We must continue our intensified internal self-work, while in the meantime many visible and invisible forces on Earth and at subtle levels allow this process to be possible with their tireless struggle, with the persistent but disappearing obsolete 3D matrix.
Argorians Update 16 May 2022
On May 16, 2022, at 05:32 AM CET, an important info was conveyed about an operation, carried out by a part of Argorians’ space fleet.
The op was targeted to neutralize and reprogram a powerful installation that survived after the Third Atlantis and sunk under the ocean floor near Florida.
On May 15, 2022, at 06:31 AM CET, one of the modules of Argorians’ fleet entered the Earth’s field near the Bermuda Triangle. A group of capsules with crew members on board flew out of it and dispersed at the right points above the water surface.
After scanning the space, Argorians once again made sure that the sarcophagus of the black energy RIR, with which they covered the functioning installation, was not damaged, and they could begin their main work.
The capsules sank into the water. After opening the ground, they exposed the supporting structures of the main object of the operation – a crystal that accumulated and radiated Archons’ programs on Earth’s Subtle Plane to support the life of biorobots, human clones and other parasitic entities of all kinds and forms.
Argorians hacked the crystal’s software, recalibrated the input-output systems of low-frequency energy that filled the Earth’s energy field. Then they introduced a new combination lock of the crystal and reprogrammed its connection to the 5D grid.
For a while, the team observed the operation of the crystal. Its radiations have changed a lot. The negative, toxic energy emanated by people is no longer accumulated by the installation on the surface of the planet, but is thrown straight into outer space, where it is immediately collected by the Argorians’ modules for subsequent use for various purposes.
After making sure that the reprogrammed crystal is working stably, the teams in the capsules left the op’s place and returned to their module. Then, through the inter-dimensional channel, it joined the main squadron, which transports 5D Earth to a new vibrational orbit in the Gerios Galaxy and continues to observe what is happening on Earth.
The quantum energy flows coming to the planet through the Sun from the Galactic Center are amplified by the force fields of the Earth’s new radiating grid.
The plasmoid civilization of the Gerios Galaxy operating on Earth uses pyramid control panels to broadcast new Time programs using reflectors located around the axial rotation channel of the planet.
Earth’s 5D Hologram field is filled with energy currents that increase the number of open Portals. Through them, 3D energy and matter are cyclically annihilated and removed from the planet. This process is often fixed from satellites as flashes of light at different spots on the surface.
Quantum flows continue to transform the men Subtle Bodies. The impact is carried out through the ozone layer of the atmosphere. The ultrasonic storage devices located in it collect and systematize the cosmic energy GREMO (energy of Love), which comes from the Gerios Galaxy to the Earth’s core. In it, this energy is condensed and in the form of plasma is brought to the surface via glazed tunnels through the acupuncture points of the planet.
A very powerful power flows through these arteries. They are used by residents of the inner worlds of four-dimensional space. If man gets into the tunnel during its pulse, the physical body decompresses, its molecules are transformed into the 4D substance.
In rare cases, a person trapped in a tunnel during an impulse manages to return to the 3D world. It can be only if an impulse was weak, or the flow directed to a specific place of the planet ended.
The plasma removed from the bowels is collected in a layer which is the sound boundary, where energy passes from one sonic frequency to another. Under their influence, a man receives new impulses to internal changes, and his brain is transformed for an expanded perception.
Earthlings adapt to more complex 4D/5D conditions by the force fields of an ultrasonic transducer in the ozone layer. GREMO is a very rigid cosmic energy that selects and cleans the space and matter, as well as people according to their level of consciousness.
This process started in 1910, when the Earth’s core through 144,000 pyramids began to receive the GREMO energy. Since this year, the next stage of the Great Quantum Transition has begun. The previous one was in Jesus Christ time.
Temporary programs do not change on the entire planet simultaneously but in individual regions. The plasma emitted by the Earth’s core does not immediately become new matter, but as the clot has to acquire everything necessary – fields, development programs and consciousness (gravity).
Today, the GREMO energy brings the hammer down the forms of three-dimensional life and reduces the reproduction of 3D people. Degraded Souls are left with the choice of incarnation in plants and animals, or splitting into constituent particles, especially in cases of suicide.
At the moment, people are being prepared for a new 4D/5D habitat, but already today the average rhythm of the planet is 40 Hertz instead of the former 7 Hz. It complicates the adaptation of organisms. Earth enters a new stage of development. The 3D world is already self-destructing.
The three-dimensional man is gradually being replaced by the Sixth Race. It is a carrier of GREMO energy and will settle down in life on the upgraded 3D planet, because our Sun and Solar System can ensure the existence of only a three-dimensional Earth.
The cell structure of human body changes under the ultra and infra sound’s impacts.
This transformation is noticeably manifested in sensations.
The RNA is decompressed by changing the pulsation of the DNA lattice.
Programs of new thinking and a new way of life are loaded into the DNA and RNA of many people.
Only those, who by consciousness and Soul can perceive 5D energy and new information with the antennas of their physical and wave DNA, will pass into 4D/5D.
Subcortical plasma radiation renews the cells of the body with power pulses of red energy.
With its help, plasmoids continue to split atoms into elementary particles and remove them from Earth.
In the inter-Galactic space, special blocks have been built to collect free particles. There they are stored in a free state until they are in demand for special needs or the construction of a new planet. There are huge amounts of such blocks in the Greater Cosmos.
The Earth’s inner layers are actively transforming. The formation of 5D matter affects all the structures of the planet. Its core changes magnetic fields and creates vortices. New clusters of five-dimensional energy are being created which causes tension in atmosphere manifested as thunderstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes.
Weather becomes unusual in many places. For example, snow falls in the southern regions in summer, and the heat increases in the north.
Volcanic activity is increasing, especially in Pacific Rim towards which the Earth’s core is shifting. On May 15, 2022, occurred two earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 5.0; 38 earthquakes with a magnitude of 4+; 90 earthquakes with a magnitude of 3+; and 267 earthquakes with a magnitude of 2+. There were also 740 small earthquakes with a magnitude of less than 2.0 which people usually do not feel.
Over the past 30 days, 4,881 earthquakes have been recorded. Of these, 3,521 were M3+; 1,204 were M4+; 147 were M5+; and 9 were M6+.
Footage from space captures bright white flashes and giant lightning. These are emissions of plasma. Very intense auroras are now appearing not only at the poles of the planet. The groans of the Earth will continue. They are caused by the purification of the lower layers of the atmosphere from the negative energy of earthlings.
The Earth’s renewal is in full swing. Access to a new formation of thinking is hindered through a political means.
The Darks are unwilling to give up their positions.
But if they refuse to understand what is happening now, then the planet itself will eliminate them and their earthly camarillas.