This is our PAST. This is quite heavy material and is not recommended for those who are currently peaceful in their hearts, which is the most precious state in this current, absolutely "high voltage" transition
Alex Collier's interview in 1994:
Very heavy emotional interview about what was happening behind the curtains and Draconian presents and our human role to get out of that slavery.
How Nibiru came into existence? Who are Abozis and Annunaks?
The Nibiru topic is often used to whip up mass fear and keep mankind in low vibes waiting for the Apocalypse. This fear is deliberately fueled as a delicacy for energy parasites.
They’re lying. Nibiru no longer exists. Co-Creators, Higher Light Hierarchs, and their ground team have destroyed this planet in a joint operation.
The history of Nibiru goes back to the time when one of the Co-Creators of our Local Universe betrayed the Source and moved to the Dark Side. This Hierarch became the chief builder of the Black and Gray eons, populating them with his races.
One of the Dark races was represented by Abozis. He carried in his Monad’s core the aspects of the two Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs and Black Co-Creator who before his treason also was one of them.
How did Abozis look?
Elongated back skull… scaly skin… indented nose… yellow eyes with vertical pupils… flat ears… hairless head… two arms, two legs… a short tail at the back… arms and legs have five toes, but no webbing between them…
Reptile? Not exactly.
Abozis was not a reptile in the classical sense of the word. He was the prototype and forerunner of the REPTO-HUMANOID.
Subsequently, Abozis, as a higher entity, also bred his races, actively experimenting with the Reptoid form. They, in turn, gave birth to many space civilizations.
The first of the races engendered by Abozis were Annunaks. They were his copy, an exact mirror reflection, and he was their creator and ruler.
But there were also differences.
Abozis had simultaneously physical, Subtle, Causal, and Monadic bodies. Annunaks had only a physical and Subtle one. This greatly influenced further events.
In fact, Annunaks were a herd of Repto-humanoids, united by a common idea put into them by their creator. An example of a unified and hive consciousness.
Annunaks were invulnerable. They had enough vitality to live for several hundred thousand Earthly years.
How could Annunaks live so long? Who gave them the life “fuel” for longevity?
There were three sources. Two of them were the aspects of the two Supreme Hierarchs of Pleroma, embedded in Abozis by his Black Creator. The third source was earthlings. In all cases, the vital power was pumped out forcibly.
The aggressive vampirism was the basis of Annunaks’ long life.
Earthmen were milked like cattle, sucking the scarce life energy out of them.
Annunaks had to live somewhere, and Abozis built a separate planet, eon, and reality for them.
That’s how Nibiru came into existence. At first, it belonged to supreme rank and had a Monad and its body of manifestation in the form of Logos, including a three-dimensional planet.
Its Monad’s core consisted of Higher Dark Hierarchs’ aspects. But Abozis also managed to “peel off” a part of the Gaia Monad’s core and put it the Nibiru Monad.
Abozis constructed Nibiru by analogy with Earth, although no one gave him the scheme (like the former Black Co-Creator – to Yaltabaoth, for example). He studied it on his own.
When the Nibiru’s Monad unfolded, it had several bodies of manifestation. The lowest one was projected on the three-dimensional level, similar to our 3D Earth.
It is a common misconception that Nibiru is the Twelfth Planet of our Solar System. Nibiru is persistently confused with the planet 2003UB313 in the Kuiper Belt which is indeed the 12th.
But Nibiru does not belong to our Solar System. The planet’s orbit is arranged in such a way that it periodically enters it. Perihelion is near the Sun, and Nibiru repeatedly returns to it and passes close to the Earth. However, its orbital period around the Sun is much longer than the 3600 years mentioned everywhere.
There is also another reason why Nibiru is not a planet of the Solar System. It is not the “child” of our Sun because does not consist of its proto-planetary matter. All the other planets do, and therefore they are the Sun’s “kids”.
The next common myth is that Nibiru provokes a cyclical shift of the Earth’s poles.
Re-polarization is caused by completely different forces and processes. Namely, the accumulation of critical imbalance in the Earth’s core and the impact of external forces associated with precession, resulting in a cyclic shift of the poles and a change in the Polar Star (for more details, see Poles Shift - Aug 29th).
Nevertheless, approaching the Earth (and it is several times larger than our planet) Nibiru by its gravitation theoretically can cause an artificial shift of the poles, or even throw it out of orbit.
Or it may be when Nibiru passing and polarity reversal coincide in time. But it never would, for we will never see Nibiru again.
