In the Great Cosmos, ALL civilizations undergo mandatory tests and lessons in a low-vibrational negative reality. Without this, their further evolution is IMPOSSIBLE. And that’s what we all came here for.
For many millennia, 3D Earth stayed in the Cosmic Night, that is, under the rule of Darks and in a low-frequency zone. Our highly vibrational Souls with the greatest difficulty could penetrate here to get a human body. If a high-frequency conception occurred, and our Soul safely entered the fetus, the 3D Matrix immediately reacted to it, transmitting the signal “attention to everyone”. And powerful opposing forces attacked us to prevent our birth, stage an early death, or, if it didn’t work out, suppress us as much as possible and suck out all our vital potential, and not to let us live on our own.
It could be manifested by complications during pregnancy, delivery injuries, or chronic diseases. Many of us from an early age were placed in the most aggressive and violent environment, which was supposed to lower our vibes as much as possible. Throughout the rest of our lives, the System continuously scans, carefully studies and unmistakably spots our vulnerabilities and pain points, which it hits with precision, mercilessly and constantly. The main task is to suppress the Spark in our Soul, to break, to destroy the Spiritual core, using physical violence, psychological pressure, incessant criticism and other disincentives.

The System makes sure we don’t remember who we are and where we came from, disconnect with our Soul, and forces us to agree that we are nothing and should live like everyone, obediently go with the flow, stop believing in selves, our abilities, and meekly feed someone with our life power.
But before coming to Earth, we consciously chose this cruel test for a learning purpose. We clearly saw what awaits us hereafter incarnation, and took it, firmly believing that we could withstand and overcome everything. Only when we find ourselves in the densest and lowest Earth’s vibrations and got a body, we do realize that everything is much more difficult and complicated than it looked from high dimensions. But it was OUR choice and decision, and we have to take lessons, learn to absorb the punches without buckling, and rise from our knees.
In every our life on Earth, it was incredibly hard to remain unspoiled by fortune, affluence and fame, not to succumb to the System, not to start emitting its low frequencies. And under its enormous pressure, we started again to shine our former high vibrational Light and fill with it the entire space as wide as possible.
In many Spiritual teachings, this path symbolizes the Lotus flower. Often it grows out of the mud and silt, in the dark, and from there, it stretches upwards, overcoming all obstacles. It is bitten by fish and other aquatic inhabitants but continues to move upward. And finally, reaching the surface, it blooms into a beautiful flower, and its stem and roots become powerful and strong.
Similarly, following the Spiritual Path, we HAVE to go through trials and tribulations and take necessary lessons to withstand and overcome anything in other dimensions and Universes.
The Transition leads to total recall of our primary foundations. From the beginning, we all consist of higher reference substances and states, including creativity, joy, love and other constructive codes of the Absolute. We are made of them. And only on Earth, during the test of Darkness and negativity, dirt is stuck on us. Today, entering 4D and 5D, where, thanks to its high frequencies, millions of souls continue to enter, our Soul is trying to remember its former Light Nature, believe in it again and start following it again.
We constantly ask the same question: why do I help other people, make everything for them, and then sit exhausted, completely without energy? After all, I’m doing a good deed… The reason is simple. In 3D, our personal energy is forced to be low. That is why many inexperienced healers and psychotherapists often get sick and die quickly because they cannot fully recover due to overspending.
Experiencers do not "heal" others with their own energy. That way it can only be lost. They always use the power of the Source, and only after they attune to One and ask for assistance does the Creator determine the level of involvement. Only in this case, the "healer" will not lose life force.
Therefore, I am particularly sensitive to the word "healer", especially when the soul is on the path of its evolution/expansion/ awakening and a third party should not be expected to do the work for it. It could be slide assistance with their own frequency tuning. Also, we don't need 'healing'/fixing of any 'broken' things, just expanding, aligning and restoring/unblocking the physical, emotional and mental state to our optimal timeline. It is a process of reconnecting with other aspects of the same soul in the Multidimensional Realm.
The Source’s energy must flow through us unhindered, and at the same time, we must realize that we are part of One, the Universe, and the Absolute’s Love, and solely serve as their channel. If we don’t understand or deny it, we will block the circulation of Divine energy in us, and as a result, we couldn’t assist others and keep our resources pure.
This is only the smallest part of the lessons that we came to Earth for. Through us, in the duality era, our maternal civilizations and their Creators also took lessons. Negative and positive races, each got their own. The former are faced with a choice today – to return to the Light or to leave Earth and this Local Universe forever. The latter learned and still learn precious lessons and enriched their experience, thanks to their presence on Earth.
If in past lives, we were also Creators, building Galaxies and planets to inhabit them with civilizations, then we often did not have enough knowledge about this. Earth, in this sense, is a valuable treasure trove of information. To obtain it, we separated/ extracted from ourselves several thousand aspects and sent them to this planet to scan and record on them all the necessary software, codes, formulas, frequencies and other data. All aspects of us were embodied in humans. With their Subtle bodies, they unknowingly helped us to read, accumulate and transmit the necessary information for our cosmic races for further evolution in various parts and dimensions of the Universe.
Another option is also widely used – active awareness and understanding. In that case, no matter how many dozens or hundreds of times we incarnated on Earth, we always knew and remembered our mission. It could include monitoring all layers and states of the planet; changes in vibrations and frequencies during its transformation; the energy structure of human bodies with all changes; the interaction of Souls from different Galaxies on Earth, and many other parameters that are necessary for our maternal civilizations.
In other instances, we actively participate in Co-Creators and different cosmic operations on physical and Subtle Planes. Or, we serve as a living crystal for receiving high frequencies from the Galactic Center and saturate by them the planet’s grid and the entire space, helping everyone to adapt and enter 4D and 5D. Or we only share the info to awaken and carry along Souls…. And all these unique lessons, as well as many other factors, will certainly be taken into account in the casting of Earth’s new space curators.

