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Trilogy - Part 2 - NOW - Earth was updated with the most ideal form of the Causal Matrix core

Writer's picture: AuroraAurora

Why the Galactic Committee and Light Reptiloids postponed the joint op to de-energize the entire parasitic system on Earth which was scheduled for September.

The reason is the new operation of Galacom and Co-Creators related to the reconfiguration of the planet’s core (Crystal).

This summer, Pleroma Hierarchs, and Co-Creators have begun reshaping the Earth’s core for it could more fully receive the new 5D radiation from the Source.

Below is the shape of a Crystal that our planet could have – two 56-sided star-shaped polyhedrons. This shape was to be for the long Transition period.

Renewed Crystal
New Core Projection

But everything has changed very quickly.

The planet will now have a different, more perfect form of core and its projection outside – a planetary crystal grid, similar to a soccer ball (without the painted segments, naturally).

Why did Galacom and Co-Creators change the plan?

As DNI noted, dismantling the remainder of the parasitic Darkis’ system on the surface and in inner Earth was a more complex operation than any of the previous ones.

Recent events have convinced Galacom that the planet needs a more perfect Crystal. The higher the dimensionality, the more faces it has. What was wrong with the updated configuration?

The angles of the sphere’s segments. The principle of harmony, fractal self-similarity of parts to the whole is lost at the fragmentation of the sphere into pentagons.

What structure should the framework of the planet, its crystal lattice have?

It has to be like a bee honeycomb in the first six hours after it is formed WHEN THEY ARE WITHOUT ANGLES. Compare the two pictures.

On August 31, 2021, Co-Creators have begun a new reconfiguration of the Earth’s crystal lattice and core of the Planetary Logos’ Causal Matrix.

Under their control, Gaia did a hurricane reboot of her Absoluteverse – folding into her Super-Monad ALL of her Logos from 3D to 13D.

There they ALL received a new Matrix form of the sacral-geometric Mandala – the Absolute Crystal.

During the reverse sweep of Gaia’s Absoluteverse, all Logos are unfolded with an Ideal, NOT structured, and not defragmented Matrix.

And then the most interesting thing kicked off. A unique process, unparalleled in the entire history of the Local Universe, began.


As for our 3D Earth, immediately after the installation of the ideal Crystal Matrix, there was only one goal for all Light Forces: TO SAVE THAT FORM FROM DISINTEGRATION.

Of course, Earth in 3D cannot a priori hold and produce Light vibrations of such a level that corresponds to the form of the Absolute Crystal. It is impossible in principle.

Therefore, the ideal shape of the ball immediately began to disintegrate, that is, to refract, segment into a set of pentagonal honeycombs …

A miracle hasn’t happened and could not happen. Laws of the Universe and the creation of Logos are inviolable.

The most ideal form of the Causal Matrix core and planetary crystal grid configuration in 3D/4D can only be icosahedron or dodecahedron, including their stellar forms.

But Co-Creators and Gaia decided to go all the way – to the victorious end. By any means to save, and to continue their unique experiment.

The attempt was supported by many Higher Intelligence Forms, including Pleroma’s Hierarchs, Co-Creators, the Archangels, World Mother Sophia, and many others.

World Mother Sophia

They developed a plan, the implementation of which gave Earth 3D a chance to hold the form of the Absolute Crystal.

Of course, with many facets but still not distorted, not disintegrated.

The realization of this plan had begun in the evening of August 31, 2021, when the self-destruction of the ideal Crystal Form introduced into the Earth’s Causal Matrix led to catastrophic, almost irreversible consequences…

To stop the disintegration, it was necessary to sharply, explosively raise the vibrations of the Earth Logos, and to hold them for some time, before entering the stabilization phase.

For it, Galactic Committee and Co-Creators decided to bring the Absolute Ray to the planet. It meant direct the contact with Sun in 14D!

Having united energetically into a single structure, Higher Light Beings led this Ray through themselves to Earth.

At the same time, it was reduced by them to a vibration acceptable to the planet so that Earth, her Logos, and humans did not burn up.

But even in the maximum reduced vibes of the Absolute Ray sent to Earth on August 31, 2021, it was prohibitive.

