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Ukraine-part 1 - Lightwarrior's operations against Black Archons and their gigantic infrastructure

Writer's picture: AuroraAurora

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

I feel it's time to reveal the deep history of our planet by sharing with you a series of many operations conducted by the Co-Creators and Lightwarriors’ ground teams (highly trained evolved earthlings) on our planet Earth against Black Archons and their gigantic infrastructure reaching far into space, into the Dark and Grey eons of the Local Universe.


Chapter 1

On the Subtle Plane, many races are closely watching what is happening now in Ukraine.

Co-Creators and Galactic Committee have covered this country with a huge quantum dome, preventing the energies of war from escaping its confines. The more we kick about this subject, the more we stuff ourselves with TV trash of what is happening and fear, the more we let the deadly toxicity in.

Ancient crystals are now awakening in Ukraine, whose positive influence Darks is trying to block.

The same crystals are also awakening in other countries, saturating people with powerful transformational energy.

And each of us can use it for our future or drain it to the negative forces. The choice is ours alone.

Before the current events in Ukraine, Co-Creators and Lightwarriors’ ground teams were conducting operations in that country against Black Archons and their gigantic infrastructure reaching far into space, into the Dark and Grey eons of the Local Universe.

Five more operations in other parts of Ukraine can be disclosed. One of them Lightwarriors ground team carried out in Chernobyl.

Since April 26, 1986, a huge number of studies and publications have appeared, analyzing and explaining the causes of the Chernobyl tragedy in the most detailed way from all angles.

The most important thing was left out of the picture: what was happening then and thereafter on the Subtle Plane.

For the ground team, Chernobyl was a continuation of their operation in South Yemen in which Co-Creators and Lightwarriors eliminated the 3D Anti-World of Earth.

This topic, as it later turned out, was directly related to the Chernobyl tragedy.

The group arrived in Chernobyl on the morning of the next day after returning from the Arabian expedition. There is still a 30-kilometer exclusion zone around Chernobyl which is impossible to enter without a special permit. But for the money you can, as they say, do anything.

Inside this zone, there are three other zones and cordons, 10 kilometers each. The outermost cordon is called the Dytyatky checkpoint which is where the Lightwarriors drove in and out of Chernobyl.

The most difficult thing was to get directly to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (it is located 18 kilometers from the village of Chernobyl) and to its fourth unit which exploded on April 26, 1986. But the group managed to do it because it was from there they had to conduct the operation.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

To this day, the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is a gruesome sight: abandoned houses and equipment that were used during the liquidation of the accident and, accordingly, filled with radiation.

The most terrifying place is the ghost town of Pripyat, a couple of kilometers from the Atomic Power Station (APS). This town was purpose-built next to the nuclear power plant and was intended for APS employees and their families.

Houses blackened by radiation, windowless apartments looted by looters, Soviet and Ukrainian coats of arms on roofs, communist slogans, and other symbols of Soviet times. Playgrounds with rusted-out rides. The observation wheel, which was never used by kids – its grand opening was scheduled for May 1, 1986.

It was as if time had stopped there. Lightwarriors could not stay in that place for long because the radiation was too high. In the summer, when it is hot, radiation reaches 2000-2500 mcR/h, and dosimeters go off the scale and break down.

Places of contamination constantly migrate due to the rains. For example, local workers told that one year they collected clean mushrooms in one place, and one year later the dosimeter broke down from what was collected in the same place.

The most toxic places are, of course, near the nuclear power plant. The soil is contaminated with cesium-137, strontium-90, and uranium isotopes which have a half-life of many years. Other radioactive elements have already had time to decay since the accident. Nevertheless, it will be thousands of years before people can live free there again.

Pripyat City

Although there are squatters in the Chernobyl zone, too, who refused to leave their homes, today they are very elderly people. They live normally, run their household, eat mushrooms, and drink well water. And nothing happens to them! Here is another example where the power of human life once again defeated death.

The group was primarily interested in the question: what was in Chernobyl originally, at the Earth’s creation, and what was there at the time of the disaster?

Lightwarriors were very amazed when they discovered that one of the 12 planetary Flower of Life Temple was located directly beneath the 4th unit of the Chernobyl’s APS.

Exactly as has happened in other locations of the global Flower of Life system, its infrastructure has been taken over by Black Archons and Dark Hierarchy for their anti-human purposes.

In the Flower of Life Temple in Chernobyl, they created a backup Portal of the three-dimensional Anti-World, and, in case of its emergent activation, loaded it into its Matrix.