The fact is that despite all the higher aspects used by Abozis for the creation of the planet’s Monad, its Logos gradually began to lose the intensity of radiant synthesis, in simple terms, to extinguish. Over time, this has taken on an alarming pace.
For the reanimation of the Nibiru Logos, Anunnaks needed a huge amount of gold, as a superconductor of the cosmic Life energies. To this end, they turned the entire Earth into one giant mine and created their version of earthlings as a labor force.
The Logos was restored but only for a short time. Annunaks were faced with a dilemma: either relocate to another planet or take drastic actions to save the Logos which they also sucked to a frazzle, feeding on its energy and maintaining their “immortality”.
To save Nibiru, they decided to attempt an artificial Quantum Transition – to raise the Logos core’s vibes and move Nibiru from the third dimension to the fourth, without preserving the manifestation body in 3D.
There were no evolutionary prerequisites and natural possibilities for that. The calculation was made on a purely vampiric scheme – to use the 3D Gaia’s aspect to “harpooning” the 5D Earth, and with the latter’s help, abruptly increase the Nibiru vibes for a Quantum Leap.
In other words, to apply a “vibrational winch”, i.e. to first “suck in” to the 5D Earth’s Logos, and then “pull up” to it as by the winch.
Annunaks partially succeeded to implement this plan. They could grapple the 5D Earth’s Logos and sharply raise the Nibiru’s vibrations at its expense. The planet began Quantum Transition into the fourth dimension thanks to the resources of 3D Gaia…
An important clarification needs to be made here.
There are two main types of Quantum Transition of evolutionary systems. The first one is when a lower planetary body transforms into the higher dimensional one and thus ceases to exist.
The second type, also based on the lower body of manifestation, but as a result, it is not destroyed; only the assembly point (manifestation point) of the planetary or Star’s Monad is shifted to a higher-frequency dimension (density).
Both types of Quantum Transition are stages of spiritual and evolutionary perfection of the corresponding individual Intelligence form in the Universe.
The Monad itself determines the type of transition. Ideally, the second type is better, but not many planets and Stars can do it.
What happened as a result of Nibiru’s artificial Quantum Transition? Something went wrong, somewhere Abozis miscalculated, but Leap could not be completed.
The attempt was based on pure parasitism. It initially relied on vibrational vampirism, i.e. achieving the goal by stealing the resources of the other Logos and without its consent.
As a result, Nibiru’s Quantum Leap was halfway through. The planet came out of the third dimension but could not enter the fourth.
It hung, stuck between dimensions, at a point corresponding to the Portal of inter-dimensional Transition. These are special nodes in the framework of the Universe through which movement between spaces and dimensions takes place.
Co-Creators immediately imposed a karmic quarantine on the planet, though its reasons were purely technical.
In this state, Nibiru appeared to be nowhere. Its Logos continued to fade and was supported only by the vital resources of Annunaks. They, in turn, actively pumped them from everywhere, including humanity. Quarantine did not affect it.
Being in an inter-dimensional trap, Abozis and Annunaks worked out a new plan to save themselves, again at Gaia’s expense. This time they decided to hook on her at the moment of its Quantum Transition and unification with the 5D Earth. Further, they were going to capture the unified Monad and Logos of both.
The plan seemed quite realistic. During their rule on Earth, Annunaks created a vast infrastructure by which they could influence and even control the Earth’s Logos.
At first, Abozis considered his Annunaks as an alternative to Man. Then he decided that his masterpiece was better and higher, so humans had to be destroyed and his Reptoid race should be made dominant in the Universe.
Another delirium of a sick imagination? But who could have prevented him from carrying out the plan? Hitler’s ideas were also delirious and unrealizable, but that didn’t stop him from destroying tens of millions of people.
Abozis aimed to take over Earth (or to destroy it in case of failure). The second part of the plan, but taking into account the new circumstances, was to conquer the earthlings, not to kill them all.
But in the way of Abozis and Annunaks stood Co-Creators, Higher Light Hierarchs, and their ground team. Further events were truly dramatic.
How Nibiru was destroyed?
Realizing that they have less and less time and opportunity to get out of the inter-dimensional captivity, Nibiruans have undertaken a number of daring sorties and breakthroughs of karmic quarantine.
One of their main targets was the members of the Light Forces’ ground team, whom Co-Creators and Higher Light Hierarchs had assigned to cover the operation on Earth.
Attacks on Lightwarriors were conducted through the Earth’s infrastructure of the Annunaks, as well as through emissaries whose group was constantly in incarnation.
