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The explained Poles Shift

Writer's picture: AuroraAurora

There are SEVEN types of repolarization – changes in the position of the Earth’s North and South Poles.

1. Precessional Reversal Of Polarity

This is a displacement of the North and South magnetic poles in their near-polar areas.

Precession is a phenomenon in which a body changes its orientation in space under the impact of an external force.

Observing precession is simple. We need to start the spinner and wait until it begins to slow down. Initially, the rotation axis of the spinner is vertical. Then its top point gradually descends and moves in a divergent spiral. This is the precession of the spinner’s axis.


The duration of the Earth’s precession is 25920 years. During this time, the Polaris, a point in the sky, to which the axis of our planet is directed, and around which, as it seems to us, observers, rotates the entire firmament and all the stars.

For example, 15 thousand years ago, the center of the firmament was Vega, 5 thousand years ago – Tuban (Alpha Draconis), now – the Polar Star (Alpha Ursa Minor).

Then there will be stars of the Constellations Cepheus, Cygnus, and finally, in thousand years – the Polar Star will again be Vega. Or may become, as the process is planned to adjust…

Precessional poles’ shift occurs smoothly and constantly, similarly to the second hand of a clock. Some hands are going with an interval of 1 second, and some are moving constantly, without stops and fluctuations.

Gliding poles are shifting similarly – slowly, at a constant rate, and usually without cataclysms.

North Pole Path Of 25920 Years

2. Re-Polarization Of Earth’s Core

It is a rather fast avalanche-like displacement of the Earth’s axis. The geographic pole is the point at which the Earth’s axis of rotation intersects with the surface of the Earth. There are two of them: the North Pole in the Arctic (the central part of the Arctic Ocean) and the South Pole in Antarctica.

Also, the poles are the projection on both sides of the core (center) of the Earth on the surface of the planet.

Earth Core Shift

Mass in the Earth’s core is unevenly distributed, causing the planet to constantly tilt sideways. At a different time, on Earth, many Portals and dolmens were created for correction and keeping a planet in the set position. But all of them were and are temporary, mitigating the situation, not solving the problem as a whole. When the non-equilibrium roll of the Earth, caused by an imbalance of mass in the core, reaches a critical point, the impact of its greater mass causes the planet’s core to “tip over” or “roll in” until the mass in the core comes into equilibrium. This is the core’s polarity reversal. Its peculiarity is that the core’s movement takes place inside the Earth’s body, without corresponding moves of the planet itself. In this case cataclysms on the Earth occur but they have local and not fatal character.

​3. Tectonic-Lithospheric Re-Polarization

This is the same as the core’s re-polarization. The difference is that the core’s motion is parallel and equivalent to the Earth itself. This type of polarity reversal is the most severe. It is accompanied by global cataclysms and large destructions.

The second and third types of pole shifts occur very rarely, in contrast to precession re-polarization. They do not have a clear timing because they depend on the state inside the Earth’s core. Usually, the periods between such reversals are tens and hundreds of millions of years.

Core’s and tectonic-lithospheric reversals are completely natural phenomena in the Earth’s life. It is how the planet self-adapts to the processes inside its core.

Both reversals can be not only natural but also controlled. This is a hybrid type of poles shift. With natural re-polarization everything happens by itself, the process is 100% self-organized.

Tectonic Plates

Controlled re-polarization is carried out by Co-Creators when the Earth reached a critical imbalance of the inner core’s mass.

Technically, the process looks like this. With an external pulse, Co-Creators start the core rotation and then catch, brake, and anchor it in a new position and poles coordinates.

New poles can be set artificially. By doing so, it is possible, for example, to move the Earth to a new climate model.

4. Artificial Or Corrective Polarity Reversal

It is the changing of poles and inclination of the Earth’s orbit only under the impact of external forces and energies. Solely Co-Creators can conduct such repolarization. And at any time, regardless of whether there is a need for it or not.

5. Catastrophic Reversal Of Polarity

In this case, the poles shift occurs due to external unforeseen factors.

For example, during a collision with an asteroid.

Change of poles in this case has unpredictable character.

Collision With An Asteroid

6. Inverse Polarity Reversal

This is when the North and South Poles exactly swap places. Very little is known about this type. Usually, it occurs due to a similar reversal of polarity on the Sun.

7. Man-Made-Military Re-Polarization

It is caused by space wars, ground nuclear warfare, or the use of tectonic weapons.

From the epoch of the Fourth Race, it has happened three times. During major space wars, Earth has lost two of its three moons, and Atlantis, which fought against Hyperborea using tectonic weapons, and itself has become a victim of them (for more details, see: The Light Forces Ops In Egypt – Part 2; and On The Way To The 5th Race, Part 3).

During these events, the Earth’s rotation axis also was affected. About it reminds its present inclination of 23.5 degrees.


Earth’s Three Moons

We are now living in a unique moment when many natural and non-natural factors coincide. Namely:

Earth has approached a state close to a core’s or tectonic-lithospheric re-polarization;

Plus to the inversion reversal state after the occurred reversal of the Sun magnetic poles;

Plus a state when Co-Creators are ready to artificially re-polarize;

And all that is at the time when of the constant precessional polarity reversal.

It’s such a rattling mix. All that’s “missing” is a catastrophic reversal of polarity…

Throughout its geological history, Earth has seen and endured all types of polarity shifts. But recently, the prerequisites for a hybrid natural-controlled process are taking shape.

During wars 108 thousand years and 11 008 BC twice there was a catastrophic displacement of poles caused by falling to the Earth of fragments of the first and second moon.

North Pole Death In 11.008 BC

After that Co-Creators conducted artificial re-polarization, i.e. correction in the form of a cosmic precession circle.

This mechanism constantly corrects and balances the Earth’s core and moves away as much as possible the core’s and tectonic-lithospheric re-polarization, although it does not allow to abandon it completely.

The mechanism also increased the stability of Earth in given spatial coordinates. The precession model is based on magnetic “cables”, or “ropes” that hold the planet, dampening its excessive oscillations and balancing the core.

At present, the Co-Creators team managing the Great Quantum Transition is working on the most difficult task – to prepare the 3D planet for unification with 5D Earth.

For it, our long-suffering planet needs a decisive, last artificial repolarization in the new space coordinates, a new position in the orbit, without tilt.

Only now the Earth’s axis will be oriented precisely to the center of the Milky Way, strictly along the radiation vector of the Source. As it was originally.


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