, simultaneously with the stage of global cleansing (see Disclosure News, Blind Spot, July 19, 2022), right before our eyes, the bifurcation phase is already beginning not only on the mental/conscious level, but also in the System and space/time as a whole.

The culmination of this phase will be the achievement of a critical threshold, immediately after which the final part will come: the passing through Bifurcation Point.

Ten years earlier, we had already gone through something similar. Then, the question was: Harvesting or the Great Quantum Transition? That is, removing the entire Fifth Race from Earth and settling it from scratch, in a completely cleared place, with a new civilization, or helping maximum number of earthlings in the Transition from 3D to 5D, who are ready to undergo a difficult and extremely painful inner transformation for that.

The Absolute chose the second solution, and there were many reasons for it, connected not only and not so much with Earth and earthlings.

In a short period, important events were coincided. A complete turning around their rotation center made the Local Universe (goes full circle in 8.64 billion years), the Milky Way (2 billion years), the Solar System (225-275 million years), and Earth (26 thousand years), bringing them to the next step of evolution.

Local Universe

The Local Universe has terminated the stage of duality, i.e. continuous testing and stimulation of development by maximum aggravation of polarities.

For the Absolute (which wasn’t a dipole at that time), it was the third Local Universe, a project in which she knew herself and her creation in all its extreme manifestations.

The Milky Way, the Solar System and Earth were just one of a great many proving grounds where duality (Positive/ Negative) tests were also conducted.

They reached the peak during the last Cosmic Night, filled of endless space wars, the seizure of planets, enslavement and often the destruction of all their inhabitants.

Milky Way, Solar System, Earth

Now the situation is different. The Absolute became dipole (Masculine/ Feminine) and rose to the next level of the Hierarchy. The Local Universe is quarantined, cleansed of the remnants of duality, and is preparing for its fourth version.

The Cosmic Night is over. The Solar System and Earth are approaching the Cosmic Daybreak, in the zone of direct and full visibility of the Source and Its radiations. They are already coming to our planet in powerful streams, mercilessly burning out with high frequencies EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE who emit low vibrations.

No matter how fantastic it may sound, but the earthlings have also radically changed.

Despite all the events of the last two thousand years, a huge number of people are ready for the next level of development, unlike the previous four Races, which had to be destroyed.

From the summer of 2021 to the present day, almost two billion men have entered 4D and 5D, and this transition continues. 2 billion men entered in three waves from summer 2021 to March 2022, reaching 100% of the necessary frequency level. The exact numbers are tracked by Light Forces, who constantly scan earthlings by their freqs. Part of the population are embodied Dracos, Reptilians, Nibiruans, Atlanteans, emitting the low vibes.

The next part of transients is ready to joint them after elevating the frequencies. The number of such people is 66% of the total candidates who has live Souls.

The sad thing is that about half of the population are clones, possessed, or lost (killed) their Soul.

Positive changes in the Local Universe, our Galaxy, Solar System and on Earth have also become possible thanks to THOUSANDS of Light Forces’ ops on physical and Subtle Plane and You, working day by day to become aware of your inner creational power.

At each stage of this gigantic path, Earth and humanity passed through the phase of accumulation and the onset of changes through the period of bifurcation, and the culmination of the final turning point.

Such was the day of December 21, 2012, after which a great and irreversible Change of Matrices began -3D to five-dimensional.

So what exactly is this process? What is the difference between the first phase and the second, and the next? How long they last? What does their change depend on?

During the Transition, the Bifurcation Point is preceded by the zeroing phase of the existing System, its finale, Blind Spot.

This is where we are right now. The old 3D Matrix is rapidly destroying, and the new 5D is being completed. As a result, the two polar systems coexist, burdened by WWIII on physical and Subtle Plane.

The next stage is the phase of Systemic Bifurcation. This term comes from Lat. Bifurcus, that means forked, and is used in many spheres to denote qualitative rearrangements and metamorphoses of various objects when changing the parameters on which they depend.


With continuous changes in parameters, cascades of bifurcations (rearrangements) may occur. This is one of the typical scenarios of transition from one state to another in physical, biological, social, economic, and other systems where there is a sequence of bifurcations.

Up to the breaking point (bifurcation), the system has one path of development; its behavior is completely predictable. Bifurcation is a catastrophic leap, a conflict breakdown, a node of interaction between fluctuations and irreversibility.