Lightwarriors began an invisible war with Annunaks and several other species of reptiloids. During the attacks, the latter managed to install a chip in the group leader to control his mind.
Implanted into the parietal region of the head, the biological microchip on the Subtle Plane began to rapidly fuse with the brain, trying to control and subdue its work.
The team leader felt the presence of a foreign object in his nape, squeezing the back of his head. It was accompanied by gratuitous attacks of aggression, hatred, suicidal thoughts, etc.
After an urgent analysis of the situation, the Higher Light Hierarchs recommended that the chip be removed urgently, as it was quickly merging with the group leader’s cerebral tissue.
His second performed the implant extraction on the Subtle Plane. Thanks to him, the removal was a success. All the alien zombifying thoughts went away at once, only Lightwarrior’s head ached for a few more days afterward.
A new blow of Annunaks was the encapsulation of Nibiru Logos aspects covertly embedded in Earth. These additional, previously unknown parts of the Nibiruan infrastructure had previously not manifested themselves in any way, and no one knew about them. Higher Light Hierarchs and the friendly space races controlled only the known elements.
The encapsulation of all Nibiru Logos aspects occurred simultaneously, whereupon they were thrust deep into the Earth’s Logos. Thus an attempt was made to capture and subdue it, and then reprogram it. Annunaks’ final plan was not to control but to destroy Gaia’s Logos.
Immediately Co-Creators and Higher Light Hierarchs began an operation to save the Earth, for the situation was critical.
Aspects of Nibiru’s Logos had to be ripped out of the Earth’s Logos, although they had already begun to inject their poison into it. This poison was used many times for the destruction of other planetary Logos. For our poor Gaia, it was a most difficult, almost fatal, ordeal.
Lightwarriors were also actively involved in the operation. They saw Higher Hierarchs injecting in selves the Nibiru’s aspects ripped out of Earth and annihilating them along with the poison.
The ground team members did the same. Fortunately, they already had experience with such poisons. By joint efforts, all aspects were extracted and destroyed. Earth still had a long time to recover from such a blow, but most importantly, it was saved.
Events did not end there. A few days later, Lightwarriors were attacked by an entity they dubbed the Mongoloid Lizard.
The Lizard was created by Nibiruans to protect the reserve DNA and the Incarnation Matrix of the repto-humanoids. Both were stored in a mountainous region of Asia.
For twenty-four hours there was a life-or-death struggle. The Lizard injected Lightwarriors with its venom on the Subtle Plane, causing hours of violent vomiting.
The reptile had been a real pain to the members of the group during the terrible twenty-four hours. It attacked relentlessly, frantically, and it was felt that it would not stop. Lightwarriors could only resist.
On the evening of the second day, the outcome of the fight was decided by the group leader’s counterattack. He managed to capture the Mongoloid Lizard into his Monad and then launched an inner Monadic blast that destroyed the reptile.
A week later, Nibiruans conducted another karmic quarantine breach and once again attacked Earth and the ground crew members.
Nibiruans even could chop off part of the team leader’s Radiant Body and took it with them.
The group instantly decided to use the seized aspects to access where they had been taken.
The next day Lightwarriors detonated the stolen loot with the inner Monadic explosion and did so directly in the Nibiru field, causing considerable destruction to Annunaks.
Five days later, Abozis, having breached the karmic quarantine, emerged from the field of Nibiru and attacked the Monad of the group leader’s second. Through him, Abozis attempted to break into Pleroma to capture one of its higher entities – the Differentiated Absolute.
It meant that Nibiruans had gone for broke and would stop at nothing. Abozis was stopped on the way to Pleroma. Lightwarrior’s leader using his Monad prevented him from going further by resorting to an inner Monadic explosion.
He did everything very quickly, and Abozis did not have time to use his Monad as a ram to break into Pleroma. But also was not destroyed and had time to return to the field of Nibiru.
For Lightwarrior and his physical body, it all came as a great shock and a lot of pain, especially heartache.
The situation with Nibiru had reached a critical point, and it was impossible to tolerate the lawlessness of Annunaks further. Higher Light Hierarchs decided to eliminate the Monad and Logos of Nibiru and put Abozis under karmic arrest.
However, when this decision was being made, Annunaks and Abozis made a new breakthrough from Nibiru.
Events unfolded so quickly that it took several days for the Lightwarriors to fully comprehend them. Moments before the breakthrough, the group leader attacked the Monad of Nibiru and ripped the core out of it which he placed inside his Monad.
Everything that happened afterward and continued for two days could not be called anything other than a nightmare. It is impossible to describe everything that happened to Lightwarrior for moral and ethical reasons. But it was quite a feat.