Earlier, it was Portal of Light that contained the Aspect of the Local Universes’ Logos embedded there during the Earth’s creation. Thus, it was also a Temple of Light, providing the energy and information exchange of Gaia directly with the Universal Logos. There were twelve such Universal Temples on the planet.

Dark Hierarchs used the entire Divine structure for their vile purposes. In particular, they created there a natal-incarnational Portal (Birth Womb) for the second Primary Black Archon (the first one was the Black Fire Archon).

This Supreme Demonic Entity, called the Archon of Radiation, could exist and move freely in the world and the anti-world through the Chernobyl Portal.

Archon Of Radiation

Its Monad consisted of aspects of the former Local Universe Black Co-Creator and the Dark Goddess Lilith’s Monads and radioactive elements as the body of manifestation on Earth and in three-dimensional reality!

Black Archon created this monster in the hope that it would help him carry out another crazy plan to take over the Local Universe and Pleroma through absorption by the anti-world he created.

The implementation of this plan began on April 26, 1986, at 01:11 local time, at the moment of explosion of the 4th power unit of the APS, located at the spot of the former Universal Temple of Light and the Flower of Life, transformed by the Hierarchs of Darkness into the Flower of Death.

Thus, the most dangerous attempt in history to take over our world by the anti-world was undertaken. One of the main trump cards of Black Archons – radioactive elements – was actively used.

These elements are the cancer of our Universe, its three-dimensional reality. This is the manifestation of karma at the level of Planetary and Stellar Logos. This is the slow decay of the physical world.

Radioactive elements have unstable cores. In decay, they emit deadly radiation that kills all life. But that radiation was the life energy for Archon of Radiation and its supposed offspring.

In the Periodic Table of Elements, there are now over 50 radioactive isotopes. Like a virus, they penetrate the various elements and infect them, with the result that, over time, the entire elements become radioactive.

It means that we have been living in a slowly dying, decaying, semi-radioactive Local Universe, where the number of radioactive elements is constantly increasing.

If no one did anything, our Universe would die of radiation death, a state in which all of its elements would become radioactive, and there would be a general collapse as a result of the uncontrolled transition of elements into each other.

The implementation of this plan was going fine, but slowly. But Archon of Radiation, powered by the deadly elements, was only growing and getting stronger.

The attempted takeover of our world by the anti-world became real on April 26, 1986, when a critical mass of radiation was accumulated on our planet. It was facilitated by the presence on Earth (including Ukraine) of a huge number of nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors, and repositories of spent nuclear fuel.

Co-Creators, Higher Light Hierarchs, Galacom, and friendly cosmic races managed to prevent the catastrophe at the cost of enormous losses. Including blocking the activation of the Latent Black Holes which DNI narrated earlier (see – Destruction Of The Death Nest. Part 3).

To capture the Local Universe and Pleroma, Black Archons used radioactive elements as boarding hooks to pull the critical mass of our world’s substance into the anti-world through the Chernobyl Portal.


During the explosion of the APS’s 4th reactor, a huge black hole was formed that began to quickly consume Earth and the Local Universe. But its rapid growth was stopped at the cost of the self-sacrifice of the Higher Self of a man who died in the explosion of the 4th power unit. He closed this black hole with his Monad and saved the planet and humanity.

His physical body was never found, and his Monad turned into a shadow as a result of contact with a black hole, just as the bodies of people disappeared during the atomic explosion in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

DNI deliberately does not give this man’s earthly name, but it is well known. His feat made it possible to stop the critical growth of the Chernobyl black hole on April 26, 1986, and to buy the time that Higher Light Hierarchy needed for urgent action.

It was counted in minutes and seconds. Black Archons had placed the Primary Matrix of Radioactive Elements of the Universe in the Chernobyl Portal. It meant that the radioactive decay virus had already begun to spread rapidly through the Universe and decompose it precisely from our planet, from the Chernobyl Radioactive Portal, using the infrastructure of the planetary Flower of Life Temple and the Aspect of the Universal Logos!

And this Aspect opened direct access and situation controlling of the Local Universe’s Logos. In the entire Greater Cosmos, this Aspect was only on Earth!

It also turned out that the Monad of Radiation Archon is partially composed of part of the Universal Logos Aspect, which makes the monster invulnerable. Such a combination Lightwarriors have never seen before. And the structure itself, with its ability to directly access and control the Universal Logos, was similar to what the group saw on Easter Island.

By the Plan of the Higher Light Hierarchy, the ground team began the operation near the 4th unit of the Chernobyl APS, at the site next to the monument to the liquidators of the disaster.