The Ray

Never before has our planet been exposed to Light’s vibration of such intensity. It was of the highest level.

Many incarnate Lightworkers from August 31 to the first decade of September 2021, also participated in the assimilation of the Absolute Ray and the stabilization of the new Earth lattice and Merkaba form.

Lightwarriors’ ground team was involved as well. Here’s how two of its leaders described what happened to them.

The first touch of the Ray was like a blow to the head.

A super-high-frequency tsunami swept sharply overhead. Lightwarriors were used to such waves. All lives they had been dealing with vibrations, cosmic energies, etc. But this time it was as never happened before.

Their eyes went dark, and breath caught. Wild dizziness and heartbeat began. It was impossible to breathe, as if from an acute shortage of air.

The force of the energy vibrations twisted several vertebrae of the team leader’s spinal column. The chest was crushed, everything went numb. He was in the middle of a heart attack.

Vibro-Tsunami Impact

On September 1, Lightwarrior had four vertebrae repaired by a bone surgeon, but in the evening a new vibro-tsunami had set them off again. From then, such conditions recurred every day and lasted from two to twelve hours.

It was the hardest period. No medication helped. Only sedatives and vasodilators calmed down a bit. Not for long.

Lightwarriors’ hearts took the brunt of the Absolute Ray’s contact. There were days when both group leaders lay on their beds for twenty-four hours – it was the only way they could breathe with great difficulty.

The slightest physical move increased the vibrations. It became impossible to breathe, and their hearts could not cope.

Even taking a glass of water was incredibly difficult. It was bringing to Lightwarriors half-empty to make it less heavy. Going to the bathroom was a feat, after which they often said goodbye to life.

Of course, they had had similar states more than once before. BUT THEY HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED SUCH INTENSITY OF VIBRATION BEFORE. And so felt Earth’s Logos. It was difficult for it too, and it was at the limit itself.

On September 9, 2021, another vibration tsunami that lasted three hours ended. It coincided with the strongest magnetic storms these days.

Magnetic Storm Index

By this day, Lightwarriors had already endured it more easily. The body had adapted a little, and so had the mind and psyche.

What is happening today?

Earth by a temporary bio-Merkaba made of Higher Light Beings and their embodied assistants’ aspects is conducting through itself and adapting to the maximum allowable vibration that it can bear, the substance of the Absolute Ray.

This bio-Merkaba of Light raises the overall vibes of Earth’s Logos and holds the introduced the ideal Crystal Matrix and the new crystal grid, in such a highest freqs that allowed to SAVE SPHERICAL FORM FROM DISINTEGRATION for the present time.

Moreover, a new Absolute-Crystalline form of the Earth’s Merkaba is actively stabilizing.

Magnetic Waves Jumps

It is far from over, but already now, regardless of the final result, we can talk about the World Sensation.


Not even temporarily! Never! Earth is the FIRST to get it, to endure, to earn it. All Co-Creators and Galacom’s efforts are focused on it.

Many other processes are continuing in parallel, especially in anticipation of the decisive battle between the Darkis and Light Forces on our long-suffering planet. Since August 31, its active phase is unfolding…

25D Argorian and 23D friendly space race squadrons transporting Earth to the new 5D vibrational orbit entered the singularity region. It is the region where space-time is warped.

Warped Space

On September 6th, 2021, at 9:04 AM CET, Argorians’ ships have reached the sixth cascade stage in the third quantum filter’s separator.

Resistance of energies will grow on each cascade stage – in total, they are nine. On each, starts further purification and quantum restructuring of the planet, and the fractal of the fifth dimension building.

In the third separator, which the squadron entered on May 10, 2021, the consciousness of those of us who transform and purify it from low-frequency accumulations is changing. Otherwise, with such a load, we will not be allowed further by the filter cells.

It was in this part of the quantum filter that the division of earthlings into 16 timelines took place by the vibrations emitted by them.


At this section an enhanced pumping of the RNA and DNA by cosmic energy has begun, to raise the consciousness not only of men but of the entire planet.

For it, the pink-red with blue sparks Love energy GREMO is applied. Its impulses in our body transform muscular, venous, visual, auditory, and other systems.