In reality, we have never been isolated, although the history of helping Earth and earthlings through friendly space races is full of dramatic pages, heroism, and self-sacrifice.
For eons, support in various forms has been and continues to be provided not only from the Greater Cosmos but also on Earth itself. Hundreds of civilizations of the physical and the Subtle Plane of the highest dimensions have been involved.
Assistance is provided remotely and locally. There are more than one billion star seeds, indigos, and crystallines on our planet, as well as thousands of volunteers and enthusiasts. This is a powerful tool of support. Not to mention the many Lightwarriors and Lightworkers who are incarnated aliens here.
The higher dimensions from which assistants from friendly space races come to Earth, the greater the difficulties they encounter. Sometimes it turns to real tragedy and sacrifice before they can begin their mission.
How does it happen in practice? Let us see how the process of descent from a high light being to a lower realm took place.
Suppose you are a representative of the 25D Argorians or a 40D, 70D, or even higher civilization, and you responded to a call in the Greater Cosmos to come to Earth’s aid. A planet that has been in the cruellest slavery of the Black Archons all Cosmic Night and has only recently started the Great Quantum Transition to a new stage of evolution.
Your level is that of Creators, Architects, and Builders of Universes, Galaxies, Constellations, and planets. But you know nothing about Earth.
You are the Supreme Being, woven from the energy of Source, radiating Its Light and helping It to create and assist others.
With your 25D energy, you begin scanning the Super Universe, starting from higher dimensions, looking for Earth about which you know little yet.
Soon you realize that you cannot understand the whole picture because there is too much difference between the dimensions and the scale of vision.
You have to split your attention beam into smaller rays and probe each segment of space.
As you dive deeper and deeper into the realms of the lower dimensions, you marvel at the worlds that are here beyond your knowledge.
It is very similar to yours but has incomparable characteristics. Moreover, the creations that have sprouted here have a great many interesting aspects.
But still, you don’t understand much. Millions of your attention beams continue their autonomous exploration, separating and delving deeper and deeper into the realms of worlds. They are nested within each other, like Russian Dolls or Chinese Balls.
Your rays are beginning to acquire new experiences as you make your way through the thorns to the goal of your quest. More shells and inner layers open up before you, and each carries vital functions.

It becomes increasingly difficult for you to move forward. As you dive into the inner reality of the descending dimensions, your attention beams lose the memory of their purpose as they have to absorb more and more new information about the environment.
The rays of your energy body begin to acquire vibrations and even forms similar to those around you, get into the local game, and mingle with the natives, moving further and further away from their 25D source, and little by little forgetting their original mission.
At each new level, you leave part of yourself and your memory behind, so that you can fit into less capacious media and continue to explore in more detail, leaving with you only the essentials for a deeper dive.
You have to do this so that you do not harm with your high vibrations the worlds where the laws are increasingly different from 25D civilization.
These worlds develop from within, and they have their curators, gardener, and gardens. To enter them, you dare to take a bold step. Instead of simply scanning, you adapt to the environment and take the forms of its inhabitants, the Light Bodies that exist beyond Time and Space, in dimensions known to earthlings as the Subtle Planes.
Again, the next level of vibration cannot be reached without even more serious immersion. Here forms begin to take on a denser shell and crystalline bodies appear – half-energy, half-matter.

