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Solar storms are so frequent. The entire Local Universe is changing. Roadmap to our evolution

Writer's picture: AuroraAurora

The last month has been so hectic and I haven't found enough time to share the huge amount of "news".

In this article, I'll share the latest updates, and in the next one or two I'll share some of the ones I've missed sharing over the past month. It is urgent to share this first because it affects part of our physical condition and gives some relief if you experience these symptoms.

In the second part of this article, you will read about our cosmic affiliation and the inner work ahead of us.


The mass of new quantum energies is first sandbagging people in some countries, then others, and then others - and so on EVERY DAY across the globe. High-frequency waves follow one another and their ups/downs become more frequent.

The pressure of the 3D System increases as well. The main weapons of Darks in their war for survival are still hatred, fear, and misinformation, so better not to get hung up on the news. MSM specifically inflates them, and as the negative is pumped up, high-frequency energies will continue to not only purify but also blow socks off.

On the physical plane, the tension of blood surges, palpitations (up to arrhythmia), migraines, numbness of body parts, fainting, and many other symptoms are possible. Again, – don’t get hung up on them, everything will be fine.

Unfortunately, for an ordinary person who does not know and does not want to know anything about what is happening, all this leads to panic and aggression, endless visits to doctors, and swallowing handfuls of pills and other sedatives, which should be avoided as much as possible.

Almost nothing heals our bodies. What worked before often goes to waste. Herbs used to be effective, but now they are not and so are biologically active supplements. We have to look for new means. The body itself suggests what it needs.

All this is because we now have two bodies – the old, 3D, and the new, four-dimensional. 3D inertia works when we see the familiar world and engage in a habitual energy exchange. And the 4D body is activated when we raise our vibrations, during meditations for example. The advanced etheric matrix immediately adjusts the parameters of our body to its energy structure and magically everything in our body is quickly restored, although it may cause pain in different parts of it.

We are currently treating the 3D body, being (somewhat more, some less) in the 4th-dimensional body. Therefore, drugs and stimulants do not help. To recover, we just need to get into our usual high-frequency range.

Not everyone is of the highest vibration. Some have just begun to raise their vibrations and their energy process will be completely different. Just reach for the highest state you have ever experienced…

In 3D and 4D

If we want to help our family and friends, try to dissuade them from using ineffective drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other "crutches." It's better to focus on emotions. Now they will constantly go off the scale, so don't let yourself be provoked and focus on other, more important tasks. Do not spread everything, epithets, chatter, evaluations, condemnation, accusations, self-punishment, etc., otherwise, the mind will not receive the necessary information.

The more physical effects we feel, the more our body is purified. And all these effects will be completely different, but the cause in almost all cases is the same - quantum waves. If we feel nothing, it does not mean that nothing is happening; it's just that our vibrations allow us to safely withstand cosmic pressure.

We must understand that with each burst of solar activity, the high-frequency energies will rise and remain at a new level. If we prefer, as usual, to fall into apathy or fall into a binge, then with each passing day it will be more and more difficult for us to get out of this hole. Accordingly, there will be no positive changes. Keeping yourself in stable emotional shape is extremely important now.

Today, the replacement of the old with the new is happening in everything. More and more old friends and acquaintances are leaving our circle of communication, but others will soon come in their place. This is why we often dream of former friends and relationships - this is how our deep-rooted karmic knots are untied.

Don't cling to the dream story. In them, we work through many fears and problematic situations that we cannot deal with in physical life. If you have nightmares, strengthen your evening defenses and stop analyzing each dream, it's distracting.

Sort through your emotional and physical junk. If there is no order in the head and the house, therefore the energy of the mind is scattered and it is difficult for it to get a new one - there is not enough space. Collect your thoughts.

The Schumann Resonance (pulsation of the Earth's heart) responds to the cosmic flows that the Co-Creators direct to us through the Sun, which is why solar storms are so common. SR responds to the vibrations of the planet's crystals (physical and subtle) and depends on their frequency settings.