Examples in various systems can be: bifurcation of rivers – the division of the riverbed and its valley into two branches, which later do not merge and flow into different basins; in medicine – the division of a tubular organ (vessel or bronchus) into two branches of the same caliber, extending to the sides at the same angles; in mechanics – the acquisition of a new qualities in the movements of a dynamical system with a small change in its parameters; in time/space – stratification into several timelines, each of which has its own events.

Fractal Bifurcation

The bifurcation point is the moment when the system turns from one into another, but with new qualities (parameters). This is the time of critical instability at which the system is rebuilt, switches to one of the possible ways of further development.

In people’s lives, the situation could be either one or the other. This is the moment when a person can easily choose one or the other, to act or not act, to do one thing or another, after which there is no return to the past.

Bifurcation is not an instantaneous event, but a time-consuming process of cardinal restructuring of the system, in the course of which the further path of development is determined.

The Bifurcation phase is divided into three stages. In first, the system is still stable due to its adaptation mechanism. In the second, it stops working. Instability and chaos are growing. The system can no longer exist in its former mode and capacity. At some point, a fracture occurs in it (the bifurcation point), and a new self-organization begins. In the third stage, the changes are ordered.

The characteristics of the second stage of social bifurcation are: disorganization of relations in all spheres, revision of life values, tension, contradictions, conflicts, wars, and crises that determine the fate of society and civilization as a whole.

Men's Bifurcation

This is where we are right now. In the second stage of the bifurcation period, but we have not yet reached its critical point, although we are steadily approaching.

It will be a new moment of Truth, the most dangerous and tense period in the history of our Fifth Race. How it will be expressed in world events, and when exactly, remains behind the scenes for now.

Under the impact of powerful cosmic energies on the day of the autumn equinox on September 23, 2022, and the winter solstice on December 21, much can become clearer. There is a strong possibility that the current backup 3D Matrix will be completely deactivated, and the new 5D will be up and run at full capacity.

If this happens, the world will begin to change even faster. As of July 23, 2022, the stabilization of the 4D field and the number of people with a high-frequency level of consciousness of the fourth dimension has reached 66%.

Powerful Cosmic Energies

On July 25th, 2022, at 5:50 AM CET, the Siriusians’ tracking station on the Moon transmitted - Earth In Gravitational Cyclone

At these days, on the Subtle Plane, the new stratification of the planet’s energies spheres occurred. It was accompanied by very intense radiation. Changes in the Earth’s power fields increase the tension of space in all spheres.

Very Intense Radiation

Such moments may cause unusual dreams, feelings, visions, and stays. Perception can change on different planes. There also could be pains in the physical body due to inhibiting the assimilation of new high vibrations.

On July 25th, 2022, at 5:50 AM CET, the Siriusians’ tracking station on the Moon transmitted next Earth monitoring data that adds new details and explains a lot.

Our planet has entered a gravitational cyclone (chaotic acoustic range of energies), which caused changes in general physical and mental state. Randomly rotating quantum energies are actively rebuilding the Earth’s information field.

Earth In Gravitational Cyclone

The transformation of its space increases the instability of the nervous system. A powerful effect is exerted on sections of the brain, causing disorientation, emotional intensity, emptiness, pressure and mood swings. These are symptoms of exposure to various mixing incoming energies.

Abnormal weather events continue and also affect the state of health. No need to be scared. This process is temporary, but necessary in setting up the work of the planetary Subtle Body by adjustments that Co-Creators carry out.

The third dimension is already completely closed to everyone. Those who don’t stop the inner work of raising their vibrations will be safely conducted through transmutation and purification of consciousness by the fiery Divine stream.

Fiery Divine Stream

People who don’t want to change their consciousness, clinging to their exclusivity and isolation from the high energies of the Source, who refused to interact and connect with It, will be more quickly withdrawn from life.

All those who doubt, but have the potential for awakening, will continue their learning through the aggravation of events in personal life and diseases. This is necessary for their enlightenment and acceptance of help from Above, because often, in extreme trials a man opens up to the Creator and turns for His help and support.

Today, the last cleansing stage is open to everyone to go through the fiery scrubbing, sobering and awakening consciousness. For many, this is the only way to enter the new world, based on the Love of all those living in the Love of the Creator who created the cosmic worlds and Souls. They, being a part of Source energy, will be preserved only in connection with the inner Creator. There’s not much time left.

What can be added to this?