His Higher Self in this situation went to the maximum program which almost cost him his life. Not only that, he went to the self-sacrificing step of taking the core of Nibiru’s Monad into himself.
He could have destroyed the core inside with an inner Monadic explosion, but in doing so the aspects of the Pleroma’s Hierarchs, 5D Earth, and Gaia within it would have been destroyed as well.
Instead, it went to the painful process of crystallizing out and rescuing those aspects. And to do that, it had to jell within himself all the aspects that made up the core of the Nibiru’s Monad, including the aspects of the Supreme Black Hierarchs’ Monad.
At the moment of the capture of the core of the Nibiru’s Monad Lightwarrior’s face changed dramatically, even his eyes became different. And then tears flowed profusely from his eyes. He began to show preinfarction symptoms…
This went on for two days while the aspects were crystallizing and purifying from the demonic impurities. Everyone who could, try to help.
By the evening of the second day, everything was finished. The core of the Nibiru’s Monad was split, aspects of Darkis were annihilated, and aspects of Gaia and the Pleropma’s Hierarchs were cleaned and returned to them.
Simultaneously with the splitting of the Nibiru’s Monad, the Higher Light Hierarchs began the cleavage of Nibiru’s Logos.
Its core was captured and disintegrated by the Solar Logos, and Nibiru’s Logos body was blot out by a group of Co-Creators and Ascended Masters. The leader of the ground team was also involved.
After that, Nibiru became history. Previously, Lightwarriors smiled at messages on the Internet that Nibiru was allegedly already visible, and at its photo. None of this exists, has never happened, and will ever be.
Much of the information given by Nibiruans, led by their earthly leader Marduk, to Sumerians was true. For example, that there were three waves of their expansions to Earth, about gold mining, that Nibiruans lived for several hundred thousand years, etc.
On the Internet, it is possible to meet a photo of skulls that ostensibly belong to Nibiruans-Annunnaks.
Externally they very accurately correspond to their true skulls. However, none of them is real, as in the case of the Maya crystal skulls. They are all fakes, although made super-professionally.
The fact is that Nibiruans did not leave a single biological trace of their presence on Earth. Even if they happen to die on Earth, their congeners take the bodies of the dead with them, consciously not leaving a single fragment of their DNA on our planet. Although they actively mated with Earthly females.
The result of this mating was the birth of Nibiruan-Earth hybrids. It was long ago, at the time of the first Nibiruan landing on Earth. These hybrids gave birth to the entire Mongoloid race and its sub-races. This is an indisputable fact…
Abozis was taken over by the Karma Lords, convicted, and for his crimes against the Universe destroyed.
Annunaks – his creations – have been put under karmic arrest and placed in a special quarantine eon from which they will no longer escape this time.
None of them will be destroyed, all of them will be kept alive, and after Quantum Transition they will be given a chance to undergo spiritual rethinking and to take the path of evolution.
In a “correctional” eon were placed other Reptoids and repto-humanoids who will be given the same chance.
Dracos And Reptiloids
Draconoids (or Dracos), like the Nagas, are descended from the Primordials and Black Archons, created personally by Yaltabaoth. These entities and powers are the foundation of the Grey eons, an integral part of the Universe that includes our 3D Earth.
It is also the Supreme beings in which the madness of their Father, the Black Co-Creator of our Local Universe, has merged with the Light of Sophia, the World Mother, and Her son Yaltabaoth.
Primogen Dracos and Nagas were born earlier than Man, raised by Yaltabaoth, but later than Perfect Man, brought into being by Supreme Hierarch of Pleroma, who built eons and civilizations of Light.
Draconoids and Nagas are very close genetically. There are even their hybrids, the Serpento-dracanoids.
Both received possession of our Earth and completely dominated it, although they have different abodes in other places, for example, in the constellation of the Dragon and the Snake. It was before the appearance of man on our planet.
When Adam was born and placed on Earth to “go forth and multiply”, Dracos and Nagas, obeying the will of their Dark creator, went into the inner Earth, founding entire underground kingdoms in Agartha.
They did not accept this situation and secretly decided to destroy mankind. But they did not intend to do it with their hands so that they would not be blamed for anything, but by Man himself.
They built a whole system of his self-indulgence in men’s sins and vices and self-destruction that is in full effect today.
The mechanism for the implementation of their plan was and is the visible and invisible power holders of this world. They are ruled by the external Gray civilizations, mostly reptiloids. Everything in this world so far belongs to them.