Solar Storm

The sun works as an adapter-distributor of quantum waves inside the solar system, relaying them to the Earth (and other planets) and in its crystals, and the latter already irradiates us and Nature. Earth energy also affects the Schumann resonance. Humans - no, but they are affected by it, therefore with peaks of SR and solar flares, there can be more and more unpleasant symptoms, because everything is interconnected.

Now it is important for us to monitor the condition of the blood. It thickens, changes, darkens and activates processes that affect DNA. General energy cleansing and maximum protection with an emphasis on the blood are useful for its purification.

My personal suggestions are that as many times as possible during your routine life schedules, tune your thoughts by visualizing/"talking" to your blood, heart, and brain with love and gratitude for many years of full and devoted service.

We can also pump in oxygen through breathing exercises or sweating profusely in the sauna. Some "healers" even recommend leeches and bloodletting... But this is not the 15th century, so decide for yourself how keen you are to do this.

It is recommended to drink as much pure water as possible, which is an ideal evacuation tool to remove toxins and dirt (physical and subtle) from the body. Eat more vegetables and fruits (only natural, without GMOs and preservatives). If possible, exclude low-frequency products - animal food, yeast, fats, unhealthy salt and sugar, and synthetic drinks. And fast regularly.

Do you know about Bamboo Salt and its benefits? Check out this website: My friend in Kelowna, BC, Canada made huge research to find the best products on the market and he is selling these products, check out his website: "Healing Tree Harmonics"

Man-made disasters will also become more frequent, devices will fail, computers will break down, planes will crash, and car and train crashes will occur. All deaths related to these incidents will occur strictly in accordance with the higher aspects of the victims.

Many deaths are inevitable among mentally unstable people, alcoholics, drug addicts, hooligans, and other political and pop stars who have no chance to accept new energies due to excessive physical, mental, and emotional pollution, and aggressive reluctance to change something in themselves and their lives.

Cancer outbreaks will be observed in those who, contrary to numerous signals, refuse to revise their attitude toward what is happening. It will also be very difficult for our older people, so it is important to give them more attention and help.

Since the first weeks of 2023, the transformation of Earth and Earthlings on the physical and subtle planes has accelerated dramatically. Never before have we been irradiated almost daily by such powerful high-frequency energies from the Pleroma and the Galactic Center. The strongest solar storms, pushing the protective magnetic field to almost zero, follow one after another.

So Co-Creators are quickly preparing us for the transition to 4D and 5D. Only those of us who raise our vibrations to this level will be able to survive and continue evolution in these high-frequency dimensions.

According to information from the Siriusians' lunar tracking station in 23D, transmitted on January 21, 2023 at 11:55 CET, a huge number of Earth-leaving Souls have accumulated in its space. The ships of four Argorians collect them and evacuate to other planets, clearing the field for new arrivals.

Many Souls emit very heavy low frequencies and are brought down to Earth. But the planet has already shifted to 4D/5D and is pushing them back at high frequencies where the Argorians are trying to intercept them. To accelerate the purification of the planet, they increased the flow of high frequency GREMO energy to it.

The entire Local Universe is changing

At the same time, the entire Local Universe is changing. Finally closing their third, dual version. Dipole Absolutes are actively clearing space for their new, fourth project. In order not to start building from scratch, they take with them all who are ready to build a Universe of Light completely free of negativity.

Absolutes are no longer hidden from Earthlings behind the dimensional barrier; they are not isolated from us. On the contrary, they have taken a course to merge completely with humans. In part, this has already happened in the highest echelons, where a united eon has been constructed from the two upper sub-levels of the 13D Pleroma and the lower "floors" of the World of Absolutes.

Their main goal is to create such a Universe, in which They could freely single out Their Monads and other Manifestation Bodies all the way to Earth without the slightest negative distortion. To make the whole reality similar to Theirs. That is why they and the ground team conducted and continue to carry out thousands of operations on the Subtle and physical plane to remove karma and all the negative legacy of duality.