In recent weeks and days, a particularly powerful stream of high-frequency Light has been pouring onto the planet. Under its influence, many of us began to feel how rapidly the events of recent years recede into the past. It’s like fractals are flashing, memories of where we’ve been or what we’ve done. This is not necessarily a trauma, but just strange memories, something similar to a life review.

Everything is torn apart, under the influence of the dissolving Veil between parallel realities. Multidimensional powerful Light is focused on destroying and scrubbing old structures in our body, upgrading our cells to liquid crystals, transforming our Subtle Bodies.

Energies can cause symptoms of detoxification, as they destroy everything too dense for the new vibrations of the planet and the frequencies it generates in our cells. It may manifest as flu symptoms: headache, muscle tension, pain in the skeleton and joints.

The bone structure is transmuted into a lighter version, since all dense and rigid matter incompatible with the Earth’s high vibration are accelerated morph, up to our cells and DNA.

A hypersensitivity reaction of the vagus nerve is possible. This is the tenth of twelve pairs of cranial nerves descending into the thoracic, cervical and abdominal spine.

It runs the innervation of the mucous membrane of the lower part of the pharynx and larynx, the area behind the ear, part of the tympanic membrane, the external auditory canal, the dura mater of the cranial fossa; the work of the muscles of the lungs, intestines, esophagus, stomach, heart; secretion of the pancreas and stomach.

The effect of high-frequency currents on the nervus vagus can cause a change in voice, hoarseness, problems in pronunciation; difficulty swallowing not only during meals, but also swallowing fluids and even saliva; vomiting and suffocation; indigestion, constipation; pulsation in the head; complications in the heart; urinary incontinence; deafness.

Nervus Vagus

On the part of the nervous system, there may be pulsating intense headache, discomfort, pain and tinnitus; lethargy of the body; irritability; short temper in small things; apathy.

Now it is especially important to rest a lot and drink more clean water, as it is an excellent tool for dissolving toxins, dense matter, and scrubbing them out of the body.

Clouded consciousness, loss of strength, dizziness, nausea (mostly comes in waves), emotional vulnerability and instability, deep traumas emerging from the past – all these are symptoms of release from our 3D body, which is now turning into a lighter version. We are like butterflies breaking free from their rigid cocoon.

At the same time, we can experience sublime states of bliss and joy, which are our original and true nature and state of being. This is our new frequency, corresponding to the vibrations of the New Earth.

It is very useful to be grounded more often. It helps a lot to stabilize the central nervous system, to balance self emotionally. If we feel overwhelmed, we can go out into nature, walk barefoot, or just sit and lie on the ground, swim or be near the water. So we will get a huge support in cleansing and detoxification.

Be In Nature

Events are accelerating every day. Higher frequencies of Light, which are introduced to the planet, intensively grind the 3D Matrix and its planetary grid. Three-dimensional energies and matter on Earth are reset to zero. In this Great Scrubbing, each planet, star and Galaxy are interconnected, and affect each other by rearranging themselves.

Unusual things have been happening to many of us for the last 3-4 days, then it tends to sleep, then it breaks into tears or apathy occurs, diseases worsen. In relationships with loved ones, the situation sometimes becomes completely unbearable.

Almost daily, with short breaks, we are irradiated with the highest and longest doses of frequencies that a person can withstand.

Highest And Longest Doses

The work continues individually with each of us, calculating the strength of the frequencies. The course of this process depends on the purity of our physical and Subtle Bodies, thoughts and emotions. From the very bottom, feelings, that have been dormant for decades, or hundreds of years and have been hidden in the depths of our Soul, are out.

To purify and finally get rid of emitted and accumulated negative energy, it is necessary to work out and transform it into Light, with the help of practices and meditations, nutrition and conscious living of every moment.

The faster we accept and transform the experience that we have received in our life, and are still receiving, the faster we’ll get rid of it, the easier will be our life.

Transform into Light

The more we hold on to everything old and obsolete, the tougher the lessons of fate will be.

The frequencies with which we are irradiated will continue to elevate. Now they are just above 40 Hz, but we already see what is happening to our lives, and in the world.

Everything that hinders our ascent is swept away from our path.

We are a Soul, and we came here to gain new experiences, fulfill a mission, and then use our best practices in other spaces and dimensions.

Therefore, we do not need to pull with all our might, forcibly, those who have already made their decision to stay.

Otherwise, we’ll get bogged down even deeper with them. They will also go this way, but much later. It is better to devote more time to ourselves and those who indeed want and are ready to ascend, and for this do not stop their intense inner work. Give a chance to those who seek it, and leave alone those who are satisfied with everything.