Of course, Co-Creators and the Higher Light Hierarchs helped humanity as much as they could, or otherwise, we would have been long gone, taking into account the power that wanted to destroy us.
But now everything has changed dramatically. Nagas and Dracos have lost their Dark creator and master, Yaltabaoth. He went to the Light Side and got a new name – Yaltabael.
His former “masterpieces” became “property under abeyance”. They witnessed numerous eliminations of Gray and Black beings.
Co-Creators have put Dracos and Nagas before the choice: to undergo a conscious cleansing of karma and transformation to continue evolving in the United Light Family or to be zeroed as a counter-evolutionary force.
From the beginning, Nagas were different.Some groups of them who were loyal to the man accepted the offer and even cooperate with Lightwarriors in many ops.
The others remained on the Dark Side. This led to an intensified struggle within the race between the major clans for power and spheres of influence.
Dracos was also originally a constructive civilization. The Light of Sophia, which was partially transferred to them from Her son Yaltabaoth, affected them. But later, the insanity gene of the Black Parents did its work.
The race began to degenerate rapidly. As a result, there was a split, the division into two branches: Light and Dark. They did not have a middle one, Gray.
On Earth, both groups of Dracos ruled from a long time ago – in the territory of modern China and other Asian countries. There embodied the primary Dracos and dragon-like Intelligence forms. It is reflected in extant legends and artifacts.
Light Dracos are very wise and peaceful. The LFs’ ground team interacted with them during one of its operations in China. Their planetary abode is in Beijing, in one of the halls in the Forbidden City, Gugong.
The artifact of the Dracos is represented there by the Crystal of Celestial Purity, the combined energies of these entities’ Luminosity. After jointly clearing the karma of the maternal Logos of the Light Dracos on the Altar of Heaven, the Lightwarriors received as a gift a Crystal copy which they sometimes use in their ops.
Black Dracos are also rooted on Earth, and for a time two branches lived here in parallel. Both are a higher form of Intelligence, having once possessed a single Monad and the bodies of its manifestation – the Logos and the Causal Body.
After the split, each branch received half of the Monad. One was filled with Light, the other – with Darkness. As higher entities, each of them created their cosmic races.
Black Dracos gave birth to many Intelligence forms similar to them but only in appearance. They could not give them the Monads – only physical and Subtle Body.
That’s how reptiles came about which is represented by many species. Only a few are on Earth – iguanas, lizards, crocodiles, chameleons, turtles. Scientists also add snakes, though they are not reptiles, but the Nagas’ creations. There are about 12,000 known sub-species of reptiles on Earth.
Each of these reptiles, like almost all terrestrial Life forms, has a corresponding cosmo-civilization where they are dominant. Including a variety of Dinosaurs, also Dracos creatures.
They developed all of them when there was no Man. And when they saw his form and potential, they decided to reproduce on his basis a Reptiloid, a hybrid of a Human and a Reptile. He, like others, “creations”, too, had no Monad (Soul) – only a physical and Subtle Body.
By the way, in Cosmos, only a lazy did not exploit the human image for their creations. There are known arachnid-humanoids (human hybrids with spiders), serpento-humanoids (hybrids with snakes), achthyo-humanoids (hybrids with sea creatures, such as mermaids), man-monkeys, centaurs, bird-men, and many other hybrids.
Different kinds of reptilian and reptiloid civilizations are very common in the Universe. Several of them are on our planet. And everyone has interests and squabbles with each other over spheres of influence on “their” Earth…
They came here a little later than the Nagas, even before Man, and for that reason consider this planet in no way ours, humans.
This point is very important for all of us to understand why all these bacchanalian processes are going on around us right now.
Reptiloids (repto-humanoids) were created imperfect, flawed, and not self-sustainable. They were abandoned by their creators to their fate, or self-organization, as they call it. It was, in fact, the wild survival.
For it, reptiloid races do not have many options, mostly by correcting and improving their genetics. And there are not a lot of ways either: theoretical research, experiments and crossbreeding, hybridization with other, more perfect protein Life forms.
They have conducted and are conducting extensive crossbreeding with various species, to bring genetic material into their genome that can enhance it.
Their main problem is an acute lack of Lifeforce. The energy received at birth is enough for a very short time, the “battery” discharges quickly.
A separate area is an experimentation with crossbreeding with men, introducing human genetic material into their DNA.
The physical body of any earthling has a protein basis. Our body consists of DNA segments and genes brought into it by space donors. Among them were Pleiadeans and 32 main “parents”, as well as others, more than a hundred in total.