It’s the same with a Man. He, as the Highest Intelligence Form and the Crown of Creation, having a Soul and a Monad, carrying a Spark of the Source, must also be equal to the Absolutes. From now on, they do not consider us as guinea pigs, but help us transform and become co-creators with Them, and offer ways out of the former, 3rd Universe’s Matrix. The Pleroma and its inhabitants have already left it. The single Absolute-like eon is now in another space.

So far, this Matrix covers everything below the Pleroma, and in the past, it was impossible to get out of its labyrinth. We were doomed, with no chance. There will be no more of this in the next project: we will get full freedom of movement throughout the Greater Cosmos.

To rise to this level, we have a huge inner work ahead of us: to transform from dual 3D people into carriers of Absolute Light, which opens access to all dimensions and spaces. That is, to become again who we were original, before coming to this planet.

Of course, hardly anyone can easily, from the very bottom of dimensionality, rise to the Absolutes, because this process is long. But the biggest path begins with a small step. And every step or attempt makes us stronger.

Today, there are only two permanent Maternal Monadic Logos in it – the Pleromic and the Absolute-like, into which all human Monads endeavor. The abode, the native home of the former is the Pleroma, and they embody all its highest qualities; of the latter – the World of Absolutes, where it is necessary to be Their likeness.

The Pleroma

Each of us has exclusively his own roadmap to these peaks, his own experience of reaching the Pleroma and touching the Absolutes, his own vision of an Absolute-like state, or at least close to it. Whether to follow this path or not, to get such an experience or to prefer a different option, EVERYONE DECIDES ONLY BY HIMSELF. In any case, now or later, after eons of years, everyone will inevitably return to the Source.

What is the roadmap to these goals?

Once again, it is purely individual for everyone, but there are also common stages and requirements.

Everyone on 3D Earth begins this journey in a physical body. Everyone makes a decision (or not) themselves, “from below”, with their three-dimensional consciousness. For everyone, this will affect all his Monad’s manifestation bodies. All, along the way, will achieve many other practical and evolutionary goals in their transformation during the Transition, first, to 4D and 5D, and then, to other dimensions.

The first stages of the roadmap are preparatory. We have to completely purge our thoughts, emotions, and actions from low-frequency negativity. Get rid of karma at all levels of the Subtle Body, and maximize the frequencies to eliminate any distortion when we approach and contact with Absolutes, entering Their realm.

We will need to restore the integrity of our Monad, create its new manifestation body, ascend it and fix, first, in the Pleroma. Meeting and merging with our dipole (twin) Soul is part of the return to the integrity of all Life forms, which were forcibly and artificially separated on Earth in the era of duality. Integrity is critically important, a prerequisite for the further evolution and Absolutization of our Monad. Without this, we couldn’t move on.

Very long ago, the former Black Co-Creator and his son Yaltabaoth, the founder of the Gray eons, where we live, divided the integral man’s Monad into two halves (Twin Flames) in the mad hope of capturing and subjugating the Source’s Spark in the human Soul. This was a catastrophe for the entire Local Universe and its fate, although brought invaluable experience to all Five Races and the Absolutes. But it was an enormous common pain and tragedy, which we are now beginning to correct.

Source’s Spark

Therefore, our inner work's main tasks are much wider, more ambitious, and cosmic: to restore the integrity of the Monad, its intra-nuclear synthesis, and the emission of Perfect Light that will fill others, 5D Earth, the Solar System, and the 4th Local Universe. Only after that, we could enter the single Maternal Monadic Logos, and then, into the family of the inhabitants of the Pleroma and the Absolutes’ World, from where we will continue the path to the Source.

At the preparatory stage, our physical and multidimensional Subtle Bodies are transformed into the technical readiness for a direct Transition to 4D. A healthy lifestyle, thoughts, and feelings actively help to rejuvenate, improve health, clear the mind and subconscious, and strengthen the immune system, so necessary today, during the bacchanalia of the pandemic.

The tasks of the next stage are to upgrade our Monad to the level necessary for its entry into the Absolute-like Maternal Monadic Logos and then, into the Family of Absolutes. Our Monad does not just rise to a higher level of the Hierarchy. It does this together with its existing manifestation body (us) and with the active participation of our still 3D consciousness. But even it allows us to visualize and track what we are doing and what results we are getting.