We need to get to the 100 Hz mark, at which, by forecast, the planet’s field will be stabilized by the end of 2022. And sooner or later, we will have to drop the heavy load that we are pulling. The main task is to keep up with the frequencies of Earth; otherwise it will go further without us.

We need to take a final decision whether to go with Gaia, or not. After the time comes, the Creator will “close His ears”, and will not hear a single prayer of repentance and frantic appeal for help. The final process will begin, not sift, but the extirpation.


It’s impossible to say today, I haven’t woken up yet. It’s time to decide whether to prepare our emotions, thoughts, and body for the Transition, or to stay. In that case, we’ll simply miss the time to transform and expand our consciousness.

Every lived day is one step forward. The choice of the Soul is holy, and the Creator respects the free will and choice freedom of everyone. But it would be unfair not to warn us about the end of an entire epoch and civilization.

The ancestral lines are being closed. Low-vibrational people quickly quit Earth through illnesses and accidents, leaving astral and embodied parasites without energy supply.

Think about it. Our Soul has already made a decision, but it cannot always break through our inflated Ego. Don’t look for excuses, facts and extenuations, don’t waste your precious time.

Truly colossal transformations are waiting for us. We need to realize the full scope of what is happening now on Earth, in the Galaxy and the Local Universe, as DNI narrates daily.

We are now moving into a completely new dimension in the Universe. After the Transition, we will help others to ascend to higher realms. After all, we will have a unique experience. We all came here solely for this. Only the strongest, most experienced and brightest Souls are here.

Strongest And Brightest

We are not this body or even this Intelligence. We are part of the Source and carry its Spark within us. We are admired, watched and followed by space friendly races, waiting for our choice. It’s time to make a decision: to carry the Light and be the Light, and or still play the victim.

At such a time, it is extremely important to be a neutral observer, not to fall into the psi-ops of the mass media and power holders, to remain focused on our inner state, which aligns us. Do not react to negative thoughts or external distractions.

We are not our story. Blaming others, pointing the finger means simply giving away our power. We will cope, because we are all shining Beings of Light in human body. Let’s remember this, no matter what happens outside.

Breaking News Of 04:00 PM CET, 25 July 2022

Official statement conveyed by Archangel Michael and Guan Yin, the new World Mother, the Karmic Council’s Head, for the information and public disclosure:

The systemic evolutionary bifurcation point, as a result of which the equation of the Absolute will be self-solved, and the only collective force that will become the dominant and controlling force on earth, is scheduled for December 22, 2022, at 00:48 am.

The format of passing the bifurcation point would be a karmic duel between the two power poles of the modern world. From a technical point of view, it will be a spiritual-energy confrontation, where, as in the balance, the pole that is stronger in all respects will be determined.

According to the karmic law, this duel will be conducted exclusively according to the cosmic rules. The violator will be credited with a technical defeat.

The passage of the Great Bifurcation Point is an event of the Subtle World, but its physical component is also present. Based on the results of self-organization of the Bifurcation Point, the Equation of the Absolute in the 3D planetary format will be solved. That is, the identification of the only Dominant Force and Vector that will implement the evolutionary programs of Gaia and the Absolute on the Renewed Earth.

Soon after 22/12/22, the results will become noticeable on the physical plane, especially in the outcome of the hybrid Third World War. Its termination can be predicted in the first half of 2023. And it will be a direct consequence of the result of the karmic-evolutionary Duel of the World Poles.

On July 25, 2022, On July 25, 2022, the Karmic Council adopted an official resolution on the end of the 3D Earth’s evolutionary cycles of Kali Yuga and Cosmic Night.

Why did this very strange decision take place? After all, the de facto Kali Yuga and the Cosmic Night have already ended, and their programs were deactivated earlier. The answer is precisely that it is only de facto, but it is also necessary de jure.

Of course, this decision only fixes a previously accomplished fact by Cosmic Law. But it’s not all that simple. Such an official decision was required for the following reasons.

Why did this very strange decision take place? After all, the de facto Kali Yuga and the Cosmic Night have already ended, and their programs were deactivated earlier. The answer is precisely that it is only de facto, but it is also necessary de jure.

Of course, this decision only fixes a previously accomplished fact by Cosmic Law. But it’s not all that simple. Such an official decision was required for the following reasons.