Monument To The Liquidators

Lightwarriors began with the Universal Primary Matrix of Radioactive Elements, the bearer of which, as mentioned above was the aspect of the Local Universe’s Logos. The team attempted to save the Aspect, separate it from the destructive part, purify it, and return it to the Universe’s Logos. To do this, they installed the Pleromic Reality Crystal and the Absolute Life Matrix into it.

It did not work, although brought a positive effect: on the physical plane, smoldering radioactive decay under the sarcophagus of the 4th Unit was suppressed. It contains up to 96% of the nuclear fuel loaded in the reactor.

Lightwarriors saw that the reaction was still going on there. So they decided to proceed with the complete splitting of the Matrix and the destruction of the aspect of the Universal Logos along with it. The Pleroma Evolutionary Committee authorized the op.

As a result, the Universal Radiation Matrix was completely split along with the aspect of the Universal Logos. The Chernobyl Portal was also erased and its destructive connection to the Universal Logos was cut off.

The next job was the liquidation of the Chernobyl Backup Matrix to restore the three-dimensional anti-world on Earth.

They also tried to capture and eliminate the Archon of Radiation who was in the Chernobyl Portal, but he outsmarted everyone by escaping to the backup Portal. He was there, out of reach, but blocked, and later annihilated.

After the destruction of the Universal Logos Aspect in which the Universal Matrix of Radioactive Decay was placed, the question of restoring this Aspect arose, for even the absence of one part already carries with it the absence of 100% Logos integrity.

Local Universe’s Logos

Co-Creators decided to try to synthesize this Aspect artificially. They commissioned Lightwarriors to do this work, given their positive experience with the creation of an artificial aspect of the Solar Monad in Peru. It was a completely authentic Aspect, indistinguishable from the original, for it was nurtured and composed of aspects of their Monads, abiding in an environment of Love and Absolute Light.

Following the same pattern, the group members began to create the Universal Logos Aspect from the aspects of their Monads. This was much harder than synthesizing the Solar Monad aspect in Peru.

The Universal Logos Aspect was much larger in volume and vibration. The Hearts and Monads of Lightwarriors were working at their limit. The Aspect maturation lasted several days.

In the end, for the first time in history, an artificial Aspect of Local Universe’s Logos was born. It consisted of Lightwarriors Monads’ parts. They needed to unite them to complete a holistic form.

It was canceled. At the last moment, Co-Creators decided to go for an unprecedented experiment, the essence of which the Lightwarriors did not immediately understand.

On the evening of one of the next days, Co-Creators moved the prototype of the Universal Aspect from the team leader’s Monad into his Pleromic Body which is on a higher level. It was an attempt to create a Universal Logos, more perfect than the current one.

Co-Creators wanted to uplift the Logos to the Pleroma’s level and automatically pull the entire Local Universe after it. As a result, the Pleromized Logos was created and is being studied comprehensively.

Then, another interesting experiment followed – testing the ability of the man’s Monad to temporarily perform the functions of the Universal Logos! This experiment was conducted with the team leader’s Monad.

In the course of it, Universe’s Logos traffic was temporarily linked to Lightwarrior. In other words, his Monad was temporarily transformed into a semblance of the Universal Logos, performing all of its tasks.

It was a very interesting but at the same time difficult experience for Lightwarrior. For this, his Monad was temporarily reconfigured according to the scheme of the Universal Logos Matrix. On the whole, the experiment was successful, in some parameters, the Monad coped with the functions performed by the Universal Logos. But by several characteristics, it still fell a little short of its level.

In conclusion, how insidiously the catastrophe of a powerful APS was set up. The technical errors of the personnel have been analyzed in detail in numerous studies and examinations.

Almost all of them ignored that the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was built on a tectonic fault. Black Archons took advantage of it, creating a seismic shock. This triggered a chain reaction of further critical events which began to unfold rapidly and inevitably. Further is well known, and all the blame was cast upon people.

Linked To Universe’s Logos Traffic

Chapter 2

The structure covered the territory from the Iberian Peninsula to the Urals. It consisted of thousands of ancient sacral and cult objects (dolmens, cromlechs, henges, cairns, mounds, steles, etc.).

Black Archons reprogrammed them to siphon off of human life energy during the thousands of years. Dark Hierarchy and parasites consumed this vital power not only on the Subtle Plane but also on the surface in all European countries.

The infrastructure originally served the Light by supporting the cult of the World Egg. (Operation in Germany. Part 2).

Recap. The World Egg (aka Cosmic Egg) is a part of the cosmogony of many Proto-Indo-European and other cultures and civilizations: Vedic, Zoroastrian, Greek, Egyptian, Phoenician, Chinese, Scandinavian, Polynesian, Dogon, and so on.