Such genetic mix, by the principle of large-knot assembly (like cars in a factory), is the warp and woof of our physical bodies. Of course, the question of the interaction of different genetic blocks and units brought by different civilizations leaves much to be desired.
A special place in our genetics is occupied by reptilian segments, i.e. sections of DNA and groups of genes brought in by reptiloids. On completely legitimate grounds, they are also among our genetic godfathers.
Modern science denies it. Although how can it not deny it? Then it would have to admit that man descended from a reptile, and not from an ape, as they claim until now.
It is a fact that a human being has rudiments, for example, coccyx, which is a degenerated queue. And at the initial stages of intrauterine development of the human embryo all have a tail.
Gills were also thought to be present, but scientists have now disproved them. What used to be thought to be gills turned out to be only folds of tissue in the human embryo – the precursors of head and neck.
Since then, these folds have been called “gill arches”. Although it is more correct to call them “visceral” because internal organs are formed from them. Gill slits, same as they are in cold-blooded animals, the human embryos are not formed.
Reptile insertions in human genetics are an objective reality. They give us strong innate immunity, increase regenerative capabilities, i.e. our survivability.
For example, severed limbs in some reptiles regenerate and grow back. That was supposed to be with humans as it was in the last Satya Yuga…
At present, a very serious disagreement arose between the reptiloid clans controlling Earth that led to a split. Some disobeyed the Council of Elders, which decided to peacefully evacuate the entire race from Earth.
The rebels represent an influential group of irreconcilables who refused to leave Earth and give it to earthlings.
They put skin in the game in an attempt, and now try to reduce the Earth’s population as retaliation and bargaining.
They will not start a new “hot” world war, for it is mutual annihilation. Killing humanity through the propaganda of violence, drugs, unhealthy lifestyles, and diet, GMOs works too slowly.
The introduction of degenerate models and a system of values at odds with natural human nature does not meet expectations.
There remain viruses…
The whole current campaign is planned and billions of dollars are being thrown into it now, pumping trillions out of it at the same time… But even this is not yielding the expected results.
Galactic Committee suspects that the reptilods, by introducing their genetics into the human DNA-Matrix, may have installed a time bomb into it.
Galacom does not exclude that some vaccines may carry an alien genetic insertion that, through a key put in, could trigger the repto-program in our body.
Most likely, our tails won’t start to grow (though, who knows….). But if the reptilian genes are responsible for our immunity, we can assume that it could be influenced through them. For example, just turn it off. What the AIDS virus does, a masterpiece of Black geneticists.
The situation is now under the constant tight control of the Higher Light Hierarchy and Galactic Committee. For now, it remains difficult.
Against the background of Galacom withdrawing the energies of the old 3D Matrix, de-energizing it, a colossal drain on humanity’s vital force continues at the same time.
Colossal drain on humanity’s vital force
How did it become possible?
Co-Creators and the Galactic Committee reconstructed the most complete and detailed picture of which channels the Life Energy is draining from earthlings today. Of entire gigantic parasitic infrastructure of Dracos and reptiloids.
The former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe built it to support Life in his Dark and Grey eons and their civilizations. Schematically it looks like a pyramid and The Clipoth (Death Tree), or in other spelling – The Qliphoth (Reverse Tree), at the same time.
On the energy plane, any pyramid is a double fractal in which the upper and lower parts are similar, as in a mirror image.
What we have known so far about the world’s parasitic system is only its smallest part. It is immeasurably bigger, more complicated, and meaner.
The top of the vampire pyramid is the Anti-Pleroma’s core.
The base of the pyramid is our 3D Earth.
The field from the base to the bottom is the inner Earth.
The lowest part is the “lower” pole of the Anti-Pleroma, a micro-copy of its core.
The top and bottom of the parasitic pyramid are connected by a single channel, a “pipe” that pumps out the Life Energy from the Earth’s vital field.
It works on the principle of classical, well-known to all, financial pyramid in which the overtaken assets are entirely accumulated and redistributed within the pyramid itself.
All of its participants take the cream off of it.
The higher the hierarchical level of the vampire pyramid, the more cream those who sit on it get.
Such a scheme operates not only on Earth but in all Grey eons where the trunk and the crown of the The Clipoth go.
Maximum energies receive the one who is at the very top.
So who is it?
It used to be the Black Co-Creator of our Local Universe.
It was he who developed and controlled this Universal vampiric system, and it all worked for him in the end.
Supreme Hierarch did not take for himself ALL of the Life Energy taken away.
