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The activation of the New World Matrix - latest News- Apr 12, 2022

Writer's picture: AuroraAurora

Updated: Apr 25, 2022

Galacom Update 12 April 2022

On April 12, at 02:44 PM CET, the Galactic Committee transmitted a new message through the Lightwarriors ground team. Its summary is given below.

On February 23, 2022, the Galacom finally and correctly deactivated the Old Matrix of the Local Universe, that is, the information and software that determined the course of human evolution and the scenario of events in the world. More detailed information about it will be reported later.

On March 20, 2022, the Matrix and the evolutionary programs of the New World on the renewed Earth were activated.

In the sub-program of the Old Matrix, in the former Kali Yuga timeline, the dominant core of the geopolitical system was the Reptilian Race with its corresponding energies, forces, egregores, etc., supporting their world order.

Now all this has begun to be actively deactivated, in accordance with the general program of the New Matrix.

The whole old world and its global order must collapse and cease to exist. The Reptilian influence on Earth ends with the activation of the New World Matrix. It is a fractal manifestation of the New Equation of the Absolute and a New Evolutionary Agenda for the entire Local Universe formulated by the Absolute.

But another problem reared its ugly head. The new Matrix was activated on the system plan, and the old one was deactivated on it. Unexpectedly, it turned out that there are at least two backup structures on Earth, two operating models of the old Matrix, at the lower levels of Being.

The presence of active programs has already led to a serious conflict, a system failure of the entire Matrix.

A backup copy of the old Matrix is actually a replication of it, broadcasting old evolutionary programs and events’ scenarios to the world.

The inter-Matrix conflict is growing every day. This is also reflected in the intensification of antagonism between the West and the East in general and individual countries in particular.

On the Causal Plan, the rapid increase in software conflicts causes failures in the software of the World Matrix. All this can lead to disastrous consequences at all levels.

In the physical world, the confrontation of Matrices is accompanied by a global conflict. If the old Matrix wins, then there will be no planet in the future. If the New Matrix wins, the evolution will continue in accordance with the Creator’s Plan!

Now we are witnessing an attempt at a global revenge of the Dark Forces and their destructive vector of the Universe. The critical antagonism between the Lights and Darks is growing avalanche-like. It’s supported by a backup copy of the Old Matrix. It has considerable power, and great capacities. The Light Forces need to stand, holding their powerful Radiant Shield.

Decisive events are ahead. The Reptilian world is ready to do anything, because it’s the matter of their existence! They want to create a new world order, based on old core.

It’s very serious. The World Government has already adopted an appropriate action program. They are ready to do anything, even a nuclear war. We are aware of the possible provocation with a nuclear strike under a false flag. It is not known what they are counting on.

The Special Forces of the Galactic Federation are vigilant to ensure that nuclear war is technically impossible. They have technologies that simply will not allow nuclear missiles to take off, and if they do, they will simply dematerialize, disintegrate into atoms in the air.

Now they are confronted by A MORE POWERFUL FORCE – THE NEW MATRIX! And this is a different level of Being, different existential levels, with incomparably greater impact on the world.

We are ready for anything. The beginning of the critical phase of the confrontation can be in the coming days. The most critical is April 30, 2022, when the energies caused by the Sun eclipse and the beginning of the Eclipses Corridor will increase dramatically.

Matrix bacchanalia cannot last long. By the time of exit the Eclipse Corridor, EVERYTHING SHOULD BE FINISHED. It is related to being “past the point of no return,” where should remain only one dominant Force – the Power of Light, which will determine the New World Order on Earth.

Q & A

What is Eclipse Corridor? - The Eclipse Corridor is a period when Lunar and Solar eclipses follow one after the other in a short period of time (no more than four weeks).

This year, the first corridor will be on April 30–May 16. The second – between October 25 and November 8.

All the events that take place in the corridors of eclipses leave their imprint on the next 18 years of each man’s life.

"By the time of exiting the Eclipse Corridor, EVERYTHING SHOULD BE FINISHED. It is related to being “past the point of no return…” - The point of no return is ONLY A POINT of a vector of dynamics. Dynamics of Transition from 3D to 4D/5D if we are ready for it. It is not an Event, or final resolving of all our issues which are strictly personal and individual: can WE cope with and survive in the new high frequencies environment that is reinforcing on Earth EVERY MINUTE.

Shouldn’t there be another operations to deactivate also the backup structures of the Old Matrix as well? If the old Matrix wins, then there will be no planet in the future, so why leave that even to a slightest chance? - The operation to destroy the two 3D Matrix backups began immediately after their detection and continues non-stop 24/7.