During Kali Yuga and the Cosmic Night, on Earth, in many spheres was a mess. Various extraterrestrial civilizations implemented their programs and scenarios here. They came at their own discretion and without any admittance, or permits, by the right of might. The power elite they nurtured did the same.

The decision of the Karmic Council will very soon lead to the official removal from Earth of many scenarios, forces, programs that do not meet the goals of the Transition.

Global Predictor

In particular, it concerns a Global Predictor. This is not only a backup copy of the old, 3D Matrix, the former World Order, a virtual copy of the Earth Logos, but also an artificial Matrix inside the Universe’s Matrix.

The Artificial Intelligence installed in it was created by the Black Archons of Atlantis. With its help, today, they control and run States, their heads, and entire continents from the astral and on physical plane.


It’s a global system of mankind’s enslavement, masterpiece and a genius of Black Magic art and creativity. During Kali Yuga, it was neither permitted nor forbidden. Formally, the basic Cosmic Laws were not violated. Using this, the Black geniuses turned Earth into a concentration camp.

The made-up Matrix was embedded, like a chip, of a microcircuit, into the Earth’s Subtle Body. The Karmic Council’s legal expertise concluded that the Global Predictor was installed into the planet’s Matrix without permission, and in the New Era it is illegal. That is why it was necessary to make an official decision on the end of Kali Yuga.

And what usually do with illegal buildings? The owner gets an order to immediately demolish his illegal structure. If he doesn’t, it will be leveled forcibly.

This order came into force on July 25, and the deadline for execution is September 22, 2022. Thus, Dark Forces couldn’t use this energy structure in a karmic duel with Light Forces, scheduled for December 22, 2022, at 00:48 AM.

About an hour after the publication of information on the Global Predictor, a throw-in appeared on the Internet about what was done in specific countries and their leadership for creating a new global pole of decision-making, with their help and on their basis.

How realistic is this?

The Global Predictor is a remnant of past era, a carrier of old, obsolete evolutionary programs. On the one hand, it’s a mechanism, a planetary Artificial Intelligence, a chip embedded in the Earth’s Subtle Body. On the other hand, there are specific entities behind the Global Predictor, including people who created it and use it to achieve their goals.

This is the power pyramid of the Dark Hierarchs. They are at the top of it. All that is below are public managers, financial elites, service personnel of the Global Predictor.

Power Pyramid

Tops are invisible “upper crust”. On publicly available diagrams, they are often depicted as 22 Hierophants who control the world. But this is not quite true. They are descendants of the Atlantis Black Priests, but come from the Theban Priesthood of ancient Egypt, where they moved after the Atlantis death.

This is just the vertex of pyramid, which extends much higher. As it’s truncated, the circle of chosen ones narrows. Above the 22 Hierophants is the Committee of 12 Hierophants, a copy of the Committee of 12 of Atlantis. The latter ruled the entire Earth. Some of them are members of the Council of the Twelve Supreme Hierophants of the Global Predictor.

At the very top is the Controlling Dipole: the Supreme Hierophant and the Supreme Hierophantide. Both come from Atlantis.

Why did the Absolute’s Highest Hierarchy give the “green light” for this information disclosure?

Currently, behind the scenes, negotiations are underway on the integration of a part of the Light Atlanteans into the future Sixth Race. Dark Atlanteans, of course, see it, and know all the trends and prospects.

Atlantis Black Priests

Being aware of the coming events, they are actively looking for a compromise on the basis of which they could enter a new humanity. It can be a separate branch, or as part of a united generic “trunk” of a single Atlantis.

And as a “gesture of goodwill”, the Global Predictor will indeed support some country or group of countries. Moreover, such geopolitical metamorphoses may occur not as a result of the global financial and economic crisis, WWIII, military operations or natural disasters, but as a result of agreements and compromises with the Global Predictor’s creators.

But as has happened more than once in the history of the Fifth Race, the Global Predictor has always very easily coned this or that country, an entire region, simply changing their leadership or shuffling the elite. And then he gave commands to the new rulers what to do. This is what is behind the wave of resignations around the world.

The Crystal of Primary Energies

The exact numbers are tracked by Light Forces, who constantly scan earthlings by their freqs. Part of the population is embodied Dracos, Reptilians, Nibiruans, Atlanteans, emitting the low vibes.

Those Who Incarnate

On 27 July 2022, at 06:49 AM CET, Co-Creators and Galacom conveyed the new important info via the Single Hierarchical Channel.