Expansion of consciousness will be felt differently by us. There may be disagreements, arguments, quarrels. Even at the DNI site. There may be indifference and aloofness to events taking place.

On September 11th, 2021, at 3:16 PM CET, a squadron of 25D Argorians and 23D friendly space race along with Earth entered a cloud of supersensible radiation nebulae coming from the Gerios Galaxy.

It is in this Galaxy, closer to the Central Sun, where the star Oryx is located, our planet is moving to a new vibrational orbit 5D.

Radiations from the nebula can be dangerous for people with weak energy and unstable psyche. Therefore, Argorians urge us to be more attentive to our well-being.

Radiating Nebulae

The work to clean up the planet continues as planned, even ahead of schedule. With the help of delta-gamma range emissions, Argorians constantly scan all Earth’s parameters.

Galactic Committee is preparing for input and setting up the equipment that it will soon use in the work with the planet’s population.

These installations allow Argorians to absorb the negative radiations of mankind, and promptly check the areas of elevated low-frequency emissions. Friendly space races never tire to reduce the concentration of men’s stink emissions.

Too much energy-information noise, in which we still are, adversely affects our psyche. Increased stress and manipulation created by MSM are artificially heated by governments, expanding the environment for the generation of low-frequency jets.

We have received the following message to the earthlings:

“We appeal to all right-thinking people!

Look around you, what do you see? Aren’t there any islands of tranquility around you, something that can bring you into harmony?

Only in this way, you can perceive the high vibrations entering the space of the Earth. With all responsibility for yourself and your loved ones, you must remain calm no matter what.

Perceive High Vibes

If there are more such men, you will be able to stabilize the space around you. And people around you will also calm down, and a sane and peaceful mind will allow you to take a correct view of what is going on.

By keeping and raising your vibrations, you help the Creator to realize his Plan in the nearest future.

Your influence on the collective unconscious will illuminate and generate very different conditions.

The negative elements will subside, and the world will be restored around you.

All your inner work consists precisely in keeping your peace of mind. All Divine forces are with you. This is very powerful protection of Light, and you are a conductor of it.

This is the main understanding of all ongoing quantum processes of healing and transformation of the Earth. Ask for help, and we will come. You are our islands of stability in the growing chaos.

Do not forget that you have been divided into 16 timelines. It will help you to be on your vibration wave, perceiving and preserving the world, in the occurring events of your time branch.

We wish you all wisdom and universal tranquility, despite all the storms and hurricanes of the passing world.

The sixth cascade stage of the third quantum filter’s separator has a peculiar effect on space matter. You will feel it on yourselves.

Filter’s Cascades

Change of the planet’s vibes frequency affects all its inhabitants. The environment influences each quantum particle, tuning matter to sound in unison with the Earth.

Time speeds up, and more and more space is made in your memory for the new. Your mind becomes silent and old neural connections dissolve. Gone forever are the things that are of no use in the new world.

Gradually new programs will be introduced as the space changes to which everything must conform.

Your cells constantly receive commands to change DNA and RNA. In your subconsciousness started a grandiose work on the transformation of a body, its decompaction for transfer to 4-dimensional space.

The changeover puts additional strain on all organs and systems of the body. It is especially difficult for those in whom latent energy blocks and negative programs have accumulated. It is how your body remembers all psycho-emotional traumas, generic programs that distort the flow of energy in it.

Since there is now a release from such problems, the latent energy blocks are activated, returning to the causes of their origins. Therefore, previously forgotten pains and emotions may return.

Don’t worry, it is a temporary phenomenon. You should be grateful to the Creator for this opportunity for healing.

Healing Energies

We are only reminding that this applies to those people whom the Creator chooses according to the level of consciousness and Soul in all incarnations, and the GREMO energy of Love has started this process.

Cleansing is always painful as it touches all man’s bodies. Soul pain can be amplified when, for its release, the high-frequencies squeeze out the low-frequency energies.

Many must undergo the baptism of Divine fire, transmuting the lowest into the highest one.

It is necessary to perceive correctly all that happens, to let go with the ease of what goes away, making room for new and pure energies of the Source to assimilate by you.”


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