In addition to ourselves, we are always helped by our Curators and assistants, who are called guides in Reiki. These are the Supreme Entities from the Angelic System, as well as Absolutes’ Hierarchs. Each has its own specialization. We constantly encounter many of them throughout our lives. For example, Guan Yin personally oversees all our work on karma.

Guan Yin

That is, during our inner work, they ALWAYS carefully monitor, back up, and help us. This minimizes errors and unauthorized interventions of Darks and other parasites, although sometimes, at the request of our Higher Selves, negativity tests, improvisations, experiments, and innovations are possible.

Who makes the decision about the transformation?

As a rule, it’s our Higher Self. If it believes that we need such an experience, we will feel it as an imperative thought-form. If we don’t need it, then, there will also be a feeling that we aren’t ready for it. Perhaps our Higher Selves want to first look at the results of others, and then make a decision about us.

Of course, we can also decide to get such an experience with our lower, 3D mind. But this will only be our initiative, which must be approved by the Higher Self. It will also prompt a specific transformation roadmap, depending on our mentality and the vibrations emitted.

Many of us wonder how and when we will "see" and experience the changes. In this life, we have the best opportunity to go through the biggest school from the bottom to the top.

Below, is a brief description of the path from 3D to 13D Pleroma and a single Absolute-like eon, passed by the Lightwarrior ground team leaders, the same ordinary mortals as most of us. Of course, I understand, for many, this road will sound like a science fiction movie, but Trust... it's possible... and it's real.

The roadmap of these Lightwarriors consisted of five stages:

– Whole-Fractal-Causal Transformation;

– Holistic-Monadic-Pleromic Transformation;

– The First Absolute Transformation;

– The Second Absolute Transformation;

– The Third Absolute Transformation.

All of them were performed not in parallel, but sequentially, one after the other.

1- Whole-Fractal-Causal Transformation

At this stage, one of the main goals was to get rid of karma, to leave the Samsara Wheel, that is, to completely cleanse the Causal Body (where the energy of our events accumulates) from all negativity, interpersonal conflicts, untied knots, etc. After that, it becomes part of the Monad’s single manifestation body on the Universe’s Causal Plane. This brings a higher degree of organization, and evolutionary possibilities, and facilitates a direct transition to the 4D Earth field in the existing physical body.

At the same time, an accelerated one-time “hurricane” working out of all individual karma is possible according to the principle: REALIZED-REPENTED-FORGIVEN. The effectiveness of this scheme has been tested on many Lightwarriors, who have gone through it.

"Hurricane" Cleansing

The most important conditions for success are A CLEAR AND HONEST AWARENESS OF ALL MISTAKES IN BEHAVIOR, FEELINGS, RELATIONSHIPS, VIEWS AND ASPIRATIONS, SINCERE REPENTANCE AND FORGIVENESS, COMPLETE DISCLOSURE OF THE HEART. Only in this case, all karma with the help of Guan Yin is annihilated, simultaneously, purifying the Causal Body and DNA from all karmic programs. Express diagnostics and crash tests are carried out for verification. If this is not done, the continuation of the transformation is impossible.

The next step at this stage is the formation of the 4D Transition body, which combines the physical corpus and etheric shell. Before that, the etheric coat (where a chakra system works), although it was very close to the physical corpus (repeating its outlines), still did not merge with it. The division and the boundary between them remained.

The 12 Chakras

Direct Transition to 4D requires not so much the readiness of the Monad as the restructuring of the physical body and chakra system. Therefore, one must first increase his/her general vibrations, as well as each chakra, from the 1st to the 12th, individually.

To do this, it needs to monitor their condition (shape, color, deformations, damage, mutations, etc.), clear the chakras and the space between them from blockages; maintain constant and efficient operation of each energy center.

Next, the main energy channel, Sushumna, is built and activated. A fusion of the physical and etheric body into one begins, and then a general solidification and strengthening of its energy and the entire chakra system. This is aided by the combined 3D, 4D, and 5D eon of Earth already existing.