By the decision of the Absolute and the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs, from June 23, 2022, the day of the Summer Solstice, the Crystal of Primary Energies focused on the Earth is turned on at full power.

In the distant past, these were the primordial energies of our planet, which Pleroma was preparing as its lower pole in the Absolutized Local Universe.

The onset of Kali Yuga and Cosmic Night, and the seizure of Earth by Black Archons and their Dark and Gray races, forced the Higher Light Hierarchy to postpone their original plans for a long time. Now everything has changed and these plans are being implemented with renewed vigor again, making up for a lost tempo.

The Crystal of Primary Energies is multifunctional. It emits a perfect dipole combination of Feminine and Masculine Foundations. Thanks to this, the Absolute (which was not a dipole before), now, can build a completely new Local Universe, all its Galaxies and planets, including Earth.

Recall. The first thing the Black invaders of the planet did was to impose on it, by fire and sword, the Male Power, mercilessly destroying the Feminine Foundation, which has been suppressed and perverted in every way for thousands of years.

As a result, Earth, humanity and every person lost the opportunity to develop perfectly, that suited the parasites very much. Powerful radiations of Absolutized dipole energy put an end to that anomaly.

The Crystal works completely autonomously, and independently adjusts to each dimension, space and object.

It acts systematically, regularly, and has the highest degree of protection against any hacking and external impacts.

It is not tied to a specific place and object.

It is a part of a multidimensional space that penetrates into everything and everyone.

By dint of its soft, the Crystal decides for itself how to work, using all the energies that people don’t know about yet, until they remember selves from the original birth, when the Source exhaled their Soul into space in the form of Its Spark.

The Crystal radiation does not annihilate karma and other negativity, but only carries the reference dipole energy.

It scans us independently, and based on the result, creates an individual background for each of us, helping to increase the purity of our emotions and thoughts for the Transition to 5D.

Its Spark

At first, not everyone will be able to endure the moment of touching the Crystal’s energies, but only those who have primogeniture laid down initially in the planet-man system through Monads and Logos.

Without this, no higher creation is possible – only Soulless and Monadless forms of life.

Parasites and Artificial Intelligence, churning out techno-dependence, will not withstand contact.

The energies of the Crystal work on the principle of a pendulum, swinging back and forth in waves.

At the beginning, they stimulate inner self-purification of us, our families and kindred.

Then, the upgrading mechanism will be launched.

The Crystal is activated to help not only humans, but also the former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe.

He returned to Pleroma and became one of its Supreme Hierarchs. Now he arduously eradicates his former legacy in all dimensions and spaces, and fills them with the dipole energies of the Crystal. There is a lot of work, but he conducts it confidently, including on Earth.

Being singled out by the Manifestation of the Absolute, Crystal also took part as an observer in the latest operations of the Lightwarriors’ ground team. But recently, it asked them and their Curators to enter the Logos of the group and one of the Logos and egregores on Earth.

Earth's Crystal Grid

The request was granted, since many Lightwarriors are already carriers of primary energies.

They easily put in selves the aspect of the Crystal.

And now, through them, it intensively saturates the planet’s core and the 5D grid with primary energies, which are very necessary for Earth in this difficult time.

On the Subtle Plane, under the control of the Programmers of our Light eon, the Crystal’s radiations prepare the elemental micro and macro particles for a decisive change in their fields.

The elemental forms of life are also preparing to move to the natural platform of primary energies, which contain all codes, programs, and substances in their Absolute purity and perfection.


NEW- I am offering direct One on One personal sessions for locals in Vancouver, Canada area to Awaken your Multidimensionality

The Goal is to reach above 100Hz.

Examples of Frequencies:

Specifically: to optimism – 38 Hz;

Acceptance – 48 Hz;

Gratitude – 45 Hz;

Friendship, attempts to love by heart – 50 Hz;

Generosity – 95 Hz;

Heartfelt gratitude – from 140 Hz and higher;

Feeling of unity with other people – 144 Hz and higher;

Compassion – from 150 Hz and higher (pity – only 3 Hz);

Love generated by heart for all people and all living things without exception – from 150 Hz and above;

Courage – 200 Hz;

Love, unconditional, sacrificial, Universal – from 205 Hz and higher;

Neutrality – 250 Hz;

Willingness – 310 Hz; reason – 400 Hz; joy – 540 Hz;

Peace – 600 Hz;

Enlightenment – 700+ Hz.


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