This is signaled by their constant disconnections and attempts to activate them again and again. But both copies can no longer work in full power.

The lack of necessary vital energy Reptilians are squeezing out now from people. Hence, the current SUPER HYPE in politics, economics, finance and the social sphere all over the globe.

In addition to being present, meditating, praying, enlarging our gratitude, stabilizing energy, increasing the light around us, feeling our higher self and trying to be in permanent contact, feeling our multidimensionality... not worrying and trusting on top of everything. BETTER TO KNOW NO DOUBT. - These are most important THINGS THAT WE NEED TO KNOW FOR SURE.

But we ALSO NEED TO KNOW FOR SURE that ALL our negative thoughts and feelings ARE NOT OURS.

They are embedded in us by 3D Matrices to pump out our vital power by them and feed its consumers.

The negativity pumped in and squeezed out of us materializes in our body in the form of imperil, which is a storage and repeater of negative energy.

Imperil is deposited on ALL our bodies, physical and Subtle. It blocks the reception of high frequencies that are now intensively directed to Earth through the Sun in the form of CME.

The purpose of this bombardment is to cause a short circuit and destruction of 3D Matrices and grids to which many of us are energetically connected BY OUR WILL, OUR THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS.

For those who think and feel positively (or at least neutrally at first), and this is their CONSTANT state, high-frequency waves HELP to survive.

Those who live only by negativity, and consider it normal, high frequencies will kill along with 3D Matrices and all their lattices.

Who is in charge of this new Matrix program, is it AI? - In charge are the new Local Universe’s programmers. It will be without duality.

What is the location of the server? - The main server is in the Pleroma, in the Absolute’s Abode. The Pleroma is in our Local Universe, which was built by the Absolute. It was Her third project, now closed. In the epoch of duality, the former Black Co-Creator of Local Universe installed the Evil software all over Dark and Grey eons, including Earth.

Now he actively dismantles these structures as a Higher Light Hierarch.

I would like to share the interview with Kim Goguen, published on April 12, 2022 in United Network News website.

This is another point of view or angle of perception of what is unfolding around us and within us ... and it certainly supports the information published by Galacom above.

From my point of view, Kim is absolutely real with her statement about her position and role on Earth, and she mediates between the lower level where we live here on Earth, balancing the Dark and the Light through our 3D experience of body / mind / spirit and the middle or intermediate level of co-creators who are ours direct partners and influencers in the same transformation, but with different tools and level of creative access. Kim's roles in a global aspect are directed with a very specific functional features and the information she is releasing is coming from that board room.

If you have more questions about Kim, please feel free to ask me directly via email.

Since I recorded the video from the screen, the sound is a bit "weird" - please excuse me for that.

Sun Halo phenomena in Vancouver, Canada on Apr 7, 2022

Here is the explanation of this phenomena:

The Halo refers to different phenomena. In addition to what is described in the Wiki -“ice crystals are responsible for halos”, it is also the glow of ordered Galactic energy that enters Earth through the Sun.

The Sun is a Portal through which quantum streams and Souls come to our planet and leave it back to different dimensions of the Greater Cosmos.

The cosmic Halo’s energy (radiation) helps Souls come to Earth. It acts as a system of preservation and accumulation in our body, absorbing the Time flows and condensing it inside our Soul.

The information, stored in the Halo energy, stimulates propulsion. Starting to move, it carries energy with it and provokes it in us, forcing us to transform. This is very important for the Transition to 4D/5D.

Now, every day, the intensity of the Sun as a working Portal for the Halo streams, energy and Souls’ flows of the Sixth Race is constantly increasing. It also creates the Halo as in the photos. In the photos you will see the colors of the rainbow and different shades of concentric layers around the Sun.


I'm adding new File in the Library - How can we Ascend in our Body and transform it into an immoral Light Body? - "Our Ascension"


Ferya OZEL
Apr 14, 2022

Hi Aurora. I have a question for you. " The Pleroma is in our Local Universe, which was built by the Absolute. It was Her third project" According to the above sentence, Absulote is a" Her" ?

Ferya OZEL
Apr 23, 2022
Replying to

I read your heart-warming and beautiful answer, I was very impressed, thank you very much.In a way, I feel lucky to have found your articles.Sometimes when I have trouble understanding your messages with my 3rd dimensional mind, I continue to read and try to understand them because I know that my higher self understands them all and makes me feel them when the time comes.Again, thank you very much for your replies and presence, dear Aurora.Love and Light.💖

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