After that, several tests and follow-up work are carried out. Namely:

  • expansion of Sushumna; intensification of subtle bodies;

  • purification of the individual info field;

  • strengthening of all chakras;

  • solidification of the unified etheric-physical body by the energies of the elements;

  • unifying the chakras and the endocrine system;

  • clearing the etheric and other subtle bodies of 3D substance;

  • initial crystallization of the Monad;

  • forming a single fractal from the bodies of manifestation of the Monad in the 3D/4D/5D field;

  • its synchronization with the 4D and 5D logos of Earth;

  • creating additional Manifestation Bodies of the Monad in 4D and 5D, as a prototype of her future Integral Fractal;

  • its synchronization through 3D, 4D, and 5D logos;

  • creating a multidimensional body of Monad manifestation on the physical, etheric, and causal levels.

2- Holistic-Monadic-Pleromic Transformation

At this stage, the integrity of the divided Monad is restored. Primary World Mother Sophia personally oversees that process.

World Mother Sophia

First, search, localization, and synchronization with the twin Monad are carried out. If necessary, it is cleansed from karma. Then both merge into a single whole. The two Higher Selves are combined as a common or dipole Intelligence. After that, a karmic crash test is conducted to check the resistance of the Monad to any negativity.

If the check is completed successfully, a single Monad’s ascending manifestation body is created. Its vibrations are accelerated to the maximum level to initiate the synthesis of Pleromic Light in its core.

As soon as it becomes stable, the Monad ascends into the Maternal Logos in the Pleroma. There, it gets new parents, the Pleroma’s two Supreme Co-Creators. This stage ends with the introduction of the Monad’s new substance into its lower manifestation bodies down to the physical corpus in 3D.

3- The First Absolute Transformation

At this stage, the initial prep for the Monad’s Absolutization is carried out. To do this, it goes through a series of the most stringent crash tests, using all possible types of karma at the Monadic and Causal levels.

If necessary, it is restored after each crash test. At the end of the process, it is hardened by the vibrations of the Absolutes through direct contact with the Absolute-like Monads.

4- The Second Absolute Transformation

At this stage, an attempt is made to ascend the Monad into the Absolutes and obtain their dipole Aspect. In case of success, it transforms into an Absolute-like and becomes part of a single Family in the Maternal Monadic Logos.

Then, the reverse process repeats: the Monad materializes its Absolute substance in the lower manifestation bodies on three-dimensional Earth.

5- The Third Absolute Transformation

At this, final, stage, a man is initiated into the Micro-Absolute. He gets the opportunity to get out of the Matrix, admission to the Absolutes’ World, and stay in it.

From this moment a new stage of the evolution of the Soul and the Monad begins. This transformation is controlled by the Absolutes’ dipole. All these stages occurred in Power Places, regardless of whether it was Lightwarriors’ individual inner work or collective ones.

Power Place

The choice of a specific place and the technique of transforming it were also preceded by a lot of preps and works. Here are some of them:

  • Search and safety precautions on Power Place;

  • cosmic authorization and the start of work on it;

  • strengthening of the individual energy channel;

  • remote cleaning of premises; purification and charging of water;

  • elimination of side effects of medications taken and strengthening their therapeutic effect;

  • remote energy correction and support of other people;

  • rejuvenation of the body;

  • charging, cleaning, and balancing of chakras;

  • creation of a Light (Radiant) Body;

  • activation of Stellar memory;

  • purification of cellular memory,

  • consciousness and sub-consciousness from negativity;

  • harmonization of the Earth’s aura;

  • development of clairvoyance;

  • increasing immunity and unity with the Higher Self;

  • harmonization of interpersonal relationships;

  • creation of new Power Places – planetary and Stellar.

This is briefly the experience, for which Lightwarriors and many of us came to this 3D Earth. Of course, this is just an example and it could be completely different for each of us.

Again: not because of paradise or The Event, but because of the EXPERIENCE we are here. Only by mastering it can we enter and celebrate the beginning of the New Universe.


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