But to go completely deep into it, your newfound crystalline body is not suitable. It simply cannot withstand these vibes, and the information you contain may unpack at the most unnecessary moment, exploding the exploring world from within.
You find a proper place to stop – a transiting planet, whose inhabitants kindly provide you with overnight lodging and energy boosts. On the “next day,” you decide to continue your journey and leave your crystalline body, going deeper and deeper into the Matrix of material worlds.
You leave the crystalline body and continue your journey down. You took with you only the most important parts of your consciousness, leaving the accumulated experience and memory of your true 25D essence in the body on the transiting planet.
As you descend deeper, you enter an even more detailed world. Here the movement is no longer carried out by the energy of your thought, due to the loss of coordinates and the potential left in the crystalline body.
You have to partner with the locals and borrow their bodies to move into their reality. They are happy to do this, but once again you cannot get close enough to the goal of the journey, even though it looms right in front of your eyes.
You realize that further advancement is only possible using local technology and creating spaceships to move on.

At the same time, you tell the locals why you are here, and they happily and bitterly point to the Earth-infested part of their world, lamenting the pernicious influence of earthlings.
You offer to join you and eliminate the causes of contamination. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers decide to join you on the rescue expedition.
They put the word out, and millions of more entities join you in a space rescue operation.
Using old experience, you submerge your dense bodies on the ships, get as close as possible to the targeted zone and stop right on its border – no further, the low vibrations do not allow you to move on.
All of you by this time are in different-frequency ranges that do not permit you to manifest yourself in the underlying reality. You need new means of locomotion – bodies that allow you to interact with the basic rules of the world within which the source of Local Universe contamination resides.
Your army is fully assembled, and you are ready for action. You begin to test the ground by sending your messengers to different zones of the Local Universe. The zones are not only geographical (spatial) but also chronally different.
You understand that the area of operation is untouchable due to the Law of Free Will and Choice Freedom, and you cannot influence it with all your potential but only suggest the way.
The first dive goes well enough. Leaving your bodies aboard the spaceships, you go off on a mission down, get to know the locals, and unobtrusively try to help them eliminate the source of contamination – dozens of low-frequency negative emotions and habits.
You decide to test yourself as an earthling. After all, no Creator has the right to remain outside of his Creation without experiencing it personally.
But just like many others from the higher dimensions, you begin to quickly forget about the true purpose of your incarnation on Earth.
Like many of us, you are immersed in the illusions of duality and completely subject to the 3D Matrix that blocks your memory along with other aspects of your former 25D personality.
With the end of the Cosmic Night and the beginning of the Great Quantum Transition, the aim of the operation of friendly space races is not only to free the earthlings from the slavery of the Archons.
The task is much broader – to promote a new consciousness capable to absorb and implement the experience and knowledge of the Higher Worlds on a single evolutionary platform.
No one had ever done that before, anywhere.
It’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff – to assist and awaken those who came with you to this planet. You send a pulse to your associates reminding them to return to their mission.
But your message doesn’t reach all its recipients. Its impulse can hardly reach even your bodies of manifestation which you left in different dimensions, going down the 3D staircase.
With each new density, the recall loses its power, reaching addresses only as echoes of vague memories. The fractal echo is almost inaudible to your comrades-in-arms, who came with you to 3D Earth.

Hence my intention to assist reconnect with everyone's inner multidimensionality was born.
Some of us begin to consciously separate from the attachments that surround us, subconsciously understanding that the way out is only possible after removing the chains that ground the true Creators. Others get rid of material junk accumulated over tens and hundreds of years of ancestor's ties. In others, who are going through their last experience on Earth, material attachments are taken away to awaken in them the desire to know why they came to our planet and to return to the power of who they truly are.
A new space and new matter of the planet are being formed before our eyes. Those of us who manage to raise our vibrations will pass this stage safely. They will be able to perceive the power field of the 5D vibes orbit almost painlessly.
Cleanup of the Earth and us from low-frequency vibrations is imminent otherwise we simply will not be able to merge with the Oryx planetary system - the new home of 5D Earth. Its peculiarity is not a flat but a multilayered, vibrational, changing field. Such a field promotes limitless development of all components of consciousness gravity. This boundlessness in us must be regulated by our consciousness, by a cognitive worldview. Lifting the constraint on Intelligence development promises much.

Beautiful description of our multi-dimensionality. Thank You for this Aurora. 💜🥰