He kept just as much as was necessary for the survival of those who served the pyramid – the reptiloids.
Power is being siphoned off on absolutely all levels, from all existing sources, reservoirs of Life Energy in:
This is the meaning of the Death Tree.
Its trunk serves as a vertical energy channel.
Every branch and leaf, even the smallest are the tentacles and suction cups of a vampire.
In the mineral realm, the drain of Life Energy occurs through a group of vampiric minerals: black diamond, graphite, and until recently haematite.
In the plant kingdom, the siphoning of vital energy occurs through a group of vampiric plants…
In the animal world – through vampiric animals and insects: some kinds of spiders, scorpions, mosquitoes, and flies. The last two are record-breakers in sucking out people’s psychic Life Energy, and everybody knows that very well…
An important source of vital power is water. It is structured in two types on the planet. Abstracting from the icy state, it is seawater and freshwater.
Despite the similarity, they even have different formats of the Causal Matrix.
The freshwater bioenergy was withdrawn through the stealth virus installed in its Causal Matrix. Using it, Darkis drained destructive energy-information substances.
During the ops in conjunction with the Earth’s High Curators, Lightwarriors deactivated the freshwater Causal Matrix and linked it with its temporary analog.
Soon a completely different Matrix of a new water state will start working. It will be liquid crystal or aqua-vita-plasma.
Things are different with seawater which constitutes the bulk of the planetary water element.
Darkis installed the parasitic modules into it not on the Causal level, but the Subtle Plan.
Reptiloids, as builders and maintainers of the vampiric system, have created a planetary network of Portals which serve as reactors for collecting, filtering, and crystallizing the bio-energy component of seawater substances.
By its principle, it is similar to filtering huge water masses and extracting from them of feeding plankton by some species of sea inhabitants.
On a physical level, the network of Portals in the seas and oceans is based on large whirlpools. The biggest of them are:
Saltstraumen in Norway. Here they could be up to 13 meters in diameter and 8 meters deep.
Moskstraumen in the Pacific Ocean. Edgar Allan Poe made this whirlpool famous in his mystical short story The Descent into the Maelstrom. It can reach 80 meters in diameter, making it dangerous even for large vessels;
Corryvreckan Bay’s whirlpool in Scotland. It is considered by divers to be one of the most dangerous dive sites…
I am planning to give more details about energetic water purification ops soon. It is important to note that the Higher Light Hierarchy used precisely the system of parasitic Portals as a tool for purification of Monads from karma.
During the unprecedented vampiric activity of the Darkies’ Portals in July-August 2021, great and invaluable aid was provided to Earth by the Dolphin and Whale space civilizations – their Earth incarnate representatives.
Sacrificing themselves, they have heroically contained the virtually out-of-control growth of these Portals’ activity.
They have distributed the Portals geographically among themselves and have extinguished their work throughout this turbulent time… Many thanks to them for that!
But other parts of the gigantic and multi-level system of sucking mental and vital energy out of humanity continue to operate.
Vampiric egregores, wars, crises, epidemics, various cults, phobias, fears, casinos, some sports, movies, television, MSM, the porn industry, human and drug trafficking – the list is endless.
Another sphere of vampirism is the human organism: free radicals, destructive genes, viruses, and pathogens… All of them are also a part of the general mechanism.
Darkis have created a system of energy grids and spheres, Portals, karmic burial grounds, generators, accumulators, and transmitters of negative energy for their needs on the Subtle Plane. The DNI has been describing this infrastructure and Light Forces dozens operations to dismantle and destroy it in great detail for over a year.
But Life Energy is much more multifaceted.
It is the Earth’s Pranic Energy (Life Energy in the air).
It is aqua vita-plasma energy (Life Energy in water).
It is the Solar vital energy (Life Energy contained in the Sunlight).
It is the Stars’ vital energy coming to us from certain Stellar’s donors.
Finally, it is the vital energy of the Milky Way’s Central Sun, coming to us via the Galactic Ray from the Galactic Logos core.
All kinds of vital energies together form what is called the Universal Life Energy or Amrita.
Earth’s global parasitic-vampiric system works 24/7 non-stop. And it continues to run, though not as intensively as previously.
The upper part of the infrastructure is damaged or destroyed by joint operations of Co-Creators, Higher Light Hierarchs, friendly space races, and Lightwarriors’ ground teams.
The next step is to dismantle the middle part (base) and the lower part of the parasitic octahedron. It is a more difficult task as the pyramid base is densely populated by us, earthmen. Therefore the problem is solved in a complex with other operations on the Subtle and physical plan.