The World Egg was regarded as the beginning of the Universe, and all entities come into being by “hatching” from the “egg”. It symbolized the union of two complementary foundations (represented by the egg white and yolk) from which life emerges in its most fundamental, philosophical sense.

World Egg Symbol

The Temple of the World Egg infrastructure consisted of thousands of megalithic constructions built by the Higher Light Hierarchy on the unitary project. They all had orientation along the sides of the world, according to the Solstice points.

By turning this global net into a vampiric one, Black Archons filled it not only with the energy of men tortured during tortures, executions, and sacrifices.

A huge boost also came from the old Logos of the Local Universe. Darks managed to make a copy of it filling it with a deadly virus that could disintegrate and destroy the Local Universe in due time. They divided the copy into thousands of fragments and on the Subtle Plane distributed them throughout the continental parasitic network centered on Khortitsa Island.

The core of the former Universal Logos, when it existed, contained the maternal cell of our Universe in all its dimensions. At that time there were 12 densities in Pleroma. Now it has only one – 14D.

Our present Local Universe gravitates toward the same. After Ascension and a reboot of its current Logos, there will be only one unified body of manifestation with appropriate zoning, but no division into dimensions, per se. But that is another story.

To disrupt the Transition, Black Archons were preparing to activate the infected fragments as quantum bombs to end Earth and the Local Universe in one blow.

Co-Creators decided to get ahead of them and instructed the ground team to assemble all the parts of the former Logos and annihilate them.

Before the operation began, things got very complicated. When the team arrived at Khortitsa, the first thing they felt was the terrible energy of the Island.

Khortitsa Island On The Map

Not only there but everywhere on the continent, where there were the planetary World Egg Temples, Black Archons built repositories of withdrawn life energy that were both the environment for their embryos on Earth and “fuel” for their future bringing up.

For centuries, the strongest toxic power accumulated here, combined with ritual altars where blood sacrifices were performed, poisoned, like Chernobyl, everything around for many square kilometers.

One of the Lightwarriors’ targets on the Island was the famous Black Stone. In its field ancient shamans put a copy of the World Egg Temple structure, loaded with a program of destruction.

The former and present Satanists carried out their sabbaths around the Black Stone. Earlier, it was located on the bank of the Dnieper but a few years ago it was moved to the local museum out of harm’s way.

The museum was closed for repairs, and Lightwarriors did not see the Stone. Near the door, they met a guardian who was moonlighting as a private tour guide.

Khortitsa's Museum

The team refused the tour, and the personality of the guide did not inspire confidence, especially his energy and angry yellow eyes. When Lightwarriors asked him about the original location of the Black Stone, he immediately became suspicious and insistently questioned why they needed to see the magical places of Khortytsia. Lightwarriors excused themselves by saying that they read about it on the Internet.

After a polite goodbye, the group went on in search of Bragarnia Hill which is also home to ancient Temples. Lightwarriors quickly found it along the narrow Witch’s Path that led them directly to the shrine.

The way to it was indicated by scattered feathers torn from a black raven. One more confirmation that Satanic rites on Khortitsa continued as before.

The main expedition work was scheduled for the next day. But first, the group members wanted to make sure that the planetary World Egg Temple as the central point of the whole parasitic network, is indeed on Khortitsa.

For many years, the Shambhala Lords have specially trained Lightwarriors to be attentive. Life, especially the lives of such men, is full of signs and clues. It is necessary to look more carefully and attentively into the events, the hints and tips from the Higher Light Forces are in it all the time, one only needs to notice them.

The clues on Khortitsa, too, were numerous: from the egg-shaped clocks in the hotel rooms to the decorative figures above the beds, and the monument in the courtyard, etc.

But the key hunch came to the team leader at night, like an epiphany. To check it, he turned on the computer and opened a map of the world. Everything was confirmed: the Island is exactly in the middle of the territory stretching from Spain to the Urals. Khortitsa is the center of the energy balance.

What was in this place originally, at the creation of Earth, if this Portal was chosen to settle a copy of the former Universal Logos core?

It turned out that here was the Gaia’s Universal Portal, the direct projection point of the Ray from the Universal Logos, bypassing all intermediate Portals, including the Galactic Logos.


That same night, Darks attempted to disrupt the Lightwarriors’ mission. From the Astral Plane, Archons struck the Subtle Bodies of one of the group members with lightning. As a result of the severe electric shock, her entire bio-field was deformed.

Early in the morning, the Black Guardian of the Planetary Temple appeared in her dream and threatened her, saying that what you want to take away does not belong to you. And get the hell out of here.

In the Guardian, she recognized the museum guide. Later, Lightwarriors recalled his wary demeanor, how closely he had followed them as they walked to Bragarnia Hill, trying to figure out what the group was going to do there.

Just in case, the team leader asked Karma Lords to reconfirm their credentials. The Hierarchs confirmed and clarified that this territory the Darks consider theirs. No more, no less.

Lightwarriors went again to Bragarnia Hill to the planetary World Egg Temple. Its base, from which the construction of the whole stone structure began, was a large cromlech. It is located in the southwestern part of the complex and occupies the highest point of the hill.

Inside, near the entrance, Lightwarriors discovered the remains of a flint stele and fragments of pottery with rough grooves on the inside and outside. The sharp stele was used to perform sacrifices and in the ceramic jugs, the blood was collected.

In the cromlech was also found a miniature bronze pendant in the form of a snake image – the symbol of Yaltabaoth, a serpent with a lion’s head.


Not far away were three other shrines, laid out in stone in the shape of eggs. The first one was in the form of a snake which enwinds the egg. The second was the burial of the Black Priest. In the third, there was a quadrangular altar.

At the top of Bragarnia Hill, Lightwarriors began their operation. One half of the team stood in the center (“yolk”) of the stone circle east of the center of the Temple, and the other half was in the circle west of the center.

Then, simultaneously, they pulled in selves all aspects of a copy of the poisoned Universal Logos. One part of the team absorbed the parasitic fragments scattered from Khortytsa to the Urals, the other from Khortytsa to the Iberian Peninsula.

After all the aspects had been concatenated into selves, Lightwarriors assembled them in selves in the form of two eggs. After that, the team sat down next to the Temple to wait for the reaction of their Monads and organisms.

Then, the group walked along the Witch’s Path for a while. They were shocked by the sight of the trees, whose trunks were burnt, as if by hellfire.

And they were incinerated from the base, where it comes out of the ground. Inside, the trees were intact. But they were still dying from that necro-fire. It was a terrible sight. Lightwarriors had already seen something like this during their op at Devil’s Tower in Wyoming…

Soon, the group members felt that the reaction of their bodies to the retracted Logos fragments was normal and they could proceed to the next work. They merged the two eggs into a single whole and restored it to its original form.

Bragarnia Shrine Ruins

After the operation, Lightwarriors annihilated the entire continental infrastructure of the Universal Egg Temple on the Subtle Plane. Another ground team immediately proceeded to remotely cleanse and restore the entire European field of this network.

That was the end of the day’s work. The initial task they fulfilled, and all that remained was to wait to see what would happen next.

Next, while in Lightwarriors, the assembled egg suddenly activated and began to turn into a black hole and suck the surrounding matter into itself, including their Monads.

The group members tried to block it, thanks to their experience in such matters. It was another crash test for them. By the next morning, they managed to suppress the self-activated black hole and eliminate it.

But the structure of the egg was still in them. They had to wait and hold on for a while longer to try to find out if it still had other programs.

It was very hard, the vibrations were very high. Their Monads were a kind of sarcophagus, beyond which this egg must not, under any circumstances, breakthrough. Lightwarriors were getting worse physically.

Soon, the team leader, who was constantly monitoring the overall situation, reported that some kind of higher Demonic entity was beginning to be born inside the egg. It became obvious that in addition to the function of the quantum bomb, this copy was the seed of either Yaltabaoth or some previously unknown creation of his. It is not for nothing that the World Egg is depicted as enwinding by a serpent.

The essence continued to slowly grow in Lightwarriors. It was the second half of the day, and they went down the drain.

The observation continued. Soon aspects of the former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe, as well as World Mother Sophia and their son Yaltabaoth, were spotted in the germ of the demonic essence.

World Mother Sophia

The state of Lightwarriors was approaching death. In this situation, the Council of Higher Light Hierarchs decided to liquidate this cosmic egg.

At the moment of this op, a hurricane of enormous force struck Khortytsia Island. The whirlwind passed precisely over the museum, where the Black Stone was located, in the field of which the shamans placed a copy of the Khortytsa structure of the World Egg.

The roof of the museum was blown off, and Lightwarriors understood that Co-Creators from above had finished what the ground team had failed to do.

To annihilate the egg within the selves, the group traveled to the highest point of Khortytsia. There Lightwarriors simultaneously performed a collective inner Monadic explosion. As a result, the entire Earthly network of the formerly poisoned Universal Logos was erased.


Chapter 3

On the Subtle Plane of Ukraine and its territory, Black Archons have built many of their objects. Some of them are active; the other is preserved until the day and hour of the X.

One of these facilities was the Boltysh crater in the Kirovohrad region in Ukraine. It was formed 65 million years ago as a result of the impact of a 25-kilometer asteroid that went 550 meter deep.

Boltysh Crater On The Map

Co-Creators entrusted Lightwarriors to carry out another operation here to destroy the clones, embryos, self-resurrection Matrices of Black Archons and Dark Hierarchs stored here.

As it turned out, the asteroid brought a special container to the Subtle and Causal plane of Earth.

At first, it was not known what was inside it.

Just in case, Co-Creators isolated it, placing in a Sphere of Light.

The ground crew was instructed to examine the contents of the container more thoroughly on the spot.

After that, Co-Creators and Karma Lords had to decide what to do with it.

Boltysh crater today is almost 30 km of lowland, with an epicenter that is flooded with water.

A lake formed on the site of the sinkhole.

The village of Boltyshka is located on the shore.


Lightwarriors drove up to the suggested landmark – the local school, then went down to the water and on a Subtle Plane came into contact with the capsule brought by the asteroid. The Higher Light Hierarchs gave them access to it.

The group passed the information received to op’s Curators, who conducted a new comprehensive analysis and supplemented the date they already had.

They discovered that the Boltysh asteroid brought to Earth a capsule with aspects of the Local Universe’s former Black Co-Creator and his son Yaltabaoth.

The substance in container consisted of aspects of Monads and fragments of Causal DNA of both Hierarchs. It was a latent creation, and for its gestation and birth, a female foundation was needed.

The capsule was like a cannon shell fired into the Earth’s Causal Field. It was there for 65 million years in a completely isolated state, because there were no women of the right type on the planet for a long time.

They appeared with the beginning of the incarnation of the 108th Monadic Family, the most perfect of all embodied on Earth (More about the 108th Monadic Family, (see OPERATION IN GERMANY. PART 2).

Black Co-Creator waited until there were several dozen such women on Earth. Then, he chose 12 of their primary Monads and, with the help of Yaltabaoth, forcibly captured them.

Then, Black Co-Creator melted the prey into a single core and injected it in the natal capsule delivered by an asteroid.

After that, he introduced Monadic aspects into the core, his own and Yaltabaoth’s.

However, it did not go further. The Black Co-Creator did not create the conditions for carrying an embryo. And he did it intentionally, as it became obvious only in our days.

He loaded a special program into the capsule which was supposed to activate it when strictly defined conditions occurred.

Lightwarriors calculated one of these activation conditions. It was a certain vibration threshold, and very high. Earth has never been in such an increased vibes.

Black Co-Creator knew that in time our planet would be perfect again, and it was then that his creation would be born.

Such a vibrational threshold came today with Great Quantum Transition.

The Pleroma’s Hierarchy considered it absolutely impossible to leave an unborn monster on Earth and in the Local Universe, it had to be urgently eliminated.

Especially given that Black Co-Creator and Yaltabaoth have already crossed over to the Light Side.

But to destroy their former aspects in standard ways meant the death of 12 primary female Monads of the 108th Family. And although they were no longer viable, the Higher Light Hierarchs decided to do everything possible and impossible to save them.

The operation was going to be very difficult. Having received the permission of Co-Creators, Lightwarriors together with them split the capsule with the natal core of the Black essence.

Black Essence

At the same time, crystallization was carried out, and an attempt was made to isolate the cores of 12 primary female Monads of which little remained after their fusion with the monster.

Their condition defies any description. It was terrible. It is impossible to imagine what kind of pain they had to suffer but it echoed in the members of the team with acute heartache. One of the Lightwarrioress, when she felt it, began to cry, and when the work began, she was twisted from heartache, and sank to the ground without strength.

But by joint efforts, the core was split, and what remained of the 12 primary Monads was able to be individualized and crystallized. In this state, they were injected into the Monads of the three Lightwarrioress to try to restore them.

Then the team cleaned up the field of the Boltysh crater on a Subtle Plane by introducing a Crystal of Absolute Light into it. The complete cleansing of the adjacent territory was carried out by another ground group of Lightwarriors.

The participants of the op hoped that 12 Monads would be saved but no miracle happened. A day later it became obvious that recovery was impossible. The degree of their defeat and decomposition was too great.

Co-Creators made the hardest decision about their liquidation. For team, it was one of the toughest jobs, primarily moral, that Lightwarriors would have to carry out. Words cannot convey the strongest feeling of longing and heartache from just thinking about it.

The loss of human life is a tragedy, and the loss of the Monad, especially the primary one, is nothing more than an irreparable loss for the Source and the Universe.

The adoptive cosmic parents of the 108th Monadic Family have found a way to restore the lost Monads. They have developed the necessary action plan.

Lightwarriors were eager to participate in this operation. And they were heard. Of course, the Curators of the op, El Moriya and his dipole Zoe (Amrita), could have done everything themselves, but they saw how three earthly women passionately wanted to restore the 12 Monads.

El Moria And Zoe

El Moriya and Zoe extracted 24 pairs of particles from their Monadic cores and introduced them into the Monads of two Lightwarrioress.

Then, their Monads performed an act of division, singling out a part of the Monadic substance which was to serve as matter for the future bodies of the revived Monads.

After that, this substance was combined in the field of El Moria and Zoe with their isolated cores which in the future will form the nuclei of new 12 Monads.

These prototypes were introduced for gestation into the Monads of one Lightwarrioress (eight embryos) and another (four embryos).

However, it soon became clear that the unprepared Monad of the second Lightwarrioress could not cope with carrying four embryos at the same time, while the Monad of the other participant had already fulfilled the task and carried the embryos into the Monads of El Moria and Zoe. They, in turn, returned them to the core of the Collective Natal Matrix of the 108th Monadic Family.

It had to evacuate two embryos from the second Lightwarrioress and leave only a couple. The derived ones were moved to the Monad of her colleague in which they matured quickly and were elevated to the core of the 108th Monadic Stream. Later, the last two were delivered there as well.

After successfully completing the operation, Lightwarriors headed to the venue of the next one. It was located in Askania Nova in the Kherson region of Ukraine.

Here is one of the oldest and most unique wildlife reserve, claiming to be one of the seven new wonders of the world. It has a zoo where birds and animals from almost all countries are gathered. Most of the territory is occupied by a picturesque botanical park with more than 400 species of herbs and flowers, numerous artificial lakes and ponds.

Askania Nova

The reserve was founded in 1898 by Friedrich von Falz-Fein (1863-1920), who turned his land holdings into a corner of pristine nature.

Ancient burial mounds and Stone Babas (from the Turkic “balbal” which means “ancestor”, “grandfather-dad”), created by ancient sculptors, have been preserved here.

The reserve covers an area of 11 thousand hectares.

Arriving at the site of the new operation, Lightwarriors first scanned it on a Subtle Plane.

What they saw was ominous and black.

Friedrich Von Falz-Fein

The members of the group immediately began to have a chakral cough – a natural reaction of the body to negative energy. They decided not to pay serious attention to it yet and deal with the situation the next day.

It was the fatal mistake. Around three o’clock in the morning, the team leader woke up from the sense of distress. His heart was literally flying out of the chest, his pulse was going through the roof. He was choking on a chakra cough.

Severe nausea began which quickly turned into vomiting. He managed to write an SMS to his deputy asking for urgent help and check on a Subtle Plane what was happening.

The team members supported their leader, and after about an hour he began to feel better. According to all the sensations, it was like simultaneously contact with the most powerful negativity and an attempt to penetrate the DNA and capture the Soul.

He fell asleep only in the morning. When he woke up, it was already day, and there was a feeling that either he was droved over with a skating rink several times, or was beat all over the body with something heavy all night.

By clairvoyance, the members of the group saw that only fragments remained of his Radiant Body, everything was torn to shreds. It was obvious that something out of the ordinary had happened, for his Monad had not even had time to save the manifestation bodies, and suffered no less.

Lightwarrior faced some Black superpower, was defeated, and nearly lost his DNA and Monad. Moreover, assailant’s force was activated only at night, after sunset.

The morning turned out to be no less terrible, complete exhaustion and slow recovery. Lightwarrior somehow gathered his remaining strength, packed up his things and left the hotel with the group. It was plain that they had to leave there as soon as possible.

The group took a time-out to thoroughly sort everything out and return to Askania Nova again to continue the operation. Before leaving, they were able to calculate the place from which such a crushing blow was struck.

It was located not far from the hotel, in the area of ancient burial mounds and cemeteries.

Despite what happened, it had a positive result, helping Lightwarriors to reveal the true scale and power of the attacker.

It became absolutely clear that it had to be eliminated as soon as possible. For the team leader, it was also a matter of honor.

It took several days to analyze the situation and find ways to solve the problem.

By clairvoyance and information from Higher Light Hierarchs, the group made a complete picture of what happened, and also clarified the location of the attacker’s Portal.

It turned out that the territory of Askania Nova has been used for a long time by several Black civilizations for their projects.

Once, Yaltabaoth gave them six Matrices with aspects of his DNA and Monad. With their help, they had to create his artificial descendants, from whom a new genus would go, a separate branch of the cosmic races.

Initially, on the site of the modern Askania Nova there was a very strong Light Portal radiating a very beneficial energy. It was on the basis of this Portal that the Black Archons arranged their next incubator.

Light Portal

The incubator had a cellular structure, and resembled the control-rod guide of an atomic reactor. In its center there were six Matrices with aspects of Yaltabaoth, and on the periphery there were rods with embryos of Monads of emerging Black civilizations. Later, the Archons placed Stone Babas on the localization points of certain Matrices.

Inside the rods with the embryos was a Black bio-mass. It served as a breeding ground in which the Monadic embryos of these cosmic races ripened. The substance was intelligent and very similar to the Black Fire that Lightwarriors encountered on Easter Island (see – EASTER ISLAND OPS. PARTS 1 and 2).

Stone Babas In Askania Nova

Then, at night, the group leader was captured by this Black bio-mass, which was in one of these rods, and tried to absorb his Monad that caused such Lightwarrior’s reaction. But with the power of his mind, he managed to break free of it.

The whole structure was like a microchip implanted in the Earth’s field and connected point-by-point with its core, the center of Gaia’s life force. From there she drew vital energy on which the Monadic embryos of Black civilizations ripened, and periodically, as soon as they were ready, they were withdrawn from her.

Black Embryos

So, the picture became full, the action plan was clear and agreed with Co-Creators, it remained only to terminate the operation.

The point of its holding was a mound with a Stone Baba on top.

As usual, first, Lightwarriors tested its energy on a Subtle Plane.

During the day, it was completely neutral. Arrived at night, the found a diametrically opposite situation: terrible vibrations, chilling cold on the skin, as when in contact with necro-energy.

Mound With Stone Baba

It was precisely the Black Incarnation Bio-Matrix. In the evening, the group closed their living space with the Highest Cosmic Mandalas which provided reliable protection for the whole night, passed this time without excesses.

The next morning, Lightwarriors cut off the Bio-Matrix from the Earth’s core, reducing its strength by an order of magnitude. After that, she went offline.

Immediately, the Black civilizations tried to restore the Bio-Matrix and introduced additional reinforcing rods into it. But Co-Creators immediately intervened. At their command, the Siriusians’ space fleet established a blockade of Askania Nova, blocking access to it.

Siriusians Blocked Askania Nova

Then, Lightwarriors joined the operation. They climbed an artificial mound, on top of which stood a Stone Baba. There used to be a Scythian temple there.

Suddenly, they heard the scream of a guard running towards them. The group went down to meet him. When he came up, he said that it was forbidden to be here.

Lightwarriors explained that they had come from afar to look at the Stone Babas, and that they were, like, cool experts. But it didn’t work; he said that it was necessary to get special permission from the authorities. But it was Friday, and no one was there anymore.

Team members asked why part of the steppe can be visited, and part – not, as there is no difference between them. In response, the guard hesitated and began to talk some nonsense.

It became obvious that he himself did not know why this territory was closed. But it was on it that the localization point of the Black Bio-Matrix was located.

The group had to retreat. Co-Creators stepped in and explained that it was for the best, for the sake of the safety of Lightwarriors during work, and showed another place, on the shore of the lake, opposite the mound.

Lake At The Mound

From this place, the team, together with the Higher Light Hierarchs, liquidated the Black Bio-Matrix along with everything that was in it.

Lightwarriors conducted a separate work with six Yaltabaoth’s Matrices. Having discovered them, the group carefully extracted them from this intelligent Bio-Matrix before destroying it, handed them over to Co-Creators for further transformation.

At the end of the operation, the Pleroma’s Hierarchs asked Lightwarriors to additionally introduce an Absolutized Life Matrix into this place, which is currently restoring the mutilated field of this Earth’s territory.


Part 4

This part I'll post in a separate article, because is very unique.


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Ferya OZEL
Apr 02, 2022

Hi Aurora, Can you please explain what is the meaning of the DIPOL, ABSOLUTE, PALEROMA, LOGO . And what is the defference between the God ,Co-Creator, Absolute?

Thanks. Love and Light.💖

Ferya Ozel

Ferya OZEL
Apr 23, 2022
Replying to

Dear Aurora, Thanks alot for your feedback. Your explanations was pretty illuminate.Love and Light.

Ferya OZEL🎆

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