Recently, many elements of the pyramid’s foundation have been disassembled. Partially it has been “disassembled” itself, automatically, after the termination of existence on different levels of Life Energy’s consumers.
What is left of it now? Some segments on the Earth physical and the Subtle Plane. And the lower levels, the inner Earth with the roots and the Anti-Pleroma core’s copy.
After the elimination of the top of the Death Tree, its lower part became the main receiver, consumer, and redistributor of the pumped-out Life Energy of the Earth and people.
What is the core’s copy as energy?
It is the primordial cell of karma. It was self-born in the Black Co-Creator when he betrayed the Source. The cell represents a critical mutation of the Pleroma’s substance, the Perfect Light.
Later the cell (its copies, clones) became the prototype, the centerpiece of many Black and Grey eons, entities, structures, etc.
Absolutely black body at any temperature absorbs all the electromagnetic radiation falling on it in all ranges.
Thus, its absorptivity (the ratio of absorbed energy to incident energy) is equal to 1 for all frequencies, propagation directions, and polarization.
Despite the name, a perfectly black body itself can emit electromagnetic radiation of any frequency and visually have a color.
The study of the black body radiation laws was one of the prerequisites for the appearance of quantum mechanics.
The fundamental function of the primordial cell of karma and its physical manifestation – the absolutely black body – is the ability to attract to itself everything that is needed. It is also a universal magnet.
So the core of the Earth’s infrastructure of the parasitic system is the micro-copy, the aspect of the first karma cell. And that explains everything.
This absolute magnet pulls on itself through a multi-level system and planetary network of different Portals the pumped out Life Energy. And if earlier the magnet used to send most of it upwards, now it absorbs it all by itself.
The system continues to function in autonomous, programmed mode. Lately, some protocol has self-activated, triggering a frantic afterburner of the entire system.
The core of the Death Tree, which was in a semi-dormant state, was activated and through the planetary system of vampiric Portals began to intensively draw Life Energy from everywhere.
At the same time, it sends it almost nowhere, i.e., IT GROWS FAST.
What does this mean?
It’s a new attempt at revenge for the Darkies. They’re going all in.
What are they trying to accomplish?
There is only one most powerful magnet on the Earth – its core (Crystal). It plays the main role in providing and redistributing the Life Energy in our system. The Earth’s core is the basis of the planet’s vita-power, atmosphere, magnetic field, etc.
If to create a magnet that is more powerful than the Earth’s core, the attraction of the Galactic Ray will automatically, according to the laws of physics, switch over and lock onto it.
The reptiloids’ plan was simple: why pick up crumbs and “scraps” from the parasitic Clipoth when they can take over the whole system and be at its helm? And distribute to whom and how much Life Energy to give…
If before it was absolutely impossible, now it has become absolutely real. The threat was very serious. In fact, it’s a new Armageddon, hopefully, the last one.
In mid-August 2021 the situation became catastrophic. All efforts of the Higher Light Hierarchy concentrated on restraining the growth of the parasitic Death Tree’s core.
On August 17, the situation was taken under full control due to the inconceivable efforts of the group of Co-Creators and Hierarchs and the self-sacrificing actions of the Light beings. They created a sarcophagus from their bodies of manifestation and densely covered with selves the Clipoth’s core. That stopped its growth.
In September, the Galactic Committee with the Light Reptiloids planned to begin a full deactivation of the parasitic system on Earth.
But another pandemic outbreak, an inner reptiloids’ showdown, and a more important operation intervened that I will narrate in Trilogy - PART 2 - Current time …
For now, deactivation is on hold....
We must remember, the history of Nibiru on the conquest of the Earth only lowers the vibration of humanity and keeps us in the past.
If we want to get into the future (our future) , we must begin to create our own new history, and not use the scenarios of the past and which have already gone out of fashion in this universe, since this is not what the universe expects from us.
Let’s create a colorful world in which demons turn into angels. We can turn demons into angels in our imaginations. In the 4th world, everything is done with the help of thought. This is the only way we can cleanse the planet of negativity.
This is how the ecstasy of the energy of creation is felt, with the help of which we create our world. It is like ecstasy! We can spend our lives fighting someone and get stuck in this game for a long time. Or we can get out of it and, for example, try to create our own planetary system and populate it with our own creatures.
Yes, we can do it! When we are completely out of 3d to 4/5d, we collectively can do this. Right now, we are learning collectively to visualize the habitable space on the surface of the black planet where you placed your red umbrella. But you can go further and start visualizing other planets around the Earth and even create